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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 May 2009, Volume 39 Issue 3
The Burial History of the Southern Songliao Basin
GUO Wei, YU Wen-xiang, LIU Zhao-jun, MA Lin
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  353-360. 
Abstract ( 2369 )  

The analysis of basin subsidence history and buried history are important part of hydrocarbon appraisement.According to the well logging data of south Songliao basin,on the basis of formation denude, the authors evolved the research on deposition rate, subsidence rate and buried history. The simulation of deposition rate and the subsidence rate indicate that the deposition rate and the subsidence rate of the Shahezi Formation,the Yingcheng Formation is the rapidest, the Quantou Formation,the Mingshui Formation is high,and the Denglouku Formation,the Qingsankou Formation,the Yaojia Formation,the Sifangtai Formation is low;the finding of the buried history make known the significance that fast deposition,fast subsidence and fast burial  from the Shahezi Formation to the Yingceng Formation.The strata is denuded in the Late Yingcheng  Formation, stratigraphic break and denudation present increasingly tendency from west to east; the significance of buried history is the more fast deposition,subsidence and interment. From the Denglouku Formation to the Mingshui Formation, the subsidence stay entire from the Yaojia Formation,the strata from upper the Nenjiang Formation to the Mingshui Formation denudation acutely. The strata basically absent in the southeast uplift of the basin from The NengjiangⅢ Formation to the Mingshui Formation.From the Paleogene to the Neogene,the overall significient present that strata uplift slowly,then fall slowly, deposition slowly, bury slowly.

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The Application of High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in Multiplex Deposition System of the River, Lake and Delta--To Take the Development Block of Fuyu Oil Layer in Chaoyanggou Reservoir for Example
ZHANG Shi-guang, LIU Cheng-zhi, LEI Shuang-fang, ZHANG Yan, WU Gao-ping, LIU Qiu-hong
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  361-368. 
Abstract ( 1881 )  

Applying the principles and methods of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, and combining with the data of exploration wells and development wells in encrypted network of wells, the authors identified 41 short-term base-level cycles of 7 types, which were formed under the conditions of deeping upward, shallowing upward, symmetrical in different accommodation space in Fuyu oil layer of Chao 1-Chao gas 3 blocks, and makes detailed analysis on the genesis and characteristics based on the sedimentary dynamics. According to the structural feature and stacking pattern of short-term base-level cycle, the authors established seven medium-term base-level cycles and identified two long-term base-level hemicycles by accompanying local indicator layers, and thus established the high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework. In the study area, sand body is generally absent in the long-term base-level fall hemicycles, but in the early long-term base-level rise hemicycles, the thickness and effective thickness of sand of river-facies are  significant, ratios of sand to mud are high, oiliness is good, and with the long-term base-level rising, the sedimentary environment turned to the delta system, the shore lake and the shallow lake, sand and oiliness gradually decrease. Moreover, each medium-term base-level, sand and its oilness in the transform zone from subsidence to elevation developed relatively best in the whole medium-term base-level cycle.

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Sedimentary Characteristics of the Second Member of Baigang Formation |in the Eastern Segment of the North Steep Slope in Eastern Sag of Baise Basin
ZHANG Cheng-gong, CHEN Hong-de, DONG Gui-yu, LI Ji
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  369-378. 
Abstract ( 1492 )  

Based on data of the well logging, drilling core, thin section microstructure, seismic attributes, the authors analyse the petrology combination, sedimentary structure, section structure, biological fossil, logging facies and seismic facies of the second Member of Baigang Formation. All the results suggest that the sedimentary facies of fan delta and the lake should be developed on the north steep slope in eastern sag of Baise basin. As a typical sedimentary facies of steep slope, the fan deltas mainly distribute in the northwest and northeastern of the research area.

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Eocene Palynoflora from Changchang Basin, Hainan Island
ZHAO Wei, SHEN Ru-jiang, LIAO Wen-bo, JIN Jian-hua
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  379-385. 
Abstract ( 1638 )  

The Eocene palynoflora from Changchang basin of Hainan Island, China contains 40 genera of 32 families of spermatophyte pollen and 11 genera of 8 families of pteridophyte spore. Analysis of the seed plants of the Eocene palynoflora from the Changchang basin and comparison between the fossil and modern floras from Hainan Island show: (1)On family level, the Eocene palynoflora from Changchang basin is dominated by pantropic plants, count 37.5% of all numbers of families. Tropic-subtropic families only take 6.25%, and subtropic-temperate families count 31.25%. While, for the modern flora in Hainan Island, pantropic families count 48.07%, tropicsubtropic families are as high as 18.88%, and subtropictemperate families count only 15.88%. Obviously, the Eocene palynoflora from Changchang Basin reveals much more subtropical characters. (2)On genus level, the Eocene palynoflora from Changchang basin consists of 7.5% of pantropic genera, 17.5% of tropic-subtropic genera, and as high as 67.5% of subtropic-temperate genera. On the contrast, for the modern flora in Hainan Island, pantropic and tropic-subtropic genera increase substantially, up to 23.9% and 57.5% respectively; subtropic-temperate genera decrease greatly, only 13.7%. Thus, the Eocene palynoflora from Changchang basin is obviously characterized by subtropic-temperate plants, and even some alpine plants, such as Abies and Tsuga, etc. The Eocene temperature in Hainan Island is lower than today according to the composition of plant families and genera,  and there might exist high-altitude mountains surrounding the Changchang basin.

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Fault System’s Characteristics of Yitong Basin and Its Evolution
TANG Da-qing, HE Sheng, CHEN Hong-han, JIANG Tao, QIU Yu-chao
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  386-396. 
Abstract ( 1440 )  

According to the data of seismic, aeromagnetic, well drilling, etc, the authors restudy the characteristics of the fault system in Yitong basin, analyzes its evolution and the control effect on the hydrocarbon accumulation. Yitong basin is a strike-slip stretching basin which is controlled mostly by the strike-slip fault of the north-west boundary in Cenozoic. The features and evolution of the basin’s faults are very complex, the faults can be classified as three distinction based on their characteristics and sizes.The first distinction faults include the north-west boundary fault and the south-east boundary fault; the second distinction faults include the stretching faults such as Maanshan fault, number 2 fault, number 3 fault, number 4 fault and the thrust fault along the north-west edge; the third distinction faults include the rest faults of the basin. The faults’ evolution features in Yitong basin took place in the regional dynamic setting that back-arc spreading caused by westward subduction of the Pacific plate, and the collision from the Indian plate also played a partial role in the E-W compression in the East China. Besides this, the distribution and uplift strength of rigid plates of Daheishan and Nadanhadaling Mountain play a great role on the fault evolution. The fault evolution includes two stages: the early dextral strike-slip stretching stage and the dextral strike-slip compressing stage in basin’s reverse period. The dextral strike-slip compressing forms the fault-folds belt by the north-west edge and it has great potential for hydrocarbon exploration.

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The Characteristics of Structural Deformation for the Lingxia Ductile shear zone of Nenjing-Balihan Fault Belt in Northeastern China
HAN Guo-qing, LIU Yong-jiang, WEN Quan-bo, ZOU Yun-xin, LIANG Dao-jun, ZHAO Yang-li, LI Wei, ZHAO Li-min
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  397-405. 
Abstract ( 2187 )  

As the west boundary fault of Songliao basin and the eastern margin of the Greater Hing’an Mountains, Nenjiang-Balihan fault belt is located in the central part of Northeastern China. Nenjiang-Balihan fault belt is considered traditionally to be a huge deep-seated fault with NNE-striking, and it is characterized by a normal fault or detachment fault. During  field work, the authors found a ductile shear zone in Lingxia area, the middle of the fault belt. By the measurement of structural elements, the micro-structure studies, the finite strain measurement, the studying of crystal preferred orientations of quartz determined by EBSD (electron back scatter diffraction) and the measurement of the dynamically recrystallized quartz grain size,the authors calculated the paleo-stresses for the deformation rocks in the ductile shear zone, it shows that the feature of Lingxia ductile shear zone is sinistral strike-slip, develops protomylonite-mylonite with ca. 400℃ deformation temperature, and quartz fabrics is mainly low temperature bottom surface fabrics with slip system of {0001}. Based on the previous achievements about the features and formation date, Neijiang-Balihan fault belt have experienced a sinistral strikeslip ductile shearing fault in middle Early Cretaceous (134-113 Ma), and the dynamic tectonic setting of the Nenjiang-Balihan are related to moving direction changing from NWW to NNW of the Western Pacific Izanagi plate obliquely subducting under the Eurasia plate.

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Characteristics of Fluid Inclusions from Tamu-Kalangu Lead-Zinc Metallogenic Belt, Xinjiang
FENG Guang-ying, LIU Shen, PENG Jian-tang, ZHANG Zheng-wei, QI Hua-wen, ZHU Xiao-qing, XIAO Jia-fei, WANG Chang-hua
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  406-414. 
Abstract ( 1995 )  

Controlled by the NNW-trending Keziletao-Kusilapu fault, the Tamu-Kalangu lead-zinc metallogenic belt is distributed roughly along the large fault at southwestern margin of the Tarim plate. At present, more than twenty deposits or mineralized spots have been found in the belt. Based on the systematical p-T measurements and simulating calculation for the fluid inclusions from four typical deposits, i.e., Tiekelike, Tamu, Apalieke and Kalangu, together with the available data, the following conclusions can be drawn: these lead-zinc deposits in the Tamu-Kalangu metallogenic belt belong to Mississippi-valley-type (MVT). The mineralizing pressures of the four deposits are 45-65 MPa, 33-45 MPa, 36-54 MPa and 33-45 MPa respectively and have corresponding metallogenic depths of 5.85 km, 4.24 km, 4.94 km and 4.34 km, indicating their hypabyssal nature. Furthermore, the ore-forming fluids for these lead-zinc deposits are polygene rather than monophyletic.

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Geochemical Tracing by Fluid Inclusions in Ores from the Yangjiaba Polymetallic Ore Field in Lueyang County, Shaanxi Province
ZHAO Fu-feng, LIU Xian-fan, ZHU Lai-min, LU Qiu-xia, CAI Yong-wen, CAI Fei-yue, SONG Xiang-feng-
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  415-424. 
Abstract ( 2021 )  

Take the Yangjiaba polymetallic ore field in Lueyang County, Shaanxi Province as an example, systematic research of fluid inclusions from the ores indicates that they can be divided into two distinct areas in space: Areas A and B. Area A is featured by single liquid phase while Area B by larger voluminous, primary two-phases inclusions with large gas: liquid ratios. In Area A, the primary gaseous-liquid phase inclusions consist of H2O and their homogeneous temperatures are measured at 184℃. The fluid inclusions in Area B are mainly composed of H2O and C6H6 and their homogeneous temperature are concentrated around 260℃ and 330℃. The homogeneous temperature of the Area B is apparently higher than those measured previously, indicating the involvement of higher temperature, reductive fluids in mineralization. Combined with the consideration of the tectonic settings of the Qinling orogenic belt, and of the analysis of trace and REE elements, it is suggested at the present preliminary stage of study that the H2O-C6H6 fluids might belong to mantle fluid moved upwards via large deep-cut faults by rapid surge during intense tectonic movement.  These fluids resulted in crust-mantle superimposed mineralization, being the prelude of intense mineralization in the Qinling orogenic belt.

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Geochemical Characteristics and Tectonic Setting of Late Triassic Granites in Yanbian-Dongning Area
ZHAO Yuan-dong, CHI Xiao-guo, CHE Ji-ying, LIU Jian-feng, ZHAO Zhi
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  425-434. 
Abstract ( 1643 )  

Precise zircon U-Pb dating of the Taipingling pluton in Dongning area, Heilongjiang Province shows that the pluton was formed in the Late Triassic period, similar to those plutons at the Qishierdingzi, Naozhigou and Dahuanggou in Hunchun area. The Late Triassic granitoids in Yanbian-Dongning area are mainly composed of granodiorite and monzogranite. Their geochemical characteristics show they belong to medium K calcalkaline series, and have a tendency of evolving into highK calcalkaline series. They are enriched in LILE (Rb, Th, K, La,et al.), depleted in Sr, P, Ti and the HFSE (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf,et al.). Ba shows a slight depletion compared with Rb and Th. The granitoids also show low Isr,high εNd(t) and young TDM. Through studies on petrology, mineral assemblages and geochemistry, the formation of the granitoids is suggested to be related to the subduction of the oceanic crust, being an indication of the beginning of paleo-Pacific Oceanic plate subduction underneath the NE China.

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Geochemistry and Tectonic Setting of Lavas in the Yeba Formation in the Eastern Part of the Gangdise Belt
CENG Zhong-cheng, LIU De-min, ZEREN Zha-xi, NIMA Ci-ren
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  435-445. 
Abstract ( 1961 )  

The geochemical characteristics of the lavas in the Yeba Formation in the eastern Gangdise tectonic belt in Tibet show that they are calc-alkali volcanic rocks. The basic volcanic rocks are believed to be originated from partial melting of the mantle that might have undergone fluid metasomatism, and the intermediate-acidic volcanic rocks to be formed by partial melting of the crust. The lavas in the Yeba Formation were formed in an island arc or an active continental margin tectonic environment. It is concluded that northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys resulted in the magmatic eruption of the Yeba Formation in the Early-Middle Jurassic time. The island arc area where the Yeba Formation developed is suggested to be also the most favorable area for important VMS deposits. Meantime, it is proposed that the studies on the lavas in the Yeba Formation are also meaningful to understand the Early Jurassic biotic crisis, climate change, and regression or transgression events.

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Research on the Geochemical Difference of the Cenozoic Basalts in Yitong Area
FU Chang-liang, SUN De-you, WEI Hong-yan, GOU Jun
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  446-454. 
Abstract ( 1709 )  

Petrological and geochemical characteristics of the Xijianshan (21.0±0.65) Ma and Dongxiaoshan (5.46±0.32) Ma Cenozoic basalts, i.e., two typical volcanic bodies in the Yitong volcanic cluster, is studied in detail in this paper. It is suggested that volcanic rocks from both the Xijianshan and Dongxiaoshan belong to OIB type and have a common source region from the asthenosphere. They saw low degree of crustal contamination and fractional crystallization during magmatic stage. The Xijianshan volcanic rocks do not contain mantle-derived xenoliths, consist mainly of olivine basalt, are high in SiO2, Al2O3 and Na2O content, and belong to sodium alkaline rocks. The magmas responsible for their formation were derived from 70km to 100 km underneath the crust. The basanites from the Dongxiaoshan contain mantle-derived xenoliths, being high in  MgO, TiO2,  CaO and K2O contents, can be classified into potassium peralkaline rocks. The depth of their original magma is over 100 km. The present authors suggest that it is the depth of their magma derivation that resulted in their geochemical difference between the Xijianshan and Dongxiaoshan volcanic rocks.

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Zircon U-Pb Age and Geological Significance of the Taizili Granitic Gneiss from Western Liaoning Province
ZHENG Pei-x, JIN Wei, ZHOU Yan, LI Jian, ZHENG Chang-qing
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  455-460. 
Abstract ( 1832 )  

A suit of rock association of granitic gneiss and supracrustal xenoliths, described as the Dayingzi Formation, Jianping Group previously, is widely distributed in the Taizili area in western Liaoning Province.   During the research of recent year, the Dayingzi Formation, Jianping Group was disintegrated into granitic plutonic gneiss and layered rock series. This granitic gneiss has similar features as those in the Yebaishou and the Caojiashaoguo gneiss in Dayingzi area. The granitic gneiss could represent the important Archean magma event in western Liaoning Province. The LA-ICP-MS dating method of single particle zircon of granitic gneiss suggests its magma emplacement age is about 2 522 Ma, an significance geological event in the western Liaoning Province. This dating also gives some chronological information for the Late Archean continental crust accretion event in the area.

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Paleoenvironments of Holocene Lagoon Peat and the Highest Sea-Level in Bachagou|Changxing Island|Liaodong Peninsula
FANG Jing, HU Ke, YANG Yong-qiang, CHAI Rui, LI Dong-tao, NI Jin, KANG Ling-ling, LI Rui-wu, WU Ya-fang, MA Nan
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  461-469. 
Abstract ( 1990 )  

Through samples drilling survey of the ancient lagoon in the western Changxing Island of Liaodong Peninsula, over 100 boreholes samples from 4 different locations from sea to land are being tested for clay turbid water electric conductivity to distinguish the sediments of the land and sea facies of the ancient lagoon plain and to identify the upper bound of the ancient marine layer. The result shows that the upper bounds at different drilling holes are consistent and are about 4.0-4.2 m above sea level, and this level could represents the average high tide line of the highest sea level of the Holocene lagoon plain. By 14C measurement of the basal peat covering the marine layer, it is suggested that the highest sea-level of Holocene was seen at about 5 800 cal.aB.P. The average sea level of at highest sea-level periods of the Holocene is about 3.4-3.6 m. When this height is compared with the average sea-level (about 2 m) of the high sea level in the eastern part of Dagushan of Liaodong Peninsula, it seems there was a rising at the Bachagou area of the western Liaodong Peninsula. In addition, there are two peaks in the conductivity measurement profile in 9 m deep B3 hole, reflecting two transgressions during Holocene. The largest range of later transgression is up to about 1.2 km away from the modern coastline.

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Vertical Distribution of 137Cs and 210Pb and Sedimentation Rate in Songhua Lake
HAO Li-bo, LIU Hai-yang, LIU Ji-long, SUN Shu-mei, BAN Zhi-heng, ZHAO Yu-yan
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  470-473. 
Abstract ( 1481 )  

Three distinct 137Cs peaks formed at 1964, 1971 and 1975, respectively. are recognized in the sediment core of Songhua Lake. Using 137Cs depths recorded in 1964 and 1975 as the datum levels, the sedimentation rate are calculated to be 0.86 cm/a and 0.71 cm/a, respectively. The average sedimentation rate is 0.71 cm/a calculated by CIC model of 210Pb dating, which showed a good agreement with the result calculated by the 137Cs. The sedimentation rate from 1964 to 1975 is higher than those from 1975 to 2006 in Songhua Lake.  The combination of 137Cs and 210Pb dating is meaningful in improving the estimating accuracy of the sedimentation rates.

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A Comparative Study of Two Intelligent Optimization Techniques for Groundwater Management Modeling
YANG Yun, WU Jian-feng, WU Ji-chun
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  474-481. 
Abstract ( 1849 )  

Two intelligent algorithms,tabu search (TS) and genetic algorithm (GA)are coupled respectively with the groundwater flow simulator MODFLOW and the contaminant transport simulator MT3DMS to solve optimal groundwater management models. Based on the summarization of the basic principles of two intelligent algorithms and the components of groundwater management model,the comparisons between TS and GA are performed in the quality of optimal solutions and calculation efficiency in the two ideal test problems. Two case studies reveal that TS can produce designs with 160 m3/d less pumping rate in the first case and 470 000¥ less remedial design cost in the second case than those of GA approach with ten times and twentyseven times higher computation efficiency. The results indicate that TS has a good prospect of application and extension in solving groundwater management models.

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Aquifer Parameter Recognition by Combining Simulation of Pumping Test and Water Level of Long-term Observation Well
ZHAO Bao-feng, KANG Wei-dong, ZHUTIAN Duo-wa, MA Lian-jing
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  482-486. 
Abstract ( 1649 )  

In order to calculate aquifer parameters accurately, a modeling method was proposed to identify and validate aquifer parameters by taking advantage of groundwater simulation software-Modflow coupled with large scale pumping test and longterm observation well. The method of aquifer parameter recognition avoids the uncertainty which existed in model validation with only conducting pumping test. When the whole curve in period of pumping and recovering was fit by field pumping test data, the relative error would be less than 6% in drawdown simulation, which improved accuracy of acquiring aquifer parameters.

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Analysis &|Prediction of Dam Deformation Based on ANN-An Example of Deformation at Monitoring Point 27 of Xijin Dam
MA Li-xia, WANG Feng-yan, CHEN Jian-ping
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  487-491. 
Abstract ( 1400 )  

On the basis of MATLAB programming language, BP neural network and stepwise regression are applied to predict the deformation at monitoring point No. 27 of Xijin dam. Furthermore, the combination prediction method of BP network and stepwise regression is put forward and the prediction results of 3 methods are compared. The research shows that it is feasible to apply BP neural network to dam deformation analysis and prediction. In addition, the combination method improves the scientific quality to choice deformation factors. The combination method is prior to the method of stepwise regression in prediction result and it is worth to further study.

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Experiment Study of Mechanical Properties of Natual Pumice Powder Cement-Soil
ZHOU Li-ping, SHEN Xiang-dong, LI Xue-bin, BAI Zhong-qiang
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  492-497. 
Abstract ( 1855 )  

The natural pumice powder is used as additives to change the cement-soil properties in order to utilize the abundant natural pumice resources in Inner Mongolia. The mechanical properties of cement-soil can be effectively improved, the durability of cement-soil is significantly enhanced. With the mixing amount of cement 15% as a benchmark, the pumice powder mixing amount is 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% respectively in the lab. The conservation age is 7 d, 28 d, 60 d, 90 d respectively. The experiments results show that the unconfined compressive strength of cement-soil increases with the mixing amount of the natural pumice powder, it reaches the peak value when the mixing amount is 8%, and there is no increasing after the value with the increasing of the mixing amount of the pumice powder. The strength of the natural pumice powder cement-soil is increasing with the conservation age, which the strength on 90 days is 1.52 to 1.6 times of the strength of on 28 days, the strength increases greatly in the late period. In the conditions of freeze-thaw cycle, the strength increasing trend of the natural pumice powder cement-soil is basically the same as before with the freeze, which the strength of the cement-soil is degraded, but the degree of strength improvement is significantly increased comparing with the soil without pumice powder mixing. The permeability coefficient of the pumice powder cement-soil is decreasing with the conservation age, the impermeability capacity is gradually increased, and particularly the permeability coefficient is decreased rapidly in the first 28 days.

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Study on Influencing Factors of Ground Settlement over Mined-Out Area
SUN Chao, BO Jing-shan, LIU Hong-shan, QI Wen-Hao
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  498-502. 
Abstract ( 1456 )  

There are many factors to influence on the ground settlement in mined-out area. Based on the finite element software ANSYS, making use of the flexibility of numerical simulation method, the main factors are analyzed respectively. The Druker-Prager model is chosen, which is suitable to simulate the materials of rock and soil. ‘Kill Element’ command is used to simulate the situation of exploiting, and then the command of ‘Activate Element’ in ANSYS is used to simulate that the mined-out area is filled. The influence of each factor in the ground settlement over mined-out area is studied respectively such as depth, thickness of the mined-out area, the topographic condition and the filling of the mined-out area.The result shows that the ground settlement decreases with the increase of the mining depth, the ground settlement increases obviously with the increase of mining thickness, the basin movement will move to the lower direction with the change of topographty, and it will reduce the ground settlement evidently to fill the mined-out area in time after mining.

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Study and Application of Synthetical Pressure-fracture Technical on Low Pressure and Tight Gas Reservoir
QIN Yu-ying, CHEN Fu-hu, WANG Fu-ping
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  503-506. 
Abstract ( 1729 )  

The Daniudi gas field belongs to a reservoir of lower pressure and tight gas with a low pressure, a strong heterogeneity, a small diameter of pore and throat, a high capillary pressure, a character of multi-zone superimposed and varies gap distance between zones, which results in difficulty in reservoir protection and fracturing. A method of low damage fracture fluid with liquid N2 is adopted, which can decrease the reservoir damage and protect reservoir. Large-scale fracturing can prolong fracture length, enlarge drainage area and increase gas rate per layer. The gas production increased from 200 m3/d to 7.23×104 m3/d. Fracture operation time was reduced nearly 67%, and the cost was reduced 20.69% after separated fracturing without pulling string realized balance stimulation for multi-layer superimposed.

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RS Based Evaporation Estimation of Three River Sources in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Its Response to Lakes and Wetlands
DIAO Jing, JIANG Qi-gang, CHEN Feng-zhen, WANG Kun
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  507-513. 
Abstract ( 2041 )  

The changes of lakes and wetlands in the Three River Sources have received many concerns all the time, climate changes is considered as the main factor of the changes of lakes and wetlands. Comparing with the temperature and precipitation, the evaporation data was difficult to acquire from the weather stations, but the RS technology provides a new approach to estimate the regional surface evaporation. Based on the principle of surface energy balance, combining with MODIS data and the meteorological data of the study region, the evaporation estimation model of Three River Sources is established, the distributing rules of evaporation is analyzed, and the correlation relationships among the temperature, precipitation, wind speed and evaporation of the study area are explored, and at the last the response between evaporation and the changes of lakes and wetlands is analyzed. The results show that evaporation of the Three River Sources Presents increasing trend, and it’s varied with the difference among conditions of hydrothermal, vegetation cover and altitude; the evaporation of study area was greatly affected by the temperature and precipitation; and the increasing evaporation induces the lake shrinking and wetland degradation.

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Discussion on Environmental Effects of Plateau Uplift in View of Energy Inflow
SHAO Zhao-gang, MENG Xian-gang, ZHU Da-gang, YANG Chao-bin, LEI Wei-zhi, WANG Jin, HAN Jian-en, YU Jia, MENG Qing-wei, LV Rong-ping, QIAN Cheng
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  514-520. 
Abstract ( 1925 )  

The uplift of the Tibetan Plateau is one of the most amazing geological events in the earth’s crust evolution history, and holds an important status in the global environment. Nowadays, the global environmental change represented by the global warming and its potential impact on the ecosystem and human society have drawn great attention from scientists, governments and society. The global climate change has become the focus of the people’s attention. According to the mechanism of diminishing temperature of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its environmental characteristics analysis,the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau uplift should not have brought in the reduction of the plateau surface temperature. With the surface of the plateau rising, plateau surface had been shaping strong fluctuation environment with the character of high diurnal temperature range. This character of the plateau surface will rapidly release the energy of solar radiation absorbed by the surface of the plateau back into the space, rather than participate in the earth climate system cycle. At the situation of solar energy input remains unchanged, the uplift of the plateau will have directly cause the global climate system cooling. The character of the earth’s atmosphere with the altitude exponential decay had made the cooling effect very strong at the early stage of the uplift. Based on the all mentioned above, the authors have preliminarily discussed the prospect of vegetation, glaciers and other special environmental characteristics with the uplift of the plateau. This has provided a new method for further study to disclose the relationship between the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the globe environmental variation.

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The Closure Time of the Paleo-Asian Ocean and the Paleo-Tethys Ocean: Implication for the Tectonic Cause of the End-Permian Mass Extinction
LI Peng-wu, GAO Rui, GUAN Ye, LI Qiu-sheng
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  521-527. 
Abstract ( 2293 )  

A comparative analysis of paleolatitudes and latitudinal displacements was undertaken for the South China, Cimmerian continent (including Baoshan, Shan-Thai and Qiangtang blocks), the North China and Siberian blocks by using available paleomagnetic data to determine the collisional and amalgamation history of these blocks. The results show that (1)the Baoshan block collided with the South China block in the Late Permian and continued to drift rapidly northwards, together with the South China and Shan-Thai blocks, until the Late Triassic; (2)the paleo-Asian ocean separating North China and Siberian blocks closed in the end-Permian, and North China block collided with Siberian block in the end-Permian(ca. 250 Ma); (3)the age correlations between the end-Permian mass extinctions, Siberian traps and Emeishan traps large igneous province and the final closure time of paleo-oceans show that the mass extinctions are closely related to the evolution of these ancient oceans, suggesting that the collision of continents are the main tectonic cause of endPermian mass extinctions.

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2D DC Electric Field Numerical Modeling Including Surface Topography Using Coordinate Transformation Method
SUN Zhang-qiang, SUN Jian-guo, ZHANG Dong-liang
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  528-534. 
Abstract ( 1586 )  

It is difficult to deal with the irregular boundary using finite-difference method in the DC electric field numerical modeling including surface topography. To solve this problem, we introduce a coordinate transformation idea that transforms curved surface into horizontal topography and realize a new finite-difference method basing on the transform. We firstly transform the basic equations and boundary conditions of DC electric field from physical space to computation space, and then resolve the DC fields in computation space using finitedifference method. Finally, we retransform the computation results from computation space into physical space by coordinate mapping. Accuracy analysis and numerical tests show that the computation error congregates around the source, and the average relative error is less than 1% if the source is close enough to the irregular surface. Therefore, the new method has high accuracy, and the computation results can reveal the distribution characteristics of DC electric field and apparent resistivity including surface topography.

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Numerical Calculation and Analysis on Two-Dimensional Spectrum for Acoustic Wave Propagation in a Borehole
YUE Chong-wang, WANG Zhu-Wen, CHEN Bo-tao, DING Yang
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  535-540. 
Abstract ( 1565 )  

The authors briefly introduced a method to calculate the two-dimensional spectrum of acoustic wave propagation in a borehole and accomplished simulation of the two-dimensional spectrum and got the acoustic pressure waveform. According to the images of two-dimensional spectrum from different formations, it illustrates that the amplitude and dispersion of P-wave and S-wave are weak; Stoneley wave has a low frequency bandwidth and its dispersion is weak, while pseudo-Rayleigh wave has high amplitude with strong dispersion; the leaky mode wave is a kind of geometric attenuation wave and attenuates fast with strong dispersion as well. We can make use of two-dimensional spectrum directly to vividly show the characteristics of the acoustic wave propagation in a borehole.

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Realization and Application of 3D Reserves Estimation System Based on Geostatistics
LIU Hai-ying, LIU Xiu-guo, LI Chao-ling
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  541-546. 
Abstract ( 1524 )  

On the basis of the theories of geostatistics and 3D geological modeling, the authors propose a designing model of 3D reservoir estimation system, that is constructing 2D contour lines on the prospecting line sections of the mineral body on the basis of the original data and the edge grade at first, and then establishing the orebody solid model through the contour mosaic calculation method; thirdly, defining the block model and constraining it using the orebody solid model; after the creation of the 3D block model, applying kriging interpolation to interpolate space attribute of the geological body; finally, computing the reserve estimation. The key techniques used in this system are the arithmetic of varigram auto fitting, the contour mosaic calculation method and the OBB tree technique in constraining block model. The system has been conducted in a real mineral area, and the result agrees with the actual reserves of the mine.

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A Study of the Development and Application of Maps Database Management System for the Mineral Resources Assessment by Comprehensive Information
XIE Shui-sheng, Chen Hui-juan
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  547-553. 
Abstract ( 1518 )  

The authors describes the basic types of database and their development at home and abroad, with the emphasis on the characteristics of data model especially for geology, geophysics and geochemical (including heavy minerals). With respect to the characteristics of the data model, the data flow and its content on resource evaluation, the paper designs a map database management system of geoscience features. The system uses the idea of project management to manage the vast amounts of earth science data and map files. In displaying map files, the system connects with Access database and uses Notepad to show its metadata at the same time. The system uses catalogs and file tree management achieves to integrate, manage and display map files, and through Access database stores metadata and manages catalog tree location. The system also realizes the function of attribute browsing, condition selecting and metadata viewing.

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Application of Shadow Moiré|Method and GIS |in Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Stylolities
XIAO Zhi-yong, FAN Hang-yu, CENG Zuo-xun, DAI Guang-ming
J4. 2009, 39 (3):  554-558. 
Abstract ( 1597 )  

Firstly, we restored the three-dimensional morphology of natural stylolities by Shadow Moiré method and GIS. Comparing the specimen with our results, it can be proved that this suit of method is practicable in small-structure laboratory analysis. Based on the elevation document of the specimen, we can get various two-dimensional stylolite shapes which contain more comprehensive morphology information of stylolities similar to that of natural ones. And from the three dimensional numerical information, we can get various characteristic data of stylolities such as the gully density, loading amount and roughness, and these data might be useful in analyzing the force condition and mass transmission during the formation of stylolities.

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