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基于LTL Tableau的自动机构造


  1. 国防科技大学 计算机学院,长沙 410073
  • 收稿日期:2006-06-26 修回日期:2006-10-23 出版日期:2007-01-01 发布日期:2007-01-01
  • 通讯作者: 王戟

Automata construction based on lineartime temporal logic(LTL) Tableau

Liu Wan-wei,Wang Ji,Chen Huo-wang   

  1. School of Computer,National University of Defense Technology, Changsha,410073,China
  • Received:2006-06-26 Revised:2006-10-23 Online:2007-01-01 Published:2007-01-01
  • Contact: Wang Ji

摘要: 基于线性时序逻辑(LTL)的模型检验是使用较为广泛的技术。该种模型检验最终归结为有穷自动机的判空问题,其复杂性来源于性质和模型乘积自动机的状态空间膨胀。作者提出了一种构造迟滞交换Co-Büchi自动机(Stuffer Alternating CoBüchi)的具有线性复杂度的方法,该方法

关键词: 计算机软件, 模型检验, LTLTableau, Co-Büchi自动机

Abstract: In software model checking technology, the selection of stipulating language significantly affects the complexity of verification. Lineartime temporal logic (LTL) is widely used in such technology. This model checking method comes down to the space estimation of finite automata. Its complexity is originated from the state space expansion of the automaton which is the production of the property and the model. This paper presents an approach in constructing Stuffer Alternating CoBüchi automata based on Tableau theory. The complexity of this approach is linear and it may reduce the size of state space of the production automaton used in model checking.

Key words: computer software, model checking, LTL Tableau, Co-Büchi automata


  • TP301
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