吉林大学学报(工学版) ›› 2004, Vol. ›› Issue (1): 159-162.

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闫革华1, 毕会敏2, 马中苏2, 李欣欣2, 石晶2, 王昕2   

  1. 1. 中国人民解放军军需大学, 军需工程系, 吉林, 长春, 130062;
    2. 吉林大学, 生物与农业工程学院, 吉林, 长春, 130025
  • 收稿日期:2003-05-16 出版日期:2004-01-01
  • 通讯作者: 马中苏(1952- ),男,吉林长春人,教授.E-mail:zsma@jlu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Study on soy protein isolate edible film

YAN Ge-hua1, BI Hui-min2, MA Zhong-su2, LI Xin-xin2, SHI Jing2, WANG Xin2   

  1. 1. Dept of Quartermaster Engineering, The Quartermaster University of PLA, Changchun 130062, China;
    2. College of Biology and Agriculture Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, 130025, China
  • Received:2003-05-16 Online:2004-01-01

摘要: 以大豆分离蛋白作为该膜的基材,添加羧甲基纤维素钠作为增强剂,甘油作为增塑剂,研制了一种可迅速溶于热水的可食薄膜。正交优化试验的结果表明:对膜的抗张强度和断裂伸长率影响最显著的因素是甘油的体积分数;对膜的热水速溶率影响最显著的因素是干燥温度。以热水速溶率为优选指标,得到最佳工艺条件和最优配方为:干燥温度为50℃,大豆分离蛋白的质量分数为4.5%,羧甲基纤维素钠的质量分数为0.7%,甘油的体积分数为1.0%。

关键词: 大豆分离蛋白, 可食薄膜, 速溶

Abstract: An edible film which instantly dissolves in the hot water was developed on the base of soy protein isolate and carboxy methyl cellulose was added as the intensifier and glycerol as the plasticizer.The optimization experiments were performed by means of the orthogonalizing test plan.The results of variance analyses show that the most significant factor for the tensile strength and fracture elongation is the volume fraction of glycerol while that for the instant dissolving rate in the hot water is the drying temperature of the film.The optimized process and formula are obtained for the best instant dissolving rate in the hot water:the drying temperature is 50℃,the mass fraction of soy protein isolate is 4.5%,the mass fraction of carboxy methly cellulose is 0.7%,and the volume fraction of glycerol is 1.0%.

Key words: soy protein isolate, edible film, instant dissolution


  • TS255.3
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