Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (8): 2329-2337.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20230034

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Multi-scale normalized detection method for airborne wide-area remote sensing images

Sheng-jie ZHU1,2(),Xuan WANG1(),Fang XU1,Jia-qi PENG3,Yuan-chao WANG4   

  1. 1.Changchun Institute of Optics,Fine Mechanics and Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130033,China
    2.Daheng College,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China
    3.First Military Representative Office in Changchun,Changchun 130033,China
    4.Shanghai Electro-Mechanical Engineering Institute,Shanghai 201109,China
  • Received:2023-01-10 Online:2024-08-01 Published:2024-08-30
  • Contact: Xuan WANG;


Aiming at the difficulty of object detection caused by the large target size variation, complex background noise and dense targets in airborne wide-area remote sensing images, this paper unifies the target pixel size of the input image by optimizing the segmentation method, and proposes a multi-scale normalized convolutional neural networks model (MNNet). To enhance the feature correlation between localities, this paper designs a space global connection block (SGC), which effectively improves the detection accuracy. For the problem that the parameters of the existing NMS algorithm depend on the empirical setting, this paper proposes a self-adaption non-maxima suppression method (DNMS), which reduces the difficulty of model deployment. The test results on the RSF dataset show that the average precision (AP) of the model in this paper is higher than that of other models by more than 5.0%, and the detection speed reaches 57.7 fps, which can meet the detection task of remote sensing images.

Key words: pattern recognition and intelligent system, computer vision, object detection, remote sensing image, convolutional neural network

CLC Number: 

  • TP391

Fig. 1

Overall architecture of the MNNet framework"

Fig. 2

Schematic diagram of multi-scale normalized process"

Fig. 3

A space global connection block (SGC Block)"

Fig. 4

Schematic diagram of target size distribution (RSF Dataset)"

Table 1

Parameters of neural networks for target detection"

YOLOv39361 949 149236.32
YOLOv49363 943 071245.53
YOLOv5m9322 229 35884.80
YOLOv5l9348 384 174184.57
YOLOv5x9389 671 790342.07
SSD3009323 745 90890.58
Faster-RCNN93137 078 239522.91
MNNet3131 443 246119.95

Table 2

Comparison of different NMS methods on RSF dataset"

Greedy NMS/%Soft NMS/%Softer NMS/%DNMS/%

Table 3

Comparison of different network methods on RSF dataset"

HOG+SVM/6.5221.190.099 7//1.3 fps
SSD300VGG-1625.5547.340.331 80.294 60.124 545.5 fps
R-CenterNetHourglass///0.464 00.202 150.2 fps
RRPN23VGG-1648.9354.720.516 60.581 30.247 239.4 fps
SCRDet24VGG-1650.3758.420.541 00.652 70.253 727.6 fps
YOLTDarknet1922.9461.230.333 80.502 20.168 152.3 fps
R-YOLOv3Darknet5321.1868.650.323 70.533 40.203 451.3 fps
R-YOLOv4CSPDarknet5339.7279.250.529 10.653 10.253 856.4 fps
R-YOLOv5sCSPDarknet5334.2880.960.481 70.659 90.272 071.4 fps
R-YOLOv5mCSPDarknet5336.8279.680.503 60.635 60.283 662.1 fps
R-YOLOv5lCSPDarknet5340.1173.210.518 20.603 30.235 448.5 fps
MNNet(without SGC)CSPDarknet5351.3474.120.606 60.653 60.293 468.9 fps
MNNetCSPDarknet5359.7971.170.649 80.717 90.341 257.7 fps

Fig. 5

Curve of loss value (Ltotal) (RSF validation dataset)"

Fig. 6

Detection results of the MNNet model (ITCVD dataset, RSF dataset, DOTA dataset)"

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