Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (1): 240-250.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20221286

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Object detection in high-resolution remote sensing images based on multi-feature fusion and twin attention network

Chun-hua WANG1(),En-ze LI1,Min XIAO2   

  1. 1.School of Animation,Huanghuai University,Zhumadian 463000,China
    2.School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430063,China
  • Received:2022-10-01 Online:2024-01-30 Published:2024-03-28


In order to improve the effect of object detection in high-resolution remote sensing images, this paper proposes a new object detection method by combining multi-feature fusion method and twin attention network. The overall framework of remote sensing image target detection is constructed, and the multi-layer features of remote sensing image target are extracted and fused based on the anchor frame model. The twin attention network is used for real-time visual tracking and detection of remote sensing image targets, and the dual self-attention mechanism of channel and space is introduced to improve the feature expression ability of target images, so as to get more accurate detection results. Through the analysis of experiments, the average overall accuracy of the proposed method is 93.8, the average F1 index is 0.88, and the average Kappa coefficient is 0.93, which are significantly higher than the comparison method, indicating that the proposed method has a good detection effect.

Key words: multi-feature fusion, high resolution, remote sensing image, twin attention, object detection, semantic features

CLC Number: 

  • TP751


Overall framework of remote sensing image target detection"


Schematic diagram of multi-feature fusion structure"


Structure of twin attention network model"

Table 1

Parameters of target detection dataset of high-resolution remote sensing image"

VEDAI3 0238001
TAS5501 00015
DOTA2 1221 08020
NWPU VHR6 5521 2809
UCAS-AOD8511 0243
DLR 3k Vehicle4 110700~1 0003
HRSC20162451 0002
DIOR555 3264
SZTAKI-INRIA54101 0001
RSOD28 53280010


Schematic diagram of data expansion"


Peak signal-to-noise ratio test results"


Structural similarity test results"


Average detection accuracy test results"


Positive and negative samples used for training"


Target detection result"

Table 2

Experimental results of target detection accuracy evaluation index"

本文方法YOLOv3网络 训练方法



NWPU VHR95.585.888.50.960.690.730.950.720.83
DLR 3k Vehicle92.485.488.50.950.780.820.910.850.82
HRSC201695. 485. 581.20.800.680.760.920.750.85
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