›› 2012, Vol. ›› Issue (06): 1587-1591.

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Adaptive interference mitigation algorithm based on compressed sensing

KANG Rong-zong, YU Hong-yi, TIAN Peng-wu, GUO Hong   

  1. Institute of Information Engineering, Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450002, China
  • Received:2011-09-05 Online:2012-11-01

Abstract: In receiving and processing of wide bandwidth signals, the existing interference mitigation algorithms based on Nyquist theory are confined to the signal bandwidth and device level. To overcome this problem, an algorithm of adaptive interference mitigation in compressed domain is proposed. First, the compressed sensing technology is utilized to acquire the compressed measurements of wide bandwidth mixtures at a sampling rate that is far lower than Nyquist sampling rate. Then, based on minimal output energy criteria and space projection technology, the projected values are used to detect and mitigate the interference signals. Furthermore, the closed-form solution and the LMS realization process of this algorithm are deduced. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that this algorithm reduces the requirement of the A/D and DSP devices; it does not need prior information about the location of the expected signal and interference signals in the wide spectrum bandwidth and has no restriction on the number of the interference signals; so this algorithm has better practicability.

Key words: communication, compressed sensing, interference mitigation, compressive domain filtering, transform domain technique

CLC Number: 

  • TN911.72
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