Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (5): 1897-1907.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb20200487
Jia-cheng YUAN1,2(),Chang WANG1,2,Kun HE1,2,Xing-yu WAN1,2,Qing-xi LIAO1,2(
CLC Number:
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27 | 廖庆喜, 徐阳, 袁佳诚, 等. 油菜联合收获机切抛组合式纵轴流脱离装置设计与试验[J]. 农业机械学报, 2019, 50(7): 140-150. |
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