Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (8): 1850-1856.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb20210607

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Image classification framework based on contrastive self⁃supervised learning

Hong-wei ZHAO1(),Jian-rong ZHANG1,Jun-ping ZHU2(),Hai LI1   

  1. 1.College of Computer Science and Technology,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China
    2.Shanghai Zhengen Industrial Co. ,Ltd. ,Shanghai 201508,China
  • Received:2021-07-04 Online:2022-08-01 Published:2022-08-12
  • Contact: Jun-ping ZHU;


In order to solve the problem that supervised learning needs a lot of time to complete data set annotation in the field of image classification, a self-supervised image classification framework, SSIC framework, is proposed. SSIC framework is a self supervised learning method based on contrastive learning, which has better performance than the existing unsupervised methods. A new framework is designed and a more effective pretext task is selected to improve the robustness of the model. In addition, a targeted loss function is proposed to improve the performance of image classification. experiments was conducted on UC Merced, NWPU and AID data sets. Experimental results show that SSIC framework has obvious advantages over the latest technology, and it also performs well in low resolution image classification.

Key words: computer application, self-supervised learning, contrastive learning, image classification

CLC Number: 

  • TP391


Overall architecture of SSIC framework"


Data augment methods of pretext tasks"


Accuracy of changing number of fully connected layers and Batch size"

Table 1

Ablation experimental results of loss functions"

方 法50%训练数据80%训练数据
Dot product for similarity82.3795.4392.9098.91
L2 distance for similarity90.5898.8994.4099.94
MultiNC loss without noise94.3599.9497.8599.97
MultiNC loss(λ=1)96.19100.0098.54100.00
MultiNC loss(λ=0.5)96.21100.0098.96100.00

Table 2

Comparison experiment of different classification models"

有监督学习VGGNet1494.14 ± 0.6995.21 ± 1.2086.59 ± 0.2989.64 ± 0.3676.47 ± 0.1879.79 ± 0.65
GoogleNet1492.70 ± 0.6094.31 ± 0.8983.44 ± 0.4086.39 ± 0.5576.19 ± 0.3878.48 ± 0.26
SPPNet1494.77 ± 0.4696.67 ± 0.9487.44 ± 0.4591.45 ± 0.3882.13 ± 0.3084.64 ± 0.23
APDCNet1595.01 ± 0.4397.05 ± 0.4388.65 ± 0.2992.15 ± 0.2985.94 ± 0.2287.84 ± 0.26
GBNet1695.71 ± 0.1996.90 ± 0.2390.16 ± 0.2493.70 ± 0.34--
GBNet+Global feature1697.05 ± 0.1998.57 ± 0.4892.20 ± 0.2395.48 ± 0.12--
无监督学习LLC1470.12 ± 1.0972.55 ± 1.8358.06 ± 0.5063.24 ± 0.4438.81 ± 0.2340.03 ± 0.34
BoVW1472.40 ± 1.3075.52 ± 2.1362.49 ± 0.5368.37 ± 0.4041.72 ± 0.2144.97 ± 0.28
MATAR GAN585.51 ± 0.6994.86 ± 0.8075.39 ± 0.4981.57 ± 0.3368.63 ± 0.2275.03 ± 0.28
Attention GAN489.06 ± 0.5097.69 ± 0.6978.95 ± 0.2384.52 ± 0.1872.21 ± 0.2177.99 ± 0.19
本文SSIC Framework96.21 ± 0.3198.96 ± 0.2292.27 ± 0.4895.82 ± 0.1987.61 ± 0.3490.04 ± 0.24


Confusion matrix of classification results on UC Merced"

Table 3

Performance of different resolutions on UC-Merced data set"

方 法50%训练数据
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