Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (9): 2568-2580.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20221403

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Flexural behavior of ultra-high performance concrete joint without formwork in prefabricated small box girder bridges

Jin-song ZHU1,2(),Xin-yao TONG1,Xiao-xu LIU1   

  1. 1.School of Civil Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China
    2.Key Laboratory of Coast Civil Structure Safety,Ministry of Education,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China
  • Received:2022-11-04 Online:2024-09-01 Published:2024-10-28
  • Contact: Jin-song ZHU


In order to improve the crack resistance of wet joints in prefabricated small box girder Bridges and simplify the site construction process, a construction form and design method of UHPC wet joint without formwork was proposed and its bending resistance was studied. Based on the assumption of flat section, the condition of cross-section equilibrium, the constitutive relation of steel bar, UHPC and concrete, a method for calculating the flexural capacity of the UHPC-NC composite section considering the contribution of UHPC in the tensile zone was proposed. The calculated value of the formula was compared with the finite element calculation. Based on the design method of UHPC wet joint without formwork, the feasible values of each parameter under the section form were obtained, and the functional relationship between the width of the wet joint rectangle strip and the calculated span of the small box girder bridge panel was obtained by fitting. Meanwhile, based on the finite element method, the numerical model of UHPC wet joint without formwork was established, the influence of the structure form of wet joint and the width of wet joint on the flexural capacity of UHPC wet joint was analyzed. The results show that the calculated value of the formula and the finite element calculation are in good agreement, which can provide guidance for the design of wet joints. The wet joint without formwork can give full play to the excellent mechanical properties of UHPC, inhibit the development of cracks, improve the durability and bearing capacity of bridge deck, and speed up the construction efficiency. The minimum width of the wet joint without support mold is 140 mm at the condition of the transverse steel bar diameter of the small box girder bridge is 16 mm, and the construction performance and economic performance of the precast bridge panel can be played.

Key words: prefabricated bridge, ultra-high performance concrete, wet joint, design method, flexural capacit

CLC Number: 

  • U445.57


UHPC joint without formwork"

Table 1

Design concept of UHPC joint without formwork"






Strain distribution and simplified stress distribution diagram of critical section"


Two types of cross-section strain distribution and simplified stress distribution diagram"


Schematic diagram of UHPC-NC laminated beam"


UHPC stress-strain relationship"


Stress-strain relationship of reinforcement"


Size of the UN60 specimen"


Comparison of test values and finite element values"

Table 2

Comparison between the calculated value and the simulated value of each laminated beam with different γ values"



Comparison of theoretical calculation value and finite element simulation value"


Schematic diagram of wet joint plate structure of prefabricated small box girder"


Comparison of load effect and resistance of wet joint without formwork of assembled small box girder bridge"


UHPC wet joint without formwork design flow chart"


Relationship between UHPC strip width and calculated span of bridge panel"


A small box girder bridge"

Table 3

Feasible values of parameters of UHPC joint without formwork"

306020 ~ 50500210


UHPC joint without formwork dimension figure"


Finite element model of joint plate"

Table 4

Joint plate structure parameters"



Joint structure with different cross section forms(unit:mm)"


Wet joint load - mid-span deflection curves for different cross section forms"

Table 5

Finite element simulation results of wet joints with different cross sections"



Strain cloud diagram of wet joints with different section forms under cracking load"


Finite element simulation results of wet joints with different widths"

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