Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (9): 2581-2587.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20221504

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Abnormal driving behavior thresholds of highway minibuses based on trajectory data

Rong-gui ZHOU(),Pei GAO,Yu-xuan LI,Jian ZHOU()   

  1. Key Laboratory of Road Traffic Safety Technology of Transport Industry,Research Institute of Highway,Ministry of Transport,Beijing 100088,China
  • Received:2022-11-25 Online:2024-09-01 Published:2024-10-28
  • Contact: Jian ZHOU;


In order to analyze the possibility and riskiness of accidents caused by different abnormal driving behaviors, quantify the threshold size of acceleration and deceleration under different driving behaviors. Based on the trajectory data of the vehicle, the interaction relationship between speed and acceleration was analyzed, and the function relationship between speed and acceleration was calibrated using regression, and finally the judgment model of different abnormal behaviors was constructed. The results show that the sum of the mean acceleration and 1 times the standard deviation can be used as the general abnormal behavior judgment threshold, in this range drivers have the potential to create risk and need to be reasonably alerted; The sum of the mean value of acceleration and 2 times the standard deviation can be used as the threshold for judging extreme abnormal behavior, in this range of drivers already has some risk and requires some control. The model overcomes the previous requirement of using fixed thresholds and allows for real-time dynamic monitoring of driving behavior, providing a new approach to the study of microscopic driving behavior.

Key words: traffic engineering, abnormal driving behavior, trajectory data, velocity-acceleration, parameter calibration

CLC Number: 

  • U491


SD of acceleration at different velocity intervals"


Scatter plot of velocity and acceleration for different SD"

Table 1

Proportion of data with different standard deviations"










Regression curve of measured extreme value and calibration value"

Table 2

Comparison of the fit of different regression curves"












Calibrated threshold curve graph"

Table 3

Proportion of data in different intervals"



Velocity-acceleration distribution of different drivers"

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