Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (12): 3513-3525.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20231169

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Bending performance of cold-formed thin-walled steel-glulam composite beams

Hai-xu YANG(),Yue GUO,Hai-biao WANG(),Yi HU   

  1. College of Civil Engineering and Transportation,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,China
  • Received:2023-10-30 Online:2024-12-01 Published:2025-01-24
  • Contact: Hai-biao WANG;


Cold-formed thin-walled steel and glued wood were combined into a new type of box-section beam through different connection methods. Taking the steel and wood connection methods and steel crimp size as variables, three-point bending tests were carried out on four combined beams to investigate the damage mechanism and mechanical properties of the combined beams. The test results show that the overall performance of the combined beams is good, the deformation is coordinated, and the combined beams are finally destroyed by the fracture of the glued timber at the lower flange of the pure bending section. Under the different connection modes, the ultimate bending capacity of the glued-connected combined beams were improved by 61.5% and 23.0% compared with the bolted-connected and tapping screw-connected ones, respectively, in the same way as the glued-connected combined beams, the bending capacity of the combined beams is only improved by 9.0% by enlarging the dimensions of the steel crimps. A finite element model of the combined beam was established based on the test, and the simulation results were in good agreement with the test results. The finite element simulation results showed that the steel strength, steel thickness, and thickness of glued wood all had a certain effect on the bending capacity of the combined beam, with the thickness of glued wood having the greatest effect. Combined with the test results and simulation analysis of the cold-formed thin-walled steel-glued laminated timber combination beam span deflection and flexural capacity calculation formula, the theoretical values and simulation values are in good agreement, which can provide a certain reference for engineering practice.

Key words: structural engineering, modular structures, steel-timber modular beams, bending resistance

CLC Number: 

  • TU366.3


Combination beam section form(unit: mm)"


Schematic diagram of perforation at the web (unit: mm)"


Schematic diagram of perforation of flange (unit:mm)"

Table 1

Test beam barameter"


Table 2

Mechanical parameters of material testing"

胶合木9 777.8086.46
9 053.0042.29
钢板196 412.17325.53218.63
螺栓200 000.00400.00
自攻螺钉200 000.00400.00
环氧树脂胶4 000.0050.00


Experimental loading device(unit: mm)"


Strain gauge arrangement diagram"


GL distortion flexion and localised flexion"


ZL-1 web wood fibre projection and lower flange fracture"


ZL-2 end partially open glue and end lower flange fracture"


ZL-3 Longitudinal crack in span and ZL-4Longitudinal crack in span"


ZL-3 overall damage pattern and ZL-4 overall damage pattern"


Load-span deflection curve"

Table 3

Test results"





Mid-span load-strain curve"


Height-strain curve of mid-span section"


Ontological relationship of steel"


Simplified model of components"


Composite beam finite element model stress cloud"


Load-mid-span deflection curve"

Table 4

Comparison of test and finite element simulation values"



Comparison of load-strain curves between tested and simulated values"

Table 5

Model parameters for each composite beam"



Load-mid-span deflection curves of combined beams with different parameters"

Table 6

Result of stiffness calculation by converted cross-section method"



Comparison of simulated and theoretical value of model beam ZL-3-M"


Load-mid-span deflection curves for different value of β"

Table 7

Theoretical and simulated load value at allowable deflection of combined beams"



Stress-strain distribution of glued laminated wood sections"


Stress-strain distribution of steel section"


Diagram for calculation of glued laminated timber in tension zone"

Table 8

Theoretical calculation results and comparative analysis of composite beam model ZL-3"


Table 9

Results of error analysis of section flexural capacity for different values of k"

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