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Journal of Jilin University Science Edition
ISSN 1671-5489
CN 22-1340/O
主 任:韩啸
编 辑:赵立芹 王健 单凝 李琦
电 话:0431-88499428
地 址:长春市南湖大路5372号

Table of Content
26 July 2017, Volume 55 Issue 04
Representations of PreLie 2-Algebras
LIU Shanshan, TANG Rong
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  759-764. 
Abstract ( 309 )   PDF (307KB) ( 352 )  
By giving the notion of a representation of a preLie 2-algebra, we proved that the semidirect product preLie 2-algebra could be constructed by a representation of a preLie 2-algebra and a representation of the corresponding Lie 2algebra could be given by a representation of a preLie 2-algebra.
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Generalized Derivations of JordanLie Algebras
ZHOU Jia, WANG Zenghui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  765-770. 
Abstract ( 303 )   PDF (291KB) ( 212 )  
We gave some basic properties of the generalized derivation algebra GDer(L), quasiderivation algebra QDer(L), centroid C(L), quasicentroid QC(L) and center derivation algebra ZDer(L) of a JordanLie algebra L. We also proved that QDer(L) can be embedded as derivations in a larger JordanLie algebra.
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Turaev Braided Group Categories and DoiHopf Modules
GUO Shuangjian, ZHANG Xiaohui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  771-778. 
Abstract ( 300 )   PDF (367KB) ( 315 )  
Let G be a group, using the properties of Turaev braided group categories, we constructed a Turaev braided Gcategory over DoiHopf datum (H,A,C), where H,A,C were Hopf algebras. Furthermore, when C was finitedimensional Hopf algebra, we constructed a quasitriangular Turaev Gcoalgebra A#H C* over a family of Smash product algebras {A#HC*(α)}α∈G whose representation category and AMC(H) were isomorphic.
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Representation of Sequential Effect Algebras
ZHANG Qiaowei, GUO Zhihua, CAO Huaixin
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  779-783. 
Abstract ( 260 )   PDF (308KB) ( 192 )  
We considered representability of sequential effect algebras. By enumerating some examples which were representable or not representable, we gave a sufficient condition for a sequential effect algebras to be representable, and explored representability of some classical sequential effect algebras. Lastly, we proved that the direct sum of two representable sequential effect algebras was still representable.
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Six Types of Algebras Generated by Linear Transformationsof a δ-Lie Supertriple System
XING Jin, NIU Yanjun, CHEN Liangyun
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  784-790. 
Abstract ( 259 )   PDF (357KB) ( 239 )  
We considered  six types of algebras generated by linear transformations of a δ-Lie supertriple system T: the derivation algebra Der(T), the quasiderivation algebra QDer(T), the generalized derivation algebra GDer(T), the central derivation algebra ZDer(T), the centroid algebra C(T), and the quasicentroid algebra QC(T). We first proved that ZDer(T) was an ideal of Der(T) and ZDer(T)Der(T)QDer(T)GDer(T)End(T), then obtained that [Der(T),C(T)]C(T), [QDer(T),QC(T)]QC(T), [QC(T),QC(T)\]QDer(T), QDer(T)+QC(T)=GDer(T) and[C(T),QC(T)]End(T,Z(T)). Moreover, we proved that if a δ-Lie supertriple system was decomposable, then its generalized derivation algebra, quasiderivation algebra, centroid algebra, and quasicentroid algebra also had corresponding decomposition, respectively.
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Rota-Baxter 3-Lie Superalgebras
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  791-797. 
Abstract ( 261 )   PDF (298KB) ( 222 )  
By defining the Rota-Baxter 3-Lie superalgebras, and redefining the even linear maps on RotaBaxter Lie superalgebras and Rota-Baxter pre-Lie superalgebras, the author gave the methods to construct the Rota-Baxte 3-Lie superalgebras.
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Derivations of Weight λ on Lie Supertriple Systems
TANG Xinxin, LIU Ning, ZHANG Qingcheng
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  797-803. 
Abstract ( 241 )   PDF (331KB) ( 217 )  
By gaving the definition of (θ,φ)derivations of weight λ and Jordan (θ,φ)derivations of weight λ on a Lie supertriple system, we obtained the sufficient conditions for Jordan (θ,φ)derivations of weight λ to be (θ,φ)derivations of weight λ on a Lie supertriple system. We proved that Jordan θderivations of weight λ were θderivations of weight λ on a Lie supertriple system, and extended (θ,φ)derivations on a Lie supertriple system.
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Equivalent Conditions of Existence of a Class of Reverse HardyType Integral Inequalities with Nonhomogeneous Kernel
YANG Bicheng, CHEN Qiang
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  804-808. 
Abstract ( 238 )   PDF (292KB) ( 189 )  
By using the skill of real analysis and method of weight functions, we discussed some equivalent conditions of the existence of a class of reverse Hardytype integral inequalities with the nonhomogeneous kernel, which related to the configuration of parameters and the integrals of the kernel. Then the reverse problem of the existence of the reverse Hardytype integral inequality was solved.
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HadamardType Inequalities with Mapping Derivatives Being sConvex Functions and under Fractional Integrals
SUN Wenbing
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  809-814. 
Abstract ( 261 )   PDF (310KB) ( 187 )  
The author established a RiemannLiouville fractional integral identity, and used the definition of s-convex- function and Holder inequality etc to establish some new HermiteHadamard type inequalities for differentiable s-convex mappings that were connected with the RiemannLiouville fractional integrals.
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Uniqueness of Meromorphic Solutions of q-Shift Difference Equationsand Sharing Three Values of Any Meromorphic Functions
YANG Yin, YE Yasheng
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  815-820. 
Abstract ( 220 )   PDF (311KB) ( 167 )  
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Compactness of a Class of Singular Integral Commutatorswith Variable Kernels in Morrey Spaces
MA Yuxun, TAO Shuangping
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  821-827. 
Abstract ( 217 )   PDF (338KB) ( 179 )  
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TimeDependent Global Attractors for Nondamping AbstractEvolution Equations with Memory Type
WANG Xuan, HU Didi
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  828-838. 
Abstract ( 207 )   PDF (410KB) ( 161 )  
By means of a priori estimation technique and an operator decomposition method, combined with the modified pullback attractors theory, we proved the existence and regularity of timedependent global attractors for the nondamping abstract evolution equations with memory type.
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Exponential Attractors for Nonlinear Extensible Beam Equation
JIA Lan, MA Qiaozhen
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  839-844. 
Abstract ( 259 )   PDF (323KB) ( 135 )  
We investigated the longtime dynamic behavior of the nonlinear extensible beam equations by enhanced flattening property. Under the weaker condition of the nonlinearity, we first verified the asymptotic compactness of  solution semigroup, and then used the enhanced flattening property, we obtained the existence of exponential attractors for the general nonlinear extensible beam equations with strong damping.
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Existence of Positive Solutions for Singular Fourth Order CoupledDifferential Equations with Integral Boundary Value Conditions
SONG Wenjing, LI Yuanxiao, CAO Chunling, FENG Youling
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  845-852. 
Abstract ( 193 )   PDF (341KB) ( 155 )  
By using GuoKrasnoselskii fixed point theorem, we considered the existence of positive solutions for a singular fourth order coupled
 differential equations u(4)(t)=ω1(t)f(t,v(t),v″(t)), v(4)(t)=ω2(t)g(t,u(t),u″(t)) with integral boundary value conditions, and obtained multiple solutions of the
 equations under suitable conditions.
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Positive Solutions of a Coupled System of NonlinearCaputo Type Fractional Differential Equations
XUE Yimin, SU Ying, SU Youhui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  853-860. 
Abstract ( 222 )   PDF (356KB) ( 241 )  
We studied the boundary value problem of a coupled system of a class of nonlinear Caputo type fractional differential equations with integral boundary value conditions by applying Schauder fixed point theorem, LeraySchauder choice theory and Banach fixed point theorem. We obtained sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions of the coupled system, and illustrated the applicability of the theorem by examples.
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Multiplicity of Solutions for Navier Boundary ValueProblem of a Class of p(x)-Biharmonic Equation
ZHANG Shengui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  861-865. 
Abstract ( 276 )   PDF (317KB) ( 175 )  
By using the theory of variable exponent Sobolev spaces and the Clark’s theorem in critical point theory, the author investigated Navier boundary value problem for a class of Kirchhofftype p(x)-biharmonic equation. When the nonlinear term satisfied the critical condition and growed linearly near zero, the author obtained the existence of infinitely many solutions.
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Fast Differential Evolution Algorithm
AN Weipeng, QU Xinglong
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  866-873. 
Abstract ( 307 )   PDF (1635KB) ( 214 )  
We presented a fast differential evolution (FDE) algorithm. The algorithm used the technique that constantly updated and narrowed the search area to determine the search interval of the next generation according to the previous generation optimal individual, so as to speed up the convergence rate and to improve the convergence precision and robustness. Through simulation test analysis of 21 extreme functions about optimization, the results show that the convergence rate, convergence robustness, and convergence precision of the algorithm are significantly superior to the other algorithms for the high dimensions of the problem, and the initialization form of population does not have any effects on the convergence performance of the algorithm.
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Global Convergence of a Class of SufficientDescent Conjugate Gradient Methods
LIN Suihua
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  874-880. 
Abstract ( 273 )   PDF (358KB) ( 179 )  
The author presented a class of new conjugate gradient methods with conservative strategy in search direction. The global convergence results of these algorithms were obtained under the condition of general assumptions, and the numerical experiment results of these algorithms were given. The results show that the corresponding algorithms are sufficient descent in the case of the strong Wolfe inexact line search parameters σ<1/4,1/3,1/2, respectively. The new algorithm is suitable for solving largescale unconstrained optimization problems.
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Problem of First Passage Time of Reflected Stochastic Volatility Model
LI Tongqing
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  881-887. 
Abstract ( 306 )   PDF (329KB) ( 165 )  
The author studied a class of composite model of stochastic volatility model with reflection and constant elastic variance (CEV) model by using martingale methods. The author used the confluent hypergeometric function to express a kind of expectation of first passage time and volatility, and discussed the case where one of the confluent hypergeometric functions did not exist when the parameters of the model took some special values.
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Hopf Bifurcation Analysis for a LowOrder Atmospheric Circulation Model
LI Pengsong, LIU Qi, SHI Zhuo, LIU Xin
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  888-897. 
Abstract ( 283 )   PDF (1451KB) ( 159 )  
We analyzed the bifurcation characteristics of two cases for loworder atmospheric circulation model. We studied the type of Hopf bifurcation and the stability of periodic solution by using the method of multiple scales, and verified the correctness of the theoretical analysis by numerical simulation.
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Finite Difference Method for Solving American Option Based on Landau’s Transformation
ZHAO Wenwen, ZHANG Qi, LV Xianrui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  898-902. 
Abstract ( 365 )   PDF (1206KB) ( 213 )  
We proposed a finite difference method based on Landau’s transformation for the standard American put option pricing problem. Firstly, the Landau’s transformation and truncation technique was used to transform the American option problem into a parabolic problem on a regular bounded domain, and then we used the finite difference method to solve the option price and used the Newton iteration method to solve the optimal exercise boundary at the same
time. The numerical results show that the algorithm can effectively solve the optimal exercise boundary more smoothly than traditional binomial tree method, and can accurately simulate the American put option price.
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Realization of Ship to Air Missile Shipboard Equipment Simulation
ZHANG Yuan, LIU Shufen, ZHANG Xinjia
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  903-908. 
Abstract ( 237 )   PDF (579KB) ( 155 )  
We proposed a new technology and method of shipboard equipment simulation, the time series information from Global Positioning System or BeiDou Navigation Satellite System was used to adjust the simulation time together with the time card, at the same time, a real-time extension for control of windows was used to implement real\|time simulation, thus, the technical problem of real\|time simulation in non real time system was solved. The practice of building simulation prototype system shows that compared with the real\|time system shipboard equipment simulation, the  method reduces research and development costs, and improves research and development efficiency.
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Algorithm of Skin Color Segmentation Based onTexture and Neighborhood Information
WANG Xue, ZHANG Weimin
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  909-914. 
Abstract ( 242 )   PDF (1960KB) ( 175 )  
In order to segment the information of skin color in the image effectively, we proposed a algorithm of skin color segmentation based on texture and neighborhood information of skin point. Firstly, according to the distribution of skin color point in the image in RGB color space, we used the statistical histogram model to segment the part of skin color in the image initially. And then, in order to extract the texture information in the image, we used the Gabor filter to further filter out the part of closing to human skin color but the texture was rough. Finally, we used the  skin color point in the mask image as the seed point to diffuse neighborhood information, and then got the final mask image. The experimental results show that, compared with the skin color model of statistical histogram, the method is better in skin color segmentation.
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Multi-focus Image Fusion Method Based on Wavelet Transform
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  915-920. 
Abstract ( 354 )   PDF (3808KB) ( 251 )  
In order to improve the efficiency of image fusion, aiming at the limitation of current image fusion methods, the author proposed a multifocus image fusion method based on wavelet transform. Firstly, the optimal wavelet decomposition level was determined, and wavelet transform was used to decompose image. Secondly, considering the characteristics of low frequency subband and highfrequency subband, the local average gradient criterion was chosen as the fusion rule of highfrequency subband, and the average value of three coefficients was used as the fusion rule of lowfrequency subband. Finally, the validity of image fusion was tested by simulation experiment. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves more ideal image fusion results, and improves the quality of fused image. The fusion effect is better than the contrast image fusion method.
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Attribute Based Privacy Preserving Algorithm for Cloud Storage
NING Zilan
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  921-926. 
Abstract ( 269 )   PDF (476KB) ( 168 )  
Aiming at the problems that privacy protection might face in complex social situations, the author proposed a noncryptic privacy protection algorithm. The algorithm abstracted complex social scene into multiple attribute correlation model, through the separation way of the correlation attributes,  the attributes combination of correlation privacy were separated and stored in different blocks of data to solve the problem of data privacy protection. At the same time, in order to guarantee the efficiency of data refactoring, the author also proposed a combined correlation attributes separation algorithm, which achieved the maximum optimization between privacy protection and utilization efficiency of the data.
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Digital Image Watermarking Algorithms Based on Multi-scale Transform and Support Vector Regression
LI Jingfu, ZHOU Peng
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  927-932. 
Abstract ( 184 )   PDF (3004KB) ( 154 )  
Aiming at the shortcomings of the current digital image watermarking algorithms, such as poor information hiding performance, low security and easy attack, we proposed digital image watermarking algorithms based on multi\|scale transform and support vector regression. Firstly, wavelet transform was used to decompose the original digital image into many different subbands. Secondly, subband coefficients were trained by support vector regression, and the relation between subbands was estimated. Finally, watermark was embedded into image based on the results of training support vector regression machine, and its performance was tested through the specific digital image watermarking simulation experiment. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has good information concealment and good imperceptibility, and it can resist all kinds of attacks and improve the security of digital images.
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Hybrid Variable Selection Algorithm Based onMutual Information and Random Forest
ZHAO Weiwei, LI Yanying, ZHAO Fengqin, WEI Sasa
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  933-939. 
Abstract ( 306 )   PDF (676KB) ( 232 )  
Aiming at the problem that the classification accuracy and generalization ability of model were low in single variable selection algorithms, we proposed a hybrid variable selection algorithm. The algorithm was divided into two stages. In filtration stage, mutual information was used to quickly exclude a part of irrelevant variables, which reduced the dimension of sample space. In wrapper stage, the random forest was used to refine the remaining variables in the framework of permutation theory. The experimental results show that, compared with the contrast algorithm, this algorithm has higher classification accuracy and generalization ability.
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A New Privacy Preserving Algorithm for High Dimensional Dense Data
ZHU Xianwen, SUN Wei
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  940-946. 
Abstract ( 313 )   PDF (716KB) ( 149 )  
Aiming at the problem of the curse of dimensionality in privacy preserving data mining, we proposed a privacy preserving algorithm based on the technique of random projection. We defined the concept of l projection perturbation and PreventΩ data set, and constructed a sparse projection data perturbation based on projection dimension of different projection matrix sparsity corresponding changes, which increased the security of data. The experimental results show that this method can effectively guarantee the quality of data in data mining applications under the premise of protecting data privacy.
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Data Compression Algorithm of Sensor Networks Based on Dynamic Adjustment of Threshold of Encoding Transmission
TAO Ziyi
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  947-951. 
Abstract ( 270 )   PDF (556KB) ( 314 )  
Aiming at the problem that the wireless sensor network node sensing data existed spatial redundancy and time redundancy, the author proposed data compression algorithm—DADST algorithm of sensor network based on the dynamic adjustment of data transmission threshold. Firstly, the node collected the surrounding information and sent it to the base station, after receiving the data, the base station carried out Huffman encoding and immediately adjusted the encoded threshold for sending data to each node according to the data sent by the node. Then, each node judged whether to transmit compression code or original sensing data to the base station according to the received encoding. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can ensure precision of the data transmission, at the same time, it can significantly improve the amount of network data transmission and network work efficiency, and slow down the energy consumption of nodes.
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A Node Localization Algorithm Based on Local Information Least Square Method
WU Yanling
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  952-956. 
Abstract ( 228 )   PDF (494KB) ( 152 )  
In the case of large area and low distribution density of nodes, the accuracy of localization algorithm was too low because of the excessive measurement error between nodes. The author proposed a node localization algorithm based on dividing the information of each neighbor node into several local network blocks. The algorithm first combined wireless sensor network node localization technology with the dimensionality reduction method in machine learning domain, and then according to the rule of the closer the distance between the nodes, the measurement accuracy would be the higher, relying on the information related to a certain communication radius of each neighbor node to build network blocks. Finally, the network block was built into a global coordinate system, and the coordinates of each node were mapped by using the global as well as the detailed information of anchor nodes. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is better than the other node localization algorithms in the localization accuracy of nodes.
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Directed Diffusion Routing Protocol Based on ClusterHeadPath Transformation in Wireless Sensor Network
YU Miao, TAN Zhenjiang
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  957-963. 
Abstract ( 217 )   PDF (1267KB) ( 294 )  
We proposed a directed diffusion routing protocol based on clusterhead path transformation in wireless sensor network (DDCPT) to resolve the problem of huge energy consumption at interests flood stage and the maintenance of optimal path in directed diffusion. Firstly, the protocol divided the network into clusters by combining uneven clustering, and spread the interest messages to clusterhead at interests flood stage, thus reducing the energy consumption. Secondly, the next hop clusterhead with the highest priority was selected in clusterhead to build optimal path, and then the followup data was transmitted. Until a clusterhead’s remaining energy of the optimal path was close to the threshold, the network converted the optimal path to continue transferring the data through selecting the succeed transmission node with clusterhead’s backtracking iterative query mechanism based on time. The simulation results show that the protocol can effectively prolong the network lifetime, improve the energy utilization efficiency, and balance the energy consumption of network.
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Strategy of Resource Demand of Cloud Computing inAbnormal Network Environment
LUO Jiaohuang
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  964-969. 
Abstract ( 214 )   PDF (572KB) ( 202 )  
Aiming at the problem that conventional cloud computing resource prediction algorithm could not predict accurately in the abnormal network environment, the author proposed a scheduling strategy based on improved ant colony algorithm. The strategy integrated the concept of the number of information, which could not only balance load quickly, but also ensure users’ needs under multiple conditions, reduce energy consumption and improve the performance of cloud computing. The experimental results show that the improved ant colony scheduling algorithm improves the utilization of cloud computing resources, reduces energy consumption and increases task capacity for every single node, and greatly improves the performance of cloud computing and service quality.
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Probabilistic MPKC Based on Ordered Sequences
ZHAO Yongzhe, WEN Chengdong, DONG Haojun
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  969-972. 
Abstract ( 217 )   PDF (475KB) ( 162 )  
Aiming at the problem of the security of sensitive information, we designed a probabilistic multivariate public key cryptosystem based on ordered sequences. The sequence of plaintext and disturbance information remained unchanged in the new plaintext. However, the position of each item of the new plaintext was random. In the process of decryption, we needed the same two sets of new plaintext for comparison, and found out the corresponding relation in each item, in which the original plaintext could be obtained. The public key cryptosystem based on onetime pad has good randomness, so it has higher safety.
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Synchronization of Different Structures forGeneralized Translational Chaotic Systems
LIU Yue, CHEN Ying, GUO Shuxu
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  973-978. 
Abstract ( 222 )   PDF (1274KB) ( 172 )  
Based on the Lyapunov stability theory, taking the two subsystems of the generalized translational chaotic systems as examples. Using adaptive synchronization and sliding mode control, we designed adaptive nonlinear feedback controllers to realize synchronization of different structures of translational chaotic systems Ⅰand Ⅱ. Numerical simulation results show that the method is effective.
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Spectral Properties of 2-Methylcyclohexanoneunder Asymmetric Finite Electric Field
BAO Jie, OU Renxia
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  979-984. 
Abstract ( 185 )   PDF (1977KB) ( 173 )  
Using the B3P86 method of density functional  theory and timedependent density functional theory (TD-DFT), we calculated excitation energies, wavelengths and oscillator strengths of 2-methylcyclohexanone (CH3—C6H9O) molecules from ground state to the excited states of 1—8 at the 6-311++g(2-df-) basis sets, and studied the influence of the excited states of CH3—C6H9O molecules under different external electric fields. The results show that the excitation energies of the excited states S2,[KG-*3]S3,[KG-*3]S4,[KG-*3]S5,[KG-*3]S8 of CH3—C6H9O molecule decrease sharply with the increase of external electric field intensity. The CH3—C6H9O molecule can be easily excited and dissociated under the action of external electric field.
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Transmission Properties of New Type of TwoDimensional Function Photonic Crystal
LIU Xiaojing, LIANG Yu, LIU Jiping, MENG Xiangdong, ZHANG Siqi, MA Ji,LI Hong, LIU Han, ZHANG Xiaoru, WU Yiheng,WU Xiangyao
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  985-989. 
Abstract ( 226 )   PDF (1097KB) ( 167 )  
We studied the band gap structure of TE (transverse electric) wave and TM (transverse magnetic) wave in twodimensional function photonic crystals by plane wave expansion method, and compared them with the band gap structure of twodimensional conventional photonic crystals. We studied the change of band gap structures of twodimensional function photonic crystals by giving the functional forms of dielectric constants of different dielectric columns. The results show that there exist absolute band gaps and Diraclike points in the twodimensional function photonic crystals.
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Regulation of High Temperature and High Pressure onThermoelectric Performances of Bi0.45Sb1.55Te3
CHE Lixin, YU Zhuo, LIU Baomin, CHEN Lixue
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  990-993. 
Abstract ( 466 )   PDF (2728KB) ( 253 )  
High temperature and high pressure method was utilized to synthesize purephase bulk Bi0.45Sb1.55Te3 thermoelectric samples directly from elemental powders (Bi,Sb,Te) in 30 min. The phase composition and microstructures of the samples were characterized by Xray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and highresolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Besides, the electrical transport properties were measured at room temperature. The results show that high temperature and high pressure method is a simple and rapid route to synthesize bulk thermoelectric materials. The samples are composed of typical layered crystals with good crystallinity. The resistivity increases with the increase of synthetic pressure. A maximum power factor of 10.85 μW/(cm·K2) is obtained for the sample at 2 GPa.
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Decoding of Linear Block Code Based on Compressive Sensing Theory
JIANG Enhua, DOU Dezhao, ZHAO Qingping
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  994-1000. 
Abstract ( 227 )   PDF (1684KB) ( 353 )  
Applying the compressive sensing theory to the decoding of the linear block code, we proposed the compressive sensing model of the reconstructing the error pattern [WTHX]E[WT], the check matrix [WTHX]H[WT] as the form and properties of the measurement matrix. The syndrome [WTHX]S[WT] was used as the measurement signal, the check matrix [WTHX]H[WT] was used as the measurement matrix, and the cyclic code (15,7) was used as the example to reconstruct the estimation of the error pattern [WTHX]E[WT] by using the basis pursuit (BP) algorithm. The simulation experiment scheme of the decoding of the linear block code was designed. The simulation experiment results show that the linear block codes can be decoded well by the compressive sensing theory and the BP algorithm.
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Photocatalytic Activity and Cyclic Utilization of Nano Lamellar Structure of Graphite Carbon Nitride
ZHAO Rui1, LI Ming2, LI Xuefei2
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  1001-1004. 
Abstract ( 206 )   PDF (2879KB) ( 199 )  
Using urea as the starting material, we prepared the lamellar structure of graphite carbon nitride (g-C3N4) by hightemperature pyrolysis method. The structures and morphologies of the samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Rhodamine was used to test the photocatalytic and cyclic catalytic performances of the sample. The results show that the g-C3N4 nanosheets have high photocatalytic activity and cyclic catalytic performance.
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Chiral Transition Mechanism of Methionine Molecule under Cooperative Action of MonoH2O
ZHU Ying, LI Hongliang, CAO Dianjun
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  1005-1011. 
Abstract ( 199 )   PDF (2826KB) ( 187 )  
Using the B3LYP method of density functional theory,  we investigated the chiral transition process of the methionine molecule under the cooperative a
ction of monoH2O at the level of 6-311+-G(2-df-). We drawed a complete chiral transition path reaction potential energy surface by finding structures of the extreme value points including the transition states and intermediates, and analyzed the geometric and electronic structure properties of extreme value points. The results show that the hydrogen atom on the chiral carbon atom of Smethionine molecule can transfer to the other side of the carbon atom via the 10O-19O atoms of carboxyl atoms as a bridge, and achieve the chiral transition of methionine molecule from Stype to Rtype. On this path there are four intermediates and five transition states. The maximum reaction energy barrier is 199.275 5 kJ/mol, which comes from the second transition state TS2-S-Met&1H2O2.
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Optical Isomerism Mechanism of Methionine MoleculeBased on Amino Group as Proton Transfer Bridge
GAO Feng, JIANG Lisha, YAN Hongyan, YANG Xiaocui, WANG Zuocheng, TONG Hua
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  1012-1019. 
Abstract ( 212 )   PDF (3156KB) ( 150 )  
We studied the optical isomerism reaction of two kinds of the most stable configurations of methionine molecules based on amino group as proton transfer bridge by using the B3LYP method of density functional theory and the MP2 method of perturbation theory. The results show that there are two channels a and b in the optical isomerism reaction  of methionine molecules based on amino group as proton transfer bridge. The dominant reaction channel of
the configuration one is channel a, the ratedetermining step is the first elementary reaction, and the free energy barrier is 264.2 kJ/mol that is generated by the transition state of proton transfer from the chiral C to the amino N. The dominant reaction channel of the configuration two is the channel a, the ratedetermining step is the second elementary reaction, and the free energy barrier is 266.1 kJ/mol that is generated by the transition state of proton transfer from the chiral C to the amino N after carboxyl group isomerism. The reaction rate constants of the optical isomerism ratedetermining step of two configurations of methionine molecules are 3.04×10-34,1.41×10-34 s-1, respectively.
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Optimization of Extraction Technology and Antioxidationof Flavonoids in Pueraria lobata
ZHANG Limei, XU Jia, ZHOU Tan, ZHANG Yue, WANG Liping, WANG Licheng
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  1020-1024. 
Abstract ( 188 )   PDF (648KB) ( 218 )  
The orthogonal experiments were carried out with 3 single factors of time, temperature and ratio of material to liquid. The optimum conditions for the extraction of flavonoids from Pueraria lobata were m(material)∶V(liquid)=(1∶40)g/mL, 60 ℃ as exaction temperature and 3 h as exaction time. The crude extraction rate of P.lobata was 82%, and the highest extraction rate of flavonoids was 1804%. Using the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans as a model, we investigated the antioxidant effects of mass concentrations of 1,2,5 mg/mL of extraction of flavonoids on C.elegans, respectively. The results show that 1 mg/mL flavonoids extracts are fed to C.elegans and cultured 12 h at 35 ℃, the survival rate of C.elegans is significantly higher than that of the control group, i.e., flavonoids extract has obvious antioxidant effect.
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Expression, Purification and Immunogenicity of Recombinant Norovirus P Particles
JIN Hao, FU Lu, SHI Jingying, WU Congmei, WU Hui, YIN Yuhe
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  1025-1030. 
Abstract ( 326 )   PDF (3222KB) ( 255 )  
We constructed a recombinant plasmid and expressed the purified target protein, and used SDS-PAGE, Western blot and Native-PAGE to test protein. The multimers of the target protein were analyzed by SuperdexTM 200 gel chromatography, and the particle size of the target protein was analyzed by dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy. The immune response of the protein was detected by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay with
 fourimmunized serum. The results show that plasmid pET26b-PP-3copy-Aβ1-6-loop123 was successfully constructed, and the target protein was
successfully expressed. There are three oligomers in the target protein, which are 24mer, 12mer and 2mer, and the particle size of the protein is about 20 nm, and has an immune response to the βamyloid protein.
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Effect of NanoTiO2 on Activity of Azotobacter
GUO Ping, SUN Ying, LI Linhui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  1031-1036. 
Abstract ( 202 )   PDF (559KB) ( 159 )  
By potting experimental method, we studied effect of nanoTiO2 on the activity of Azotobacter in sandy soil, black soil and peaty soil. The results show that nanoTiO2 inhibit the activity of Azotobacter in different types of soil, and the order of inhibition is sandy soil>black soil>peaty soil. The inhibitory rate of Azotobacter increases with the increase of the dosage of nanoTiO2 at different doses (0.5,1.0,2.0 g/kg) in sandy soil and peaty soil. 2.0 g/kg nano TiO2 are added to sandy soil and peaty soil, and the inhibition ratio reaches the maximum at the 15th day, 25.73% and 12.76% respectively. After planting of alfalfa in three soils, the rhizosphere effect and root exudates can indirectly reduce the inhibitory effect of nanoTiO2 on Azotobacter. The difference is extremely significant between the planted group and the unplanted group (P<0.01) in the black soil and peaty soil, and the difference is significant between the planted group and the unplanted group (P<0.05) in the sandy soil.
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Adsorption of Methylene Blue Dye by Maleic Anhydride/Acrylic Acid Hydrogel
GAO Ting, LI Tianren, HAN Mingchao, YU Meng, WANG Hao,LIU Wanyi, ZHANG Yufeng, LIU Miao
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  1037-1043. 
Abstract ( 1035 )   PDF (602KB) ( 241 )  
P(MA-co-AA-co-AM) hydrogel was prepared by aqueous solution polymerization using maleic anhydride (MA), acrylic acid (AA) and acrylamide (AM) as raw materials. We investigated the effect of different factors on the adsorption of methylene blue dye onto hydrogels. The experimental results show when the initial mass concentration of methylene blue dye is 1 g/L, the adsorbent dosage is 1 g/L, the solution pH=9 and the environmental temperature is 20—25 ℃, the adsorption effect of P(MA-co-AA-co-AM) hydrogel on methylene blue dye is the best effect, and the maximum adsorption capacity is 985.98 mg/L, the removal rate reaches 98.60%. The adsorption process can be well described by the pseudosecondorder kinetic and the Langmuir model.
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Vulnerability Assessment of Urban AtmosphericEnvironment under Influence of Human Activities
ZHANG Yang, WANG Mo, JIN Guohua, SHEN Jing, DING Feng, LI Yu
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2017, 55 (04):  1044-1050. 
Abstract ( 182 )   PDF (1623KB) ( 253 )  
The concept of vulnerability was introduced into the study of regional atmospheric environment, on the basis of the framework of research on the vulnerability of exposuresensitivityadaptability,using combination method of geographic information system (GIS), multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) and ordered weighted averaging (OWA) method, considering the human activities, atmospheric environment and socioeconomic factors. We constructed avulnerability assessment model of atmospheric environment based on the influence of human activities. We took BeijingTianjinHebei region as an example to explore the practicability of the model, and verified the relationship between human activities and vulnerability of urban atmospheric environment.
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