Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (5): 1361-1366.doi: 10.13481/j.1671-587X.20220533
• Review • Previous Articles
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纪俐彣, 赵彦惠, 陈 蕾, 等. MRC肌功能训练器和Twin-block矫治器治疗早期骨性Ⅱ类错![]() |
44 | 陈菁菁, 齐 景, 袁洁莹, 等. Twin-block与MRC矫治生长高峰期伴口呼吸的骨性Ⅱ类疗效分析[J]. 临床口腔医学杂志, 2021, 37(2): 98-102. |
45 | XIE L, WANG P, WU J H. Soft and hard tissue changes following treatment of class Ⅱ division 1 malocclusion with twin-block and myofunctional appliance: a pilot study[J]. Chin J Plast Reconstr Surg, 2020, 2(4): 217-227. |
46 | 杜雨乐, 赵 刚, 李晓光. 无托槽隐形矫治器和Twin-block矫治器矫治安氏Ⅱ~1类下颌后缩的疗效对比[J]. 黑龙江医药科学, 2020, 43(5): 60-63. |
47 | 刘 潇, 周 洁, 龙 文, 等. 隐适美MA与Twin-block功能矫治器治疗青少年骨性Ⅱ类下颌后缩的临床效果[J]. 中国医药科学, 2021, 11(4): 209-211, 215. |
48 | 李若萱, 武建龙, 王 碧, 等. 无托槽隐形矫治器与金属托槽矫治器正畸治疗效果的对比分析[J].中国医学物理学杂志,2021,38(5):620-624. |
49 | 吴冬雪, 赵云山, 马 萌, 等. 无托槽隐形矫治器远移下颌磨牙的疗效[J].中南大学学报(医学版),2021,46(10):1114-1121. |
[1] | . Research progress in effect of hard tissue factors on morphology of soft tissue in corrective orthodontic treatment [J]. Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition), 2022, 48(3): 818-824. |
[2] | Chenmeng LU,Jiyu SONG,Zhina WU,Min HU,Yi ZHANG. Orthodontic treatment with micro-implant anchorage in severe mesioclination impaction of mandibular second molars: A case report and literature review [J]. Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition), 2021, 47(6): 1550-1556. |
[3] | Chenmeng LU,Yi ZHANG,Maoyun YIN,Mamat MIHRIZAT,Xinyu LIU,Min HU. Analysis on main factors affecting sagittal diameter of upper airway in children with skeletal class Ⅱ malocclusion during growth and development period [J]. Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition), 2021, 47(5): 1273-1280. |
[4] | Ying LOU,Xin MA. Effects of osteoprotectin on osteoclast differentiation and p38-MAPK signaling pathway during orthodontic tooth movement in rats [J]. Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition), 2020, 46(6): 1221-1226. |
[5] | HUANG Lei, LIU Yuyan, YU Wenwen, ZHOU Xuechun, ZHANG Xiao, SHEN Yuqin, ZHENG Yi, SUN Xinhua. Effect of CpG ODN BW006 on expressions of Runx2 and Osterix in periodontal tissue of experimental tooth movement model rats and its significance [J]. Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition), 2020, 46(02): 340-345. |
[6] | CAO Yang, ZHU Xianchun, ZHUANG Jinliang, CHEN Yuanping. Application of Twin Block appliance and Invisalign appliance as two-phase treatment for Angle class Ⅱ divison 1 malocclusion: Acase report and literature review [J]. Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition), 2019, 45(06): 1440-1444. |
[7] | LI Menghong, JIANG Huan, WANG Liuyi, FENG Xu, LIU Nan, HU Min. Promotion effect of ursolic acid on differentiation of mouse cementoblast cell line OCCM-30 cells [J]. Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition), 2019, 45(05): 986-991. |
[8] | SHI Han, WANG Jie, WU Ying, CHEN Yangxi. Bone remodeling function of orthodontic tooth movement in Beagledogs with periodontal defect regeneration under action of biphasic calcium phosphate [J]. Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition), 2019, 45(05): 1025-1030. |
[9] | LIU Yuyan, YU Wenwen, SHEN Yuqin, QIN Tiantian, ZHOU Xuechun, HUANG Lei, SUN Xinhua. Inhibitory effect of polyethylenimine derivative PEN mediated oligodeoxynucleotide MT01 delivery on experimental rat tooth movement [J]. Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition), 2019, 45(04): 790-795. |
[10] | WANG Liuyi, LIU Nan, FENG Xu, LI Menghong, BAO Xingfu, HU Min. Effects of endothelin B receptor agonist on biological behaviors of cementoblastsof mice [J]. Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition), 2019, 45(02): 239-243. |
[11] | GONG Baijuan, LUO Songyuan. Comparison of influence in enamel during acid etching etching between sodium hypochlorite and alcohol disinfection [J]. Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition), 2019, 45(02): 370-375. |
[12] | JIA Yifan, HU Min. Effect of variation of bending location of tip-forward bending arch wires on its mechanical behavior in “2×4” appliance system: A three-dimensional finite element analysis [J]. Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition), 2018, 44(06): 1249-1255. |
[13] | WANG Shoudong, YANG Luyi, NING Lei, MU Qili, YAN Jing, ZHAO Xuejiao, YU Miao, SUN Shufen. Comparison of bond strengths of three kinds of metal bottom plate brackets before and after sandblasting and its significance [J]. Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition), 2018, 44(05): 949-954. |
[14] | . Research progress in long-term stability of orthopedic therapy in skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion [J]. Journal of Jilin University Medicine Edition, 2018, 44(04): 875-879. |
[15] | NING Lei, YANG Luyi, WANG Shoudong, MU Qili, ZHAO Xuejiao, YAN Jing, YU Miao. Effects of composite resin aging time and silane coupling agent on bonding strength of metal brackets [J]. Journal of Jilin University Medicine Edition, 2018, 44(04): 764-769. |