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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 March 2007, Volume 37 Issue 2
Historical Change and Prospect of Discipline Development of “Groundwater Science and Engineering”
LIN Xue-yu
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  209-0215. 
Abstract ( 2028 )  
As we know, man can not subsist without water. This is a great turn in human civil history from mankind moving from place to place in search of water to digging well for groundwater utilization. Groundwater is an ideal water supply source because of its extensive distribution, good quality, steady regime, convenient for use and not easy for suffering from contamination etc. as compared with surface water. Groundwater is also a geological motive power, information carrier and factors of ecoenvironment and disasters. Study on hydrogeology, including the law of groundwater formation, occurrence, engineering technique of groundwater exploitation and utilization, is the major contents of the discipline. Therefore, “Groundwater Science and Engineering” is an essential discipline that has a direct bearing on national economy and people’s livelihood. The author explicates emphatically that the history of the discipline growth has a close relation with the birth, procreation and development of human society. With the national economy development and scientific progress, the discipline has been developing from basic course into applied basic course and applied course. The applied research for satisfying national economy demand and market requirement must be strengthened while the basic hydrogeology is further studying. Finally, the author confirms that the “Groundwater Science and Engineering” subject has vast vistas because of the facts of water deficiency and contamination in the world, inevitable trend of science development and the imperative need of qualified hydrogeologists from employment market of China.
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Analysis on the Stochastic Characteristic of the Hydrauic Conductivity of Bottom Stratum, Beitang Reservoir, Tianjin City
SHU Long-cang, LI Wei
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  216-0220. 
Abstract ( 1274 )  
In order to indicate the stochastic distribution characteristic of hydraulic conductivity, the bottom stratum of Beitang reservoir, which is a coastal reservoir and a regulating & stand by reservoir of South to North Water Diversion Project, was chosen as a case study. By using field sampling, simple Darcy infiltration test and grain size distribution analysis in laboratory two series of the hydraulic conductivity and its spatial variation were analyzed.. With the help of the P-P plots and KolmogorovSmirnov test of the SPSS software, the hydraulic conductivity for spatial stochastically distribution was analyzed. The result indicates that the hydraulic conductivity follows the lognormal distribution much better than normal distribution. It is the basis of the reliability analysis of water leakage from the reservoir and spatial variation characteristic of hydraulic conductivity.
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Development Process and Tendency of the Hydrodynamics of Groundwater
TAO Yue-zan, Yao Mei
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  221-230. 
Abstract ( 1833 )  
The development process of hydrodynamics of groundwater in the 150 years since Darcy’s law was published was reviewed. Based on the governing equation and computation method of seepage problem of the classical theory, the application and development of hydrodynamics of groundwater was briefly introduced from four aspects: groundwater resources evaluation, quality or heat transmission in groundwater flow system, unsaturated flow and computation of groundwater hydrodynamics. The scale effect of hydrogeologic parameters, unsaturated flow, non-continuum flow and freesurface seepage in the current research status was briefly summarized. By coupling these findings with the basic characteristics of the classical theory, the developing tendency of present hydrodynamics of groundwater is discussed. Based on the summary of the development process of Biot coupling flow theory, the disadvantages of the present coupling flow theory were treated by the seepage elements, however by combing with Biot wave theory, one possible method for solving this disadvantage is proposed.
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Evolution of the Relationship between River and Groundwater and Several Scientific Problems
WANG Wen-ke, LI Jun-ting, WANG Zhao, FENG Xi-zhou,XU Min, WANG Wen-ming, YANG Li-jun
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  231-238. 
Abstract ( 2273 )  
Closely hydraulic connection and frequent conversion relationship exist between river and groundwater. In recent decades, due to natural causes and human beings activity, the relationship drives to complexity, water cycle is varied, and series of negative effect of ecological environment are induced, which make the water resource and ecological problems sharp. The relationship and its evolution are one of the most important problems of the interaction between river and groundwater, and are parts of the basic research contents of maintaining mechanics of river and reproducible capability of groundwater. Based on types division about conversion relationship between river and groundwater, according to indoor test and field experiment data, incorporating geological and hydrogeological condition, the authors analyse the seepage characteristic of each type and the factors which affect the evolution of the relationship. On the basis of current study situation, the authors analyse the shortage existing in current field and related scientific problems needed to be resolved which provide scientific basis for quantitative simulation and evaluation of the evolutional relationship between river and groundwater.
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Reliability Analysis of Numerical Simulation Results under the Condition of Groundwater Withdrawal Uncertainty
WEN Zhong-hui, CAO Ying-jie
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  239-242. 
Abstract ( 1583 )  
In the process of groundwater numerical simulation, groundwater withdrawal is always treated as certain sink item for long time. However, due to lack of accurate statistic data, there exists uncertainty in determining groundwater withdrawal, especially groundwater withdrawal for agricultural irrigation. The traditional method is to simplify the irrigation as several pumping wells with certain pumping rate. Obviously, it can not reflect the real uncertainty of pumping rate. Monte Carlo method is used to structure the stochastic numerical simulation model to fully consider this uncertainty. Based on the probability theory and mathematical statistics, it is concluded that the pumping rate of the hypothetical wells follows normal distribution. The results demonstrate that the traditional method which ignores the effects of uncertainties can not provide the information of reliability of simulation results. But the stochastic simulation can give necessary results for different reliability demands.
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Multi-objective Water Resource Optimal Allocation Model at Chaoyang District, Beijing City
ZHANG Yong-xiang, QIN Jing-hua, WANG Hui-feng,ZOU Hong, PENG Qing-jun, LIU Jing-tao, ZHU Ya-lei
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  243-248. 
Abstract ( 2091 )  
The authors established the water resource economy optimal model in Chaoyang district, Beijing City. By considering four types of water sources, i.e. surface water, groundwater, tap water and reclaimed grey water; the four major water users, viz. domestic (water for urban, rural), industrial (water for electronic and communication manufacturing, general industrial use, petrochemical, production of electricity steam hot use), agricultural (plant industry, fishery, forestry, animal husbandry) and ecological environmental, as well as more than 10 small water users, the multi-objective water resource planning model was developed and solved by using simple linear optimization method. The optimal allocation of water resources for 2010 and 2020 were calculated and presented.
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Research on the Ecological and Sustainable Groundwater Table Regulation in the Lower Liaohe River Plain
SUN Cai-zhi, LIU Yu-lan, YANG Jun
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  249-254. 
Abstract ( 1575 )  
The lower Liaohe River plain is located at the center of the former Liaoning industry foundation. Groundwater supply contributes 65% of the total water supply, however the environmental and hydrogeological problems caused by groundwater development are very serious, not only affecting the eco-environment improvement, but also a serious “bottleneck” to a regional economy development. Hence the significance in carrying out the research on ecological groundwater table and its regulation is very important. Based on the precipitation infiltration and evaporation fundamentals and combined with field experiment results, two series of ecological groundwater table standards were constructed by adopting the method of scenarios analysis. The two schemes in the second scenario: one considered the regulation function of aquifer and the other did not, were evaluated; thirdly, the quantity of ecological modulation was calculated from the groundwater depth and by comparing the topographic and ecological groundwater depths, using of the Golden Surfer software; finally, the modulating countermeasures for groundwater sustainable development were discussed. The results of this research, in some degree may widen the research fields of eco-environmental water demand.
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Environmental Isotopic Composition of Natural Water in Ordos Cretaceous Groundwater Basin and Its Significance for Hydrological Cycle
HOU Guang-cai,SU Xiao-si, LIN Xue-yu,LIU Fu-tian,YI Shu-ping,DONG Wei-hong,YU Fa-kang,YANG Yun-cheng,WANG Dong
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  255-260. 
Abstract ( 2001 )  
Environmental isotopic composition of natural water in Ordos Cretaceous groundwater basin(CGB) indicates that the δ18O and δD of all the surfaces water lies in the evaporation line with the slope lower than the local meteoric water line (LMWL), which signifies the effect of evaporation on the surface water. The groundwater is of meteoric origin resulted from the fact that the groundwater in CGB is mainly distributed along LMWL. It is interesting that the δ18O and δD of groundwater in southern CGB and northern CGB has different distribution features, which signifies that the differences of hydrological cycle in southern CGB and northern CGB. In southern CGB, there exists no or weak hydraulic links between different aquifers and the groundwater flow is dominated by lateral inflow with the depth of up to 160 m involved in modern actively hydrological cycle. But in northern CGB, there is a close hydraulic links between different aquifers and the groundwater flow is characterized by vertical inflow with the depth of up to 200 m involved in modern actively hydrological cycle. The shallow groundwater is characterized by rich tritium concentration and high 14C activity, which implies that the shallow groundwater is recharged in modern time, but the deep groundwater is characterized by poor tritium concentration and low 14C activity, which implies that the deep groundwater is recharged in geologic time.
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Study on the Arithmetic of Automatically Drawing Isoline of Groundwater Level Based on GIS
CHI Bao-ming, LI Zhi-jun, YE Yong, LIN Lan, SHI Feng-zhi
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  261-265. 
Abstract ( 2068 )  
The authors carried through the secondary development of GIS by utilizing VB and MapObject control. During the development, interpolation, tracing of iso-points and smoothing isolines were adopted. The program building isolines of hydraulic head automatically was developed. By inputting Shp file this program can be used to build isolines. At the same time isoline data can be outputted and read by some GIS software which regard Shp file as one of input data format. This program has been applied effectively to Songliao Basin groundwater manag ement information system.
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Numerical Simulation Model of Immobile Water and Non-Equilibrium Sorption on the Solute Transport-MIENESOR
WANG Jin-sheng,TENG Yan-guo,WU Dong-jie
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  266-270. 
Abstract ( 1482 )  
Solutes transport in porous media is influenced strongly by immobile water and non-equilibrium sorption. The “two-site/two-domain” model is a well and practical model for researching immobile water and nonequilibrium sorption at present. However, till now there isn’t any report about the numerical solution to this model. On the basis of “two-site/two-domain” model, the authors have developed a numerical model named MIENESOR-Mobile-Immobile & Equilibrium Non-Equilibrium Sorption, which emphasizes the equilibrium and non-equilibrium sorption processes of solutes in the soil. The numerical solution and computer program of MIENESOR is supplied on basis of integration of finite element model and finite difference model. The case study of MIENESOR shows that: this model can reflect transport processes in unsaturated and saturated zone; this model is steady and practical.
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Application of Inverse Geochemical Modeling in the Correction of Groundwater 14C Dating:advances and Thoughts
SU Xiao-si, LIN Xue-yu, DONG Wei-hong, WAN Yu-yu
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  271-277. 
Abstract ( 1622 )  
Correction of groundwater 14C dating is the hot spot in the research on groundwater dating. The coupling of inverse geochemical reaction path model and isotope mass transfer model can be completely involved in the effects of different carbon sources and different hydrogeochemical reactions on 14C mass transfer, which has made the correction technique of groundwater 14C dating in a new state. Identification of the main factors and their extent affecting the concentration of 14C in the groundwater evolution is of high importance for the accuracy and reliability of groundwater 14C age correction result. The specific character of recharge environment and the removal of nonpossible solutions should be paid more attention in application of inverse geochemical modeling in the correction of groundwater 14C da-ting.
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Environmental Geochemistry of Vanadium in Topsoilin Panzhihua Mining Area
TENG Yan-guo, JIAO Xu-dong, ZUO Rui, WANG Jin-sheng
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  278-283. 
Abstract ( 2272 )  
A total of 59 topsoil samples and 2 profile samples were collected in Panzhihua mining area, geochemical distribution, mobility and potential ecological risk of vanadium were analyzed to show that: (1) the average content of vanadium in topsoil was 2.79 times higher than China soil background value, most vicinities around mining area was polluted; (2) the concentration of vanadium was reduced along with the depth increasing in soil profile, which indicated that the source of vanadium in topsoil was little influenced by parental rocks; (3) the anthropogenic contamination of vanadium in topsoil was light and moderate through the analysis of enrichment factor; (4) vanadium pollution was caused by the dry deposition of dusts from mining activities; (5) the chemical speciation of vanadium were: insoluble residue > oxidizable =reducible > soluble component, while the ecological risk was potential because of vanadium bioavailability was high.
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Study of the Precipitation Infilatration Recharge With the D,18O Isotopes Peak Displacement Method
WANG Fu-gang,LIAO Zi-sheng
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  284-287. 
Abstract ( 2008 )  
The D,18O isotopes peak displacement method is used to estimate the precipitation infiltration quantity in the study area. By comparing the result of the field lysimeter method and precipitation infiltration coefficient method, the isotopes method is a good method and its results are accurate. The isotope results give a proof that the application of D,18O isotopes peak displacement method on calculation of the precipitation infiltration are accurate and reliable. The method is convenient, efficient, and economic for researching on the precipitation infiltration recharge. It has a considerably application potentiality and important use in the research of precipitation infiltration recharge in humid and semi-humid areas.
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Distribution Law of Groundwater Hydrochemical Typein the Ordos Cretaceous Artesian Basin
DONG Wei-hong, SU Xiao-si, HOU Guang-cai, LIN Xue-yu, LIU Fu-tian
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  288-292. 
Abstract ( 2073 )  
The horizontal zonal characteristics of hydrochemical type in groundwater with three circulation depths of shallow, middle and deep level have been studied in the Ordos Cretaceous Artesian Basin on the basis of analyzing 1 125 hydrochemical samples. On the whole, in the north of the basin, the hydrochemical type is mainly HCO3 with atypical horizontal zonal characteristic in shallow, middle and deep groundwater in east of Anbian-Sishiliang-Dongshengliang beam. While the hydrochemical types have a typical zonal characteristic along flow direction of groundwater in shallow, middle and deep groundwater of Molin River-Yanhaizi groundwater regime and Dusitu River-Yanchi groundwater regime. In the south of the basin, groundwater flows hierachically and the hydrochemical types are complex. The distribution rules are follows: the center rule is Dingbian-Huan town-Heshui-Huachi-Wuqi-Dingbian, while the north rule is from the south to the north, the east rule is from the west to the east, and the south rule is from the southwest to the northeast.
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Influence of Artificial Recharge on Groundwater Quality
DU Xin-qiang, QI Su-wen, LIAO Zi-sheng, LI Yan-ge
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  293-297. 
Abstract ( 1942 )  
In order to study the effect of artificial recharge on the groundwater quality, the evolvement law of groundwater quality in Western Daqing City was firstly studied by using inverse geochemistry simulation method. The results showed that the groundwater quality was affected by dissolve-precipitation of aquifer minerals, alternate adsorption of cation and redox function. The dominative mine-rals in aquifer are calcite, dolomite, halite, fluorite, gypsum, hematite, siderite, pyrolusite, carbon dioxide and cation exchanger. Based on the above work, a water-rock interaction case among Nenjiang River water,groundwater of Xi-waterwork and aquifer minerals in western Daqing City was studied through forward geochemistry simulation method. The results showed that the TDS of mixing water will decrease, the more surface water quantity in mixing water, the lower TDS of mixing water. The artificial recharge water will not lead to catastrophe or decrease of water quality in aquifer, and it will improve water quality in aquifer to some extent.
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Application of CFCS Methods in Dating Shallow Groundwater in the Ordos Cretaceous Groundwater Basin
LIU Fu-tian, SU Xiao-si, HOU Guang-cai,LIN Xue-yu, YI Shu-ping,DONG Wei-hong
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  298-302. 
Abstract ( 1609 )  
The Ordos Cretaceous Groundwater Basin is an important energy basin of China. The CFCS method is applied in the Ordos Cretaceous Groundwater Basin to determine the young groundwater age and the exact results have been derived. It can be concluded that the Cretaceous Groundwater Basin can be divided into local groundwater system, middle groundwater system and regional groundwater system. The cycle rate in the local groundwater system is fast and the age is about 20 years old, which increases with the depth. The cycle rates of the middle groundwater system and the regional groundwater system are relatively slow, which ages are older than 70 years, and the correct ages can be derived from other isotopes such as 14C.
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Groundwater Pollution Control and Remediation
ZHAO Yong-sheng
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  303-310. 
Abstract ( 1812 )  
There are many groundwater pollution sites in China, which threatened the safety usage of water resources. The author dealts with the groundwater pollution control and remediation in China. 4 types and 15 sub-types of groundwater pollution sites have been classified in China, the pollution prevention measures and plans have been discussed, and the groundwater pollution early warning system has been proposed, which lays the foundation for polluted site management. Finally the groundwater pollution remediation technologies have been considered, and the principals of groundwater pollution control and remediation in China have been discussed.
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GIS-based Dynamic Risk Assessment for Groundwater Nitrate Pollution from Agricultural Diffuse Sources
Y.S. Yang, J.L. Wang
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  311-318. 
Abstract ( 2001 )  
Groundwater nitrate pollution, as a global problem, is not only an environmental issue but also an economic and human health problem. The DRASTIC method can provide groundwater vulnerability to pollution but does not contain risk concept and ignore hazard’s dynamic nature of water movement. The obtained results may baffle the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive in groundwater quality management field. We developed a dynamic risk assessment method based on DRASTIC and applied it in a watershed of the Upper Bann Catchments, Northern Ireland, for the purpose of groundwater nitrate pollution risk assessment. The framework will support decision makers efficiently and effectively carry out groundwater diffuse pollution prevention practices at watershed scale. “Very high” and “high” ranked areas for groundwater nitrate pollution occupy 51% and 105% of the study area respectively. The results are helpful for local government’s policies making by focusing on “very high” and “high” groundwater pollution risk zones in a watershed. The dynamic risk assessment method is applicable for any soluble groundwater pollutants from diffuse sources.
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Analysis on Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater
DING Ai-zhong, YANG Shuang-xi, ZHANG Hong-da
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  319-325. 
Abstract ( 2367 )  
Arsenic contamination of groundwater is one of the most important reasons to endemic arseniasis in the world. The sources of arsenic, the processes of arsenic migration and enrichment in groundwater were analyzed, which showed that the environmental conditions are the key factors to arsenic enrichment in groundwater like in the arid or semi-arid area, closed terrain and physiognomy and block-faulted depressions. Also the characteristics of water-bearing media, groundwater velocity, pH, Eh, organic contents in groundwater play great important role in arsenic migration and enrichment. A model was proposed to describe arsenic contamination of groundwater and its influencing factors controlling the processes of arsenic migration and enrichment, which can be used for the strategies making of arsenic contamination control in arseniasis areas.
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Groundwater Pollution Near Coal Waste Rock Dump
WANG Xin-yi,YANG Jian,GUO Hui-xia
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  326-330. 
Abstract ( 1685 )  
To study the pollution caused by coal waste rock dump, unweathered and weathered coal waste rocks were collected from Yanma coal waste rock dump, and groundwater was gathered near the dump. 22 contaminations, such as Cl-,SO2-4, Mn, and so on, were examined, and exceeding standard multiple and practice concentration were used to assess the regime of underground water pollution. The results are as follows: The contamination contents were negative correlation with the distance of the coal waste rock dump, and the contents were different between high water seasons and low water seasons.
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Research on Controlling Total Amount of Pollution in Hunhe Area of Shenyang
PAN Jun, ZHOU Li-dong,GAO Yan-yan
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  331-334. 
Abstract ( 1535 )  
Controlling the total discharge quantity of pollution is to determine the river channel’s ability for containing contaminator, and to assign the amount of pollution permitted to emit to basin. The authors select one-dimensional water quality model to carry through the simulation of water environmental conditions, and then calculates water environmental capacity of Hunhe area of Shenyang. At the same time, according to the pollution load ratio of each pollution outlets and branch mouth separately in the function area, the main pollutant emission amount and the reduction quantity are determined.
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Migration and Transformation of Ammonia-nitrite-nitrates in Groundwater in the City of Jilin
LIANG Xiu-juan,XIAO Chang-lai,SHENG Hong-xun,MENG Xiao-lu,LI Sheng-hai,ZHAO Feng
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  335-340. 
Abstract ( 2274 )  
Through analyzing of the water chemistry data of groundwater in Jilin city in the years of 1988~2004, the distribution and variations of ammonia-nitrite-nitrates in groundwater with time showed to have very closed relationships with their origins. The content of ammonia-nitrite-nitrates in ground-water in the area of agricultural irrigation distributed uniformly in space, while varied with rainfalls, high in precipitation seasons low in dry seasons; industrial pollution makes the content of ammonia-nitrite-nitrates in groundwater vary apparently, while annual variations is not explicit; ammonia-nitrite-nitrate concentrations in groundwater increased with time. The reason could be the increase of pollution sources from soil and surface water and infiltration. Different pollution sources, hydrogeological conditions, soil and water loss, high content of Fe2+ in groundwater have some influences on the transportation and spatial distribution of ammonia-nitrite-nitrates.
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Environmental Impact of Wujiazi Irrigation on the Low Plain in Zhenlai County
XIAO Chang-lai, JIA Tao, LIANG Xiu-juan, LI Miao, WANG Yu,WANG Hong-bo
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  341-345. 
Abstract ( 1493 )  
The environmental impacts of Wujiazi irrigation on the low plain in Zhenlai County were analyzed, which showed that the irrigation project may increase the groundwater level in the irrigation area, mitigate water shortage, and meliorate the soil salinization in this area. Management of the irrigation project are more important to achieve the desired aims of this project, or secondary soil salinization may happen.
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Quantitative Study on Effect Factors of Nitrobenzene’s Transport and Fate in Aquifer
ZHANG Wen-jing,LIN Xue-yu,SU Xiao-si
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  346-349. 
Abstract ( 1376 )  
Based on results of simulated experiment, it can determine the main effect factors of nitrobenzene’s transport and fate, as well as effect degree of these factors by analytic method. The study has indicated that the adsorption capability of nitrobenzene transporting in silt medium is better than that in sand medium. The retardation coefficients are 2.22 and 1.74 of silt medium and sand medium respectively. According to first-order reaction, nitrobenzene’s total natural attenuation rates constant are 0.063 5/h and 0.005 9/h respective of silt medium and sand medium. However, biodegradation is the most important factor in the process of nitrobenzene’s migration and transformation, and its effect degree can reach about 50% account for the total natural attenuation capability in either silt medium or sand medium.
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Effect of Dosing Powdered Activated Carbon on Operational Performances of MBR
ZHANG Feng-jun,WANG Shun-yi, LIU Tian, SHA Na, WANG He, ZHOU Hai-lin
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  350-354. 
Abstract ( 1681 )  
Under the same feed and operating conditions, membrane permeability and the removal effect of contaminant in the reactor one (dosing 12.3 g(1 100 mg/L) powdered activated carbon, PAC) and reactor two (not dosing PAC) were studied and compared. Moreover the mechanism that PAC enhancs the membrane permeability was analyzed. The results of the test showed that the decreasing rate of membrane flux was much slower in reactor one compared with that in the reactor two. And the results also showed that PAC addition not only changed the characteristics of mixed liquor but also reduced the content of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and microscopic colloids greatly, so the decline rate of membrane flux delayed significantly, and the higher membrane flux of MBR was maintained for a long time.
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Amperometric Nitrate Reductase Biosensors Based on Organic-inorganic Hybrid Material
ZHAO Lin, YU Yang, YAN Bo, TAN Xin, LI Ruo-pu
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  355-360. 
Abstract ( 1490 )  
An organic-inorganic hybrid material based on sol-gel derived SiO2 and PVA has been obtained. Nitrate reductase is immobilized with this hybrid material on gold electrode surface and an amperometric nitrate reductase biosensor of high performance has been fabricated. The nitrate reduction reaction is driven by the enzyme and methyl viologen which is used as the electrontransfer mediator. The developed sensor is applied to detect nitrate with operating potential of -0.68V (vs. SCE). Optimum pH is 7.0 and enzymes loading are 7.2 mU. Under selective conditions the biosensor shows sensitivity of 2.53 nA/(μmol·L-1) and a linear range of 0.01~0.36 mmol/L. The average response time is 12.1 s.
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Procaryotae Diversity on the Biofilm of Carrier and Their Function to Excess Sludge Demineralization in Gravel Contact Oxidation Reactor
LIN Shan-shan, JIN Yu-hua, FU Li-li, QUAN Cheng-shi
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  361-366. 
Abstract ( 1395 )  
Procaryotae diversity on the biofilm of carrier and their function to excess sludge demineralization in gravel contact oxidation reactor (GCOR) were studied by constructed 16SrRNA library, PCR-based molecular surveys of environmental 16S rDNA genes. The sequence analysis of 16S rDNA genes indicated that biofilm bacterial communities were composed of Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Nitrobacteraceae and Unclassified bacteria group, respectivly. The most abundant sequences were those related to β-Proteobacteria group (20% clones from biolfilm). Next were those related to γ-Proteobacteria (20% clones from biofilm) and Bacteroides (about 13% clones from biofilm). A different kinds of bacteria contributed to excess sludge decrement were associated with uncoupled metabolism, diverse bacterial interactive behaviour, domination of slow growers and cryptic growth.
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Study of Process of Treatment for Coating Wastewater
ZOU Dong-lei, ZHANG Si-xiang, LING Xi, LIN Xue-yu
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  367-370. 
Abstract ( 1363 )  
Based on the mechanism of micro-electrolysis and the oxidation H2O2,this study has given the proposed of micro-electrolysis and H2O2 oxidation to treatment coating wastewater. The best condition for micro-electrolysis and oxidation can be determined by experiment, too. The experimental results show that this method will enable the value of ρ(CODcr)of the wastewater from 4 000 mg/L to 100 mg/L and the ratio of CODcr removal is up to 95%, and the effluent of wastewater can reach the discharge standards. In addition, this study analyzes the problems of micro-electrolysis, and gives the proposed some solutions to these problem.
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Study on Photodegradation of Acetic Acid by UV/H2O2 Processes
KANG Chun-li, SUI Hai-qing, GAO Hong-jie, GUO Jing, GUO Ping, YU Hong-bing, LIN Xue-yu
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  371-374. 
Abstract ( 1261 )  
While the UV lamp (400W) was lamp-house and acetic acid was an object of research, the photodegradation reaction of 500 mL of 8 mmol/L acetic acid was investigated under the airflow rate of 0.8 L/min and temperature of (35±2)℃ by UV/H2O2 methods. All kinds of influencing factors were investigated. According to the results, the optimal H2O2 effect was obtained when the amount of H2O2 is 15 mmol/L, and the initial pH of reaction solution was 3.4. At this condition, the disposal rates of acetic acid, TOC and COD in the reaction solution respectively reached 98%, 98% and 97% within 240 min, acetic acid was completely mineralized in the reaction system. The UV/H2O2 method was also very well for the degradation of the real furfural wastewater had been proved by the experiments.
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The Rule of the Adsorption to Cd2+ by the Immobilized Bacteria
GUO Ping, GAO Hong-jie, WANG Jin, KANG Chun-li
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  375-379. 
Abstract ( 1368 )  
The rule of the adsorption to Cd2+ by the immobilized bacteria, which was screened from the activated sludge in the sewage treatment plant, was studied. The conclusion indicated that the Cd2+ adsorption onto the immobilized bacteria was a dynamic process, and achieved the equilibrium in 120 minutes. The adsorptive capacity went up as the concentration of Cd2+ increased, while fell down intensity increased. When the pH of the system was 6, the adsorptive capacity reached a peak. The effect of the ambient temperature was not remarkable to the adsorption. Pb2+, which was coexisted, reduced the adsorptive capacity of Cd2+.
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Isolation and Degradation Characteristics of Polychlorinated Biphenyls-Degrading Halophilic Bacteria
ZHAO Zhe, ZHANG Lan-ying, ZHOU Jia-xin
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  380-383. 
Abstract ( 1461 )  
Twelve halophilic bacterial strains were extracted from deep sea sludge, which could grow at the salinity between 15% and 20%. These halophilic bacterial strains were separated, purified and enriched. After morphological observation and dye identification, one strain was selected which grows very well to do the experiments of influence on degrading polychlorinated biphenyls at last.The optimal experimental conditions of PCBs-degrading were obtained according to the changes of pH, inoculation amount and PCBs concentration. The experiment indicated that the degradation ratio could reach to 90% when the temperature was 30℃, pH was 7 to 8, inoculation amount was 5 mL, the concentration of PCBs was below 3mg/L.
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Advances and Prospects on 3D Visualization of Groundwater Flow Field: A Review
GONG Hui-li, PAN Yun, LI Xiao-juan, ZHAO Wen-ji
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  384-392. 
Abstract ( 1559 )  
The authors review the 3D visualization of groundwater flow field based on the existing li-teratures. First, the 3D visualization technology of groundwater flow field is classified into five different ways depending on the different expression formats viz. quasi3D feature painting, quasi-3D sketch, volume visualization, mixed volume visualization and stereo visualization. It is compared and analyzed based on the geometric model, spatial analysis, and painting technologies. Then, the prospect of this application to groundwater research is discussed, it is concluded that the representation to visualization and work-ability to application is the primary aspect to be developed in the future.
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Research on 3D Visualized Strata Model Virtual Reality System of Land Subsidence in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou area
YU Jun, SU Xiao-si, ZHU Lin, DUAN Fu-zhou, GAO Li, WU Shu-liang
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  393-399. 
Abstract ( 1596 )  
According to the practical requirement of studying land subsidence in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou area, three dimensional land subsidence virtual reality system is developed. The authors depicted some details, including design frame, develop mode, method and functions, about this 3D land subsi-dence virtual reality system which is constructed by utilizing the virtual reality technology. By making use of this system, 3D geological structure can be simulated, the groundwater flow field and the dynamic process of land subsidence, whose metadata are calculated by the land subsidence model, also can be vividly expressed, at the same time the sequent of land subsidence also can be virtually displayed. In a word, this virtual system would act as a visual platform for studying the mechanism and forecasting of land subsidence in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou area.
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Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Modeling Aquifer Structure and Groundwater Table Surface in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Area
ZHU Lin, SU Xiao-si, DUAN Fu-zhou,HU Zhuo-wei,PAN Yun,GAO Li
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  400-405. 
Abstract ( 1812 )  
Visual C++ was used as development software to virtually simulate the 3D aquifer structure and groundwater table surface of Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou area. They are visualized with the help of OpenGL at the same time. The aquifer structure and groundwater table from many optical perspectives were easily observed. It is convenient to study the relationship of strata at different positions, the hydraulic connection of different aquifers, the spatial distribution of groundwater table and the horizontal positions of recharge region and discharge region of groundwater. At the same time, the dynamic evolution of groundwater table surface is realized which can be used to explore the temporal and special variation of groundwater table surface.
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The Main Three Problems and Solutions for Qinghai-Tibet Railway Construction
XU Zhao-yi, LI Ning, Wei Jing
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  406-410. 
Abstract ( 1503 )  
Qinghai-Tibet railway, the first highland railway crossing permafrost region in the world, was confronted with main three mainly difficult problems, “permafrost, high-cold and oxygen deficit, and ecologic frangibility”. Its construction was more complicated and difficult than the other permafrost engineering at China and abroad. Due to the nature and complexity during Qinghai-Tibet railway construction, many effective measures were adopted in design and construction including various measures for permafrost protection, measures for labor health and labor protection on plateau, measures for ecological environment protection and preventing pollution, etc. These various measures showed approved effects during railway construction and operation.
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Study on Seepage Stability of Dam Base for Mopanshan Reservior
ZHANG Li-jie, DU Xin-qiang, LIAO Zi-sheng, WANG Hong-bo
J4. 2007, 37 (2):  411-416. 
Abstract ( 1341 )  
The geological problems of the building of Mopanshan reservoir is the seepage of the dam base and its stability of infiltration, which will influence the exertion of the engineering benefit and the safely run of the dam and it needs proper measure to control the infiltration. Through the analysis on the granule constitute of the formation of the dam base, the type of the infiltration damage apt to happen has been defined and the antiinfiltration and the permissible depression ratio has also been determined. With the Visual MODFLOW,the three-dimension numerical modeling has been carried out to analyze the see-page field of the reservoir. After the statistics analysis of the seepage factors of the field under 18 different measures and its effect, the seepage-control measure of the Mopanshan reservoir in the city of Harbin is determined that the length of left bank to control the seepage should be 200 m, purdah grouting standard 5 Lu should be the principal measure, according to the permissible depression ratio of the dam base, on the base of safety, economy, principles with reason.
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