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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 January 2007, Volume 37 Issue 1
Carboniferous Fusulinids and Fusulind Zone in Northern Qiangtang, Tibet
CHENG Li-ren, CHEN Shou-ming, ZHANG Yi-chun, WU Shui-zhong
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  1-0007. 
Abstract ( 1472 )  
The Carboniferous fusulinids were discovered by the writer and others in 2004 when carrying on a geological investigation in Northern Qiangtang,Tibet. The Walongshan Formation was established then and it is featured by abundant fusulinid. Six fusulinid zones were established as follows:(1)Eostaffella mosquensis zone,(2)Millerella-Eostaffella zone,(3)Pseudostaffella-Eostaffella zone,(4)Profusuliena zone,(5)Fusulina-Fusulinella zone,(6)Protriticites-Triticites zone. The sequence of strata, being rich in fusulinids, could provide some information to the Late Paleozoic tectonic pattern of the studied area and provide some basic materials for studying the Carboniferous strata, its paleontology, palaeogeography and for the classification of the strata.
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Mineral Composition and Element Geochemistry of Co-Rich Nodule from YJB Sea Mount in Central Pacific Ocean
CHU Feng-you, HU Da-qian, YAO Jie
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  8-0014. 
Abstract ( 1973 )  
The mineral composition and the contents of the oreforming and rare earth elements in different spherical layers of Co-rich nodules, collected from the YJB Sea Mount in the MARCUS Ridge in the central Pacific ocean, were determined using ICP-AES,ICP-MS,XRD,FT-IR and JSM. The results show that the spherical nodules consist of a basalt core and four surrounding spherical layers. In the nodules, the ore minerals include vernadite and a small amount of todorokite, gangue minerals are apatite quartz and plagioclase and minor minerals are montmorillonite, kaolinite, natrolite, cristobalite, pyroxene, stibite and others. TMn, Cu, Ca and P are relativily enriched in the old nodules while TFe, Co, Ni, Si and Al are enriched in new nodules. In both the old and new nodules, the contents of TMn, Co, Ni, Cu, Ba, Zn, Pb and Mo are gradually decreased from the underlying layers outwards and that of TFe is increased. The core basalts belong to WPB. Their total REE contents are measured to be 1 924.07×10-6 with distinctively positive Ce anomalies. In different spherical layers of both the old and new nodules the varying tendency of Ce is similar to that of TMn while varying tendency of other REE to that of Fe.
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SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of a Carboniferous Quartz-Diorite in Baiyingaole Area, Inner Mongolia and Its Implications
BAO Qing-zhong,ZHANG Chang-jie,WU Zhi-li,WANG Hong,LI Wei,SANG Jia-he,LIU Yong-sheng
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  15-0023. 
Abstract ( 1702 )  
There are great bifurcations as yet on the structural environment and on the evolution of the Xingmeng Paleozoic orogenic belt in Southeast Inner Mongolia during the Carboniferous Period. Large number of intermediateacidic intrusions or dykes were found in the Xilin Gol complex and its margin. The intrusive rocks trend NE-NEE, are closely related to the Xinlin Gol complex in space and are mainly quartz-diorite and quartz-biotite-diorite. Quartz-diorite was selected and tested to be (313±5) Ma to (323±4) Ma, falling into the range of later Carboniferous Period. This age affirmance is of great significance for studying the geological evolvement in Carboniferous-Permian period in Xingmeng Paleozoic orogenic belt.
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Metamorphic Tectonite Types and Their Characteristics
LIU Zheng-hong, XU Zhong-yuan, YANG Zhen-sheng, CHEN Xiao-feng
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  24-0030. 
Abstract ( 1750 )  
Metamorphic tectonite is a special rock formed by deformation in ductile shear belts at different crustal levels, which has a clear meaning of structural origin. According to deformation mechanism, sytectonic paragenetic association of minerals and deformation environment, metamorphic tectonites are divided into tectonic gneiss series, tectonic schists series and mylonitic series. The tectonic gneiss, developed at deep crustaltectonic levels by grain flow and diffusion creep mechanism, have stripe and band fabrics in macroscopic, and three edges equilibrium texture in microscopic scales. Tectonic schists are formed by dislocation and new mineralization at the middle-high level of the crust, and consist of the syntectonic new minerals and matrix. Mylonitic series consists of porphyroclasts and matrix formed by dislocation creep and dynamic recrystallization, and has fine grained texture and S-L fabrics.
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Geochemistry and Tectonic Setting of Miocene Granitoids Near Gulou Area, Gangdise Belt
HE Zhong-hua,YANG De-ming,WANG Tian-wu
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  31-0037. 
Abstract ( 1874 )  
Located at both sides of the large, NNE trending DamxungLhasa extension fault, the Gulou granitoids belong to part of the Nyainqentanglha granites in the Gangdise tectonic belt. The main rock types include porphyritic granodiorite, porphyritic granite, biotite adamellite and garnet-granitite. Their K-Ar dating age are about 11 Ma, revealing that the Gulou granitoids were formed in the Miocene epoch. The Gulou granitoids are high in SiO2, Al2O3 and K2O+Na2O, and are low in FeO+Fe2O3, MgO and CaO, showing the features of metaluminous high-K calc-alkaline granites. They are also LREE-rich, HREE-depletion, have obvious Eu negative anomaly; LILE-rich and HFSE-depletion. In the curves of the trace element distribution patterns normalized by the primitive mantle, they are Rb, Th-rich and Nb, Ta, Ba, Sr, Ti-depletion. These Miocene granitoids were interpreted to be formed in a postcollisional tectonic setting and to have a close relationship with the E-W crustal extension. They were resulted from the crustal partial melting related to crustal extension and plateau uplifting post the collisional orogeny.
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Location Forecasting of Buried Metal Ore-body in Grasslands Covered Area-A Case of Lead-Zinc Mineral Occurrence in Middle-Southern Segment of Daxing’anling Mountains
ZHANG Zuo-lun, ZENG Qing-dong, YE Jie, JIA Chang-shun, LI Wen-Tao
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  38-0040. 
Abstract ( 1571 )  
Most of the ore-bodies in grasslands are covered by the Quaternary sediments. In order to forecast the location of the buried ore-bodies in grasslands, the authors use the geophysical exploration methods of VLF-EM and EH4 conductivity image system. The results of the studies show that VLM-EM and EH4 conductivity image system techniques can define the distinct abnormities caused by the mineralized bodies. These two kinds of abnormities are corresponding. Hence, the integrated application of VLF-EM and EH4 conductivity image system is efficient to forecast the location of the buried ore-bodies in grasslands.
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Magmatite Geochemical Characteristics and Their Constraints on Mineralizations in Qianjin Area,Yichun
TANG Wen-long,YANG Yan-chen,LI Qian,MAO Xiang-jun
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  41-0047. 
Abstract ( 1638 )  
The Qianjin magmatite in the Yichun area is located in the central part of the Yichun-Yanshou metallogenic belt which is rich in polymetallic mineral resources of Mo,Cu,Pb,Zn, Ag. The magmatite in the area consist mainly of granite, monzonitic granite, syenogranite and acid volcanics. Petrtochemically, the igneous rocks in the magmatite are characterized by enrichment in alkaline, potassium and aluminium, poor Mg and Fe, suggesting remarkable crystal differentiation. With rather high REE and LREE contents, obviously depleted in Eu, it is suggested that this late Mesozoic magmatite in the Qianjin area was formed at postorogenic stage of rapid lithospheric extension by resultative remelting of calc-alkaline and high-K cal-alkaline crustal rocks. Furthermore, the genesis, structure and mineralization of the Qianjin magmatite are discussed. It is suggested that the formation of the polymetallic deposits in the area might have been controlled by the magmatic activities in the area.
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Study on 3D Spatial Shape of Ore Bodies Based on 3D MAX
ZHANG Feng, LIANG Yi-hong, CHEN Guo-hua,JIAO Sen
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  48-0053. 
Abstract ( 1714 )  
The authors introduce the method of 3D MAX software to model the ore body, note the construction of the geological curved surface, as well as the principle and process with the 3D MAX software. Taking I-II copper-gold veins in northern field of Xiaoxinancha copper-gold deposit as an example,authers discuss their shape characteristics and the depositing rules, with new method of the shape on the grade of content. Further more, the ore body is subdivided into ore cakes and the 3D model of the copper and gold ore bodies in north field are founded. Such conclusions have been drawn as followings:(1) The method of 3D MAX software proves to be very simple and easy and available for mine management, design and production.(2)The proposed concept of the shape on the grade of content is advantageous to describe well the ore body, the shape and the distribution rule in the space. It also gives one new research mentality along with the invariable factors, such as the time ,the price, and so on.(3) New understand about the law of partial concentration have been got. Its use is expanded from the plane territory to the spatial scope, as to forecast the concealed ore body freely.
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Weight of Evidence Method Based on SIG and Its Application on Evaluation on Mineral Resources
CHUAI Yuan-yuan,XIAO Ke-yan,ZHAN Shao-bin,LIU Ya-jian
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  54-0058. 
Abstract ( 1880 )  
The framework and the method of evaluation on mineral resources by weight of evidence based on SIG are introduced in detail. Meanwhile, its application on the evaluation of copper mineral resources in the Threeriver Metallogenic Belt, Southwest China is discussed as an example. The node is deployed on server in Beijing and three sub-nodes are deployed on the server in each province. Geological database and services are deployed on each server. It proves that the method on mineral resources based on SIG is a new effective one, which not only solves the problem in sharing data, but also improves efficiency of evaluation.
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A Comparative Study on Model Sedimentation Rates with Varve Dating,137Cs and 210Pb Dating in Erlongwan Maar Lake, NE China
YOU Hai-tao, LIU Qiang, LIU Jia-qi, CHU Guo-qiang, HAN Jing-tai
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  59-0064. 
Abstract ( 1611 )  
Detailed investigations were carried out on the upper undisturbed sediments from Erlongwan maar lake, NE China, which are better annually laminated sediments (varve). Varve couple appears as darkand lightcoloured layers. Based on varve dating of large thin sections under microscope, 36 varve couples, with 4%~7% discrepancy , 1.1~2 mm varve thickness and 1.53 mm/a rate of sedimentation were found in the upper part of the core (0~5.5 cm), and 5.5 cm correlates to the year of 1965. However, Radiometric dating shows that the highest 137Cs activity appears at 5.5 cm depth , assumed to correlate to the 1963 maximum of emission due to the nuclear bomb testing. 137Cs activities increase quickly from 6.5 cm to 5.5 cm (from 4.67±0.29 dpm/g to 12.06±0.47 dpm/g ).In addition , By calculating of 210Pbex (CIC) , 5.5 cm depth corresponds with the 1962. As a result, 210Pbex (CIC) and 137Cs dating show a good agreement with the varve dating. Varve dating is exact and varve sediments can offer an effective means of acquiring highquality palaeoenvironmental records.
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Analogy of Volcanic Edifices between Modern Volcanoes and Ancient Remnant Volcanoes in Songliao Basin
HUANG Yu-long,WANG Pu-jun,FENG Zhi-qiang,SHAO Rui,GUO Zhen-hua,XU Zhong-jie
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  65-0072. 
Abstract ( 1882 )  
Modern volcanoes can be classified as three main forms in shape (Shield-shape, cone-shape and dome-shape) and seven different types. In surrounding sections and northern faulted depression in the Songliao Basin, there are mainly four types of volcanoes such as shield volcano, composite volcano, pyroclastic cone and lava dome. Shield volcanoes are built almost entirely of fluid lava flows, with little explosive pyroclastics. Composite volcanoes are built of flow layers alternating with pyroclas-tics, thus the alternate sequence of effusive and explosive facies is well developed. Pyroclastic cones, the simplest type of volcano, consist of particles and blobs of congealed lava from a single vent, mainly of explosive facies. Lava domes are formed by relatively small, bulbous masses of the lava which is too viscous to flow long distance, therefore, the lava piles over and around its vent by extrusion. Eruption patterns here mainly include effusive, extrusive and volcanic vent facies. In the Songliao Basin the buried volcanic edifices is characterized by slope angle ranging from minimum 3° to maximal 25°, bottom diameter from 2 to 14 kilometers and volcanic rock thickness from 100 to 600 meters. The buried volcanic edifices may cover an area of 4 to 50 sq. kilometers for each. As a whole, buried volcanoes of the northern Songliao Basin appear numerous, individually small and are controlled by regional faults. They are normally featured with crack and multi-central type eruptions, volcanic products of different vents commonly pile up each other. Volcanic lithology and lithofacies are the main factors that control the types and forms of the volcanic apparatus in the Songliao Basin.
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Seismic Characters of Volcanic Facies and Their Distribution Relation to Deep Faults in Songliao Basin
TANG Hua-feng,WANG Pu-jun,JIANG Chuan-jin,LIU Jie,ZHANG Qing-chen,FENG You-liang
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  73-0078. 
Abstract ( 1953 )  
Five volcanic facies and fifteen subfacies are identified in Yingcheng Formation by using the data of cores and cuts of 36 wells in the Songliao Basin. The distribution of volcanic rocks is controlled by deep-seated faults. The volcanic rocks near the deep faults are thicker than that far from deep faults. The crater is controlled by the bypass faults. The facies’ cycle of volcanic in the Songliao Basin has the following characters. The vertical facies’ cycle of volcanic near deep faults is effusive facies-effusive facies-volcanic vent facies or invading facies from lower to upper, while far from deep faults’ is effusive facies-extrusive facies-effusive facies or volcanic sedimentary facies. The horizontal facies’ rhyme is volcanic vent facies/invading facies-effusive facies-extrusive facies-volcanic sedimentary facies. The cha-racters of effusive facies are matting like overlap or mound shape, middle-lower amplitude, middling frequency, middle-bad continuum reflection, and intermittently continuum wave like reflection, which are 6~10 km wide and 200~400 m thick. The characters of extrusive facies is wedge or lentoid figure with middle-high amplitude, middle-low frequency, bad-middle continuum reflection, which are 6~8 km wide and 100~200m thick. The characters of volcanic vent facies and invading facies are steep mound shape with middle-high amplitude, low frequency, disorder reflection, only occurred near the crater, which are 2 km wide and 100~200 m thick. The character of volcanic-sedimentary facies is filling structure, middle-high amplitude, middle frequency and good continuum reflection, distributed in bottomland, which are 4~7 km wide and 50~150 m thick.
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Geological Features and Genetic Interpretation of Sudeerte Buried-Hill Traps of Hailaer Basin, NE China
WANG Shu-xue, WANG Pu-jun, JIN Zhen-long, JIANG Li-jun
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  79-0085. 
Abstract ( 1720 )  
The Sudeerte buriedhills are very important reservoirs in the Hailaer Basin. The best reservoirs are generally developed on top of the Triassic metamorphosed siliciclastic rocks called Budate Group and with a thickness from several tens to over 100 meters. The socalled bimedia pore spaces composed of pore and fractures are the prevailing reservoir types with mean porosity of 5.0% and permeability of 0.03×10-3μm2. Two genetic types of the buriedhills can be recognized, faulted block and weathered peleouplift. With southwards subduction of the MongoliaOkhotsk plate north of the studied area during Triassic to early Cretaceous, the Hailaer Basin suffered uplifting and weathering, secondary burying and block faulting, volcanism and fluid alteration, which constructed the buriedhill reservoirs there.
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Geochemical Characteristics of Solvable Organic Matter Extracted from Source Rocks of Early Cretaceous in Jixi Basin
GAO Hong-mei,GAO Fu-hong,FAN Fu, GAO Yu-qiao
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  86-0090. 
Abstract ( 1731 )  
By GC and GC-MS analyses the biomarker characteristics of the early Cretaceous source rocks in the Jixi Basin are discussed. Some typical biomarkers can be used to determine the biologic source nature of the organic material, its maturity and depositional environment. It can be seen that the thermal evolution of the samples have reached maturation stage, and the thermal evolution of the coals is higher than the mud rocks. The mud rocks are mainly from aquatic organisms with high-grade biology input. The coals are mainly from terrigenous with abundant aquatic organisms input. In the area the coals are formed in weak oxidizing environment. The mud rocks deposited in reducing environment with more saline water, it is better for retention and invert of organic material.
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Evolution History of Gas Diffusion Velocity from Overpressured Source Rock of Qingshankou Group (K1qn)in Gulong Sag
FU Guang, WANG You-gong,SU Yu-ping
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  91-0097. 
Abstract ( 1504 )  
The evolution history of gas diffusion velocity from overpressured sourcerock of Qing-shankou Group (K1qn) in Gulong sag has been studied based on the study of formation and evolution of the overpressure. The result shows that abnormal gas-bearing concentration of K1qn was formed in the early of K1n2 sedimentation period, then the gas began to diffuse upward and downward. Because abnormal gas-bearing concentration decreased to the smallest value, the gas diffusion was the weakest in the middle and late K1n4 sedimentation period and in the end of Quaternary sedimentation period. Therefore the gas diffusion of overpressured sourcerock of K1qn is divided into three evolution stages. The gas diffusion velocity increases gradually upward and downward in each stage, but the gas diffusion velocity downward is bigger than that upward. It is more favorable for gas in diffusion phase to accumulate in oil layer under K1qn than that above K1qn. This is the reason that gas accumulates much more in the oil layer under K1qn than that above K1qn.
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Suction Role of Seismic Pumping and Physical Simulation on Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation
SUN Yong-he, FU Xiao-fei, LV Yan-fang, FU Guang, YAN Dong
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  98-0104. 
Abstract ( 1718 )  
The suction role of seismic pumping can induce fluid flowing into fault zone and further migrating into the fault zone. When micro-fractures develop and become dominant fractures, further form fault, the suction role of seismic pumping occurs. At the same time, fluid inside surrounding rock flows into fault zone as a result of relative negative pressure suction role. Afterward, fluid migrates upwards along fault zone as a result of tectonic stress and abnormal pore pressure, and flows into a reservoir with bad sealing, large volume and good physical property, where migrating efficiency is much higher than that of Darcy flow and diffusion flow. Because of periodically faulting hydrocarbon pumping migration along fault zone is periodic, intermittent and pulsant, and hydrocarbon migration and accumulation often locates the newest strata. The physical simulation results on the process of gas migration and accumulation in Kela 2 gas-field indicate that the fault below salt near trap is effective migrating passage of natural gas, whereas the fault cutting salt is noneffective migrating passage of natural gas. It also indicates that the natural gas migration along fault zone is characterized by high speed and high efficiency under the suction role of seismic pumping, and natural gas can migration and accumulation at large scale in the short time of faulting.
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Evaluation on Controlling Factors of Paleogene Sandstone Reservoir in Huimin Sag
ZHANG Li, ZHU Xiao-min, ZHONG Da-kang, Cui Ke-ping
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  105-0111. 
Abstract ( 1660 )  
Paleogene sandstone reservoir quality in the Huimin sag is mainly controlled by its compaction, carbonate cementation, dissolution and depositional environment. The evaluation to these factors suggests that: ①The porosity decreases by 8% to 9% per 1 000 m depth increasing due to compaction at shallow burial depth or during low diagenetic stage;②The influence of carbonate cementation is related to the diagenetic stages, greater influence is seen at higher diagenetic stages;③Dissolution plays an important role in controlling the reservoir quality. Secondary porosity from dissolution is up to 20%. However, the dissolution is mainly controlled by the regional tectonic setting and the planar position of the hydrocarbon producing depression, and the dissolution is relatively stronger in the south slope zone nearby the hydrocarbon producing depression and in the middle up-lift zone characterized by faults deve-lopment. Coarse, well sorted and low matrix sandstones often underwent heavy dissolution.
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Stratigraphic Sequence of Neogence System in Yi-Shu Graben
ZHANG Fan,WANG Kong-wei,LIU Li
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  112-0119. 
Abstract ( 1648 )  
The Yi-Shu graben is one of major exploring areas, along with the major exploring targets of Paleogene system in Daqing oil field. Building up a stratigraphic framework accurately is the foundation of oil exploration.A kind of layering pattern is built up depending on a great deal of data and using mathematical statistics to analyse well log and trace elements. The method solves the problems of local interfering well log and of lacking layer samples efficiently.With the six factors considered comprehensively, the stratigraphic framework of the Yi-Shu graben is set up based on biosequence and tectonic sequence and a integral and comparative program of the Yi-Shu graben is put forward. T5,T3,T1 seismic reflective layers represent tectonic cycles of different stages in the basin development and T4,T2 seismic reflective layers represent sedimentary and climatic sequence.
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Actuality and Countermeasure of Wastewater Utilization in Changchun City
SUN Hong-yan,TANG Jie,LIU Ya-xiu
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  120-0124. 
Abstract ( 1626 )  
The water resources of Changchun City are seriously lack and face the high crisis. Sewage utilization is one of the most effective measures to solve the crisis of water resources and prevent water pollution. At present, the sewage that is treated is 1.843×108 m3/a in amount. Meanwhile, the mount of sewage after advanced treatment reaches 423.4×104 m3/a, which accounts for 2.297% in the total amount of sewage. It is less degree of sewage utilization. The amount of water can increase 16.16×104 m3/d after the recycling project being built is finished. The degree of sewage utilization can be enhanced through policymaking, broadening financing channels as well as improving awareness of environmental protection and realize better social benefits.
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Systematic Design of Utilization of New Energy in Stratum
HE Man-chao, WANG Jian, LI Qi-min, QIAN Zeng-zhen
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  125-0128. 
Abstract ( 1717 )  
The authors give a new method of utilizing new energy underground by the systematic theory. Divide the heating system into the fetch-injection system, instrument & network system, machinery-room’s building system, information controlling system and electricity system. This systematic design method is illustrated through computer modeling, program design, project execution, operation test, and checked it in actual working condition.
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Simulated Annealing Algorithm of Global Search for Critical Sliding Surface of Slope and Improvements
ZHANG Hao, WANG Chang-ming,MA Wen-dong
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  129-0133. 
Abstract ( 1550 )  
The determination of the critical failure surface is very important in slope stability analysis. The simulation-annealing algorithm, combined with simplified Bishop’s method, is used to search for the critical surface of a slope. The algorithm is improved based on analyzing the reasons of the defects of it and is implemented by means of computer programming. Through comparing calculation with typical examples, it shows that the question of local minimization can be avoided effectively using the improved algorithm, so the method has practicability.
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Landslide Monitor Technique Based on TDR
ZHANG Qing,SHI Yan-xin,LIN Jun
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  134-0138. 
Abstract ( 1457 )  
According to the case of monitoring landslide, brings up the field method about the use of Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) for monitoring landslide. In order to find out about the change rule of the cable fault, the test was carried on. On the basis of carrying on simulated test in the lab, an example of monitoring landslide was given based on TDR. Through to the analysis of the simulation test in the lab and the test data in the field, the authors discussed TDR monitoring landslide practical application effect and validity. The research material indicated that the landslide monitor technical method based on TDR is quite novel, compares with the traditional landslide monitor method. It has many characteristics such as saving the time, the cost inexpensively, the localization being accurate and so on. As a result, the TDR used for monitoring landslide, can fast realize, real-time, the continuous monitoring.
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Research on Carbon Resource on Denitrification Rate for Anoxic Biological Filter
XU Wen-feng,LI Gui-rong,TANG Jie
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  139-0143. 
Abstract ( 1216 )  
The purpose of this research is to study the nitrogen removal rate of municipal wastewater after the treatment of biological aerated filter(BAF) in the condition of different carbon resources(CH3OH, CH3COONa,C6H12O6). The research shows that when C/N is 3∶1~4∶1, velocity is 1.0 m/h, the additional carbon resource has a significant effect on denitrification rate in anoxic filter. The biochemical characters of CH3OH and CH3COONa are similar when they are used as the carbon resource, and these two resources result in quite efficient denitrification. However, using C6H12O6 as the additional carbon resource leads to lower nitrogen removal rate when compared with these two mentioned sources.
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Experimental Study on the Treatment of Landfill Leachate in a TwoPhase(UBF-UASB) Anaerobic System at Mid-Temperature
HUANG Ji-guo,HUANG Guo-xin,NIE Guang-zheng,WEI Hai-juan,LV Ai-min,WANG Xue-song
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  144-0147. 
Abstract ( 1717 )  
According to the properties of Shibeiling landfill leachate, a two-phase anaerobic system composed of UBF acidification reactor with highly efficient biology ceramsite filter and UASB mechanization reactor was used to treat the leachate. The experiment results showed that when influent CODCr and BOD5 concentration were 3 887 mg/L and 819 mg/L respectively, the HRT of the UBF and UASB was control at 10.3 h and 61.7 h respectively; the total removal rate of CODCr and BOD5 was 85.4% and 90.1% respectively, the acidogenic-rate of UBF was about 42.9% and the ratio of BOD5/CODCr was increased from 0.21 to 0.39.
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Some Impact Factors of Generation Rules of Hydroxyl Radicals in O3/UV System
WU Di, LIU Miao, DONG De-ming, DIAO Wei-li, JIAO Xin-qian, WANG Li,QIAN Jin
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  148-0152. 
Abstract ( 1381 )  
O3/UV process is a kind of AOPs, which combined O3 with ultraviolet radiation, under the radiation of UV, O3 is accelerated its decompounding course remarkably, and generated the strong oxidant hydroxyl radicals in solution. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and fluorescence detector was used to determine salicylic acid (SA) and one of its hydroxylated products, 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (2,5-DHBA), in this way, hydroxyl radicals was determined indirectly. Through the determination of the 2,5-DHBA at different reacting times, pH values and initial concentrations of SA, effect of these factors on the generation rules of hydroxyl radicals were investigated in O3/UV process.
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Effects of Gas-phase Photocatalytic Oxidation of C7H8 (Toluene)-SO2 on Nano-TiO2/SiO2
LI Na, XU Zi-li, YU Lian-xiang,WANG Xiao,LI Wen-yan, LIU Xing-juan, DU Yao-guo
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  153-0157. 
Abstract ( 1356 )  
TiO2/SiO2 is employed as the representative semiconductor catalyst to investigate the effects of initial concentration of reactant, oxygen content, water vapor content and light intensity on the photocatalytic reaction. The reaction rate increases when increasing the initial concentration of toluene, maintained constant eventually, increases when increasing oxygen content, and then decreases after higher than 25%. When water vapor content is 0.4%, the reaction rate reaches its maximum level. The more is the light intensity, the more is the reaction rate. When reached 3.0 mW/cm2, the reaction rate is invariable. The degradation of toluene is promoted in the presence of SO2, but the degradation of intermediate products is inhibited. Meanwhile, the degradation of SO2 is also inhibited by the presence of toluene.
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Absorption Compensation Prestack Migration Method for Ground-Penetrating Radar
QIU Dong-ling,YANG Gui-peng,ZHOU Hui
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  158-0163. 
Abstract ( 1526 )  
A space-frequency domain prestack migration method to compensating absorption is pre-sented. Wavefield extrapolation operators in wavenumber-frequency domain with absorption compensation based on Maxwell Equation for forward propagations with attenuation are obtained. For the purpose of processing the data from laterally variable velocity media, the operators are transformed back to space domain and migration is complemented by convolution. Some synthetic migration examples are given to investigate the ability to resist random noise on migration results. A field data example is depicted to illustrate the difference between the results of prestack migration with and without compensation of absorption. It shows that reflection events of the migration profile with compensation are more continuous than that without compensation.
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Frequency Compensation Technology in Ground Penetrating Radar for Improving Resolution
SU Mao-xin, TIAN Gang, ZENG Zhao-fa, HUANG Ling, SHI Shuang-hu,YANG Jing
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  164-0167. 
Abstract ( 1188 )  
Since the electromagnetic wave propagation theory is similar to that of elastic waves, and both satisfy wave equation, the article plan to import the high-frequency compensation technology in oil seismic exploration to the GPR. However, the technology is a way which compensates the high frequency of the post-stack seismic data based on the analysis of the near surface micro-seismogram logs direct wave, and we don’t commonly make a set of micro-seismogram logs at the same time of the GPR survey. On this reason, through analyzing the GPR reflection wallet, we conclude a method which can make the frequency compensation using the originality record of GPR directly, and increase the GPR data resolution finally.
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Analysis of Fluctuation and Amplitude Increase in Sonic Logs Caused by Fractures in Carbonate Rocks
FAN Xiao-min, LI Zhou-bo
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  168-0173. 
Abstract ( 1878 )  
Based on analysis of field logs, fluctuation and amplitude increase in sonic log caused by fractures in carbonate rocks are investigated. It is found that the attenuation of sonic waves by fractures leads to severe amplitude decrease at receivers far from the source. As a result, the travel time has an increase of 3~4 μs/ft. This attenuation mechanism successfully interprets the fluctuation and amplitude increase in sonic logs. Combined with electric and acoustical imaging logs, the conditions for the amplitude increase are investigated. The results show that fractures with lower angle and larger open-width lead to more significant increase in sonic logs.
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KnowledgeDatabase of Visual Geological Interpretation on Remotely Sensed Image
ZHAN Shao-bin, CHEN Sheng-bo,SUN Ke,MENG Zhi-guo, SHI Ben-wei
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  174-0178. 
Abstract ( 1438 )  
The authors introduce key techniques for knowledge-database. Using the analysis of GIS and visual techniques, The authors establish a model for the knowledge-base of interpretation on remotely sensed data containing the image properties database,image indicator database,sample-database and techniques for the visual interpretation.
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Decision Tree Based on ASTER Image Classification and Its Application
CHENG Bin, JIANG Qi-gang, ZHOU Yun-xuan,ZHAN Shao-bin
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  179-0184. 
Abstract ( 1891 )  
The autuors present a decision tree based method for an easier and more accurate land-use classification using apparent reflectance values derived from ASTER images. The method starts with the correlation analyses among ASTER bands so that the optimal bands composite is found for best visual interpretation. On the derived image, apparent reflectance values represented, emphasis is paid to the analysis of the spatial and spectral characteristics of various land-use types. Spectral profiles of several typical land-use types are extracted. A decision tree model is established based on given thresholds of the apparent reflectance values. With the model the classification is then performed, associated with an accuracy assessment. The procedures are applied to ASTER images from Beian municipal region of Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China. The classified results show that the decision tree method facilitates the classification effectively. One shortcoming of the method is that some wrong classification may occur in areas where mixed spectra of different land-use types exist.
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Research on Fitting and Transformating GPS Height into Normal Height in Band Region
YU Xiao-ping, YANG Guo-dong, XU Hui-ping,XIAO Feng, ZHAO Zhen-yu,LIU Cai, MENG Ling-shun
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  185-0189. 
Abstract ( 1949 )  
Aiming at the pertinent problems of the Hulin existing elevation systems, technical problems, such as converting ellipsoidal heights to normal heights of the region, are discussed in the present work. After systematically introducing the theories on GPS and on leveling measuring height system, as well as on their similarities and discrepancies, the principles and methods of determining quasi-geoid are explained. Then using a mathematic model, the scheme achieving height transformation with a cm-level precision by a few GPS points and leveling points is searched. Finally, an approximate solution to the quasi-geoid computation with a cm-level precision in Hulin area is proposed, based on analyzing the approaches and corresponding errors of computed normal heights in cm-level in different areas. Taking the terrain characteristics of the Hulin area in account, the approaches adapting to different surveying projects are used to realize height transform here. Proved by practice, the normal heights with a cm-level precision of this region, can be achieved by a few reasonably distributed leveling points, which can meet the demand of general surveying projects.
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Deformation Measurement of Similar Material Model of Mine Strip Exploitation
YANG Hua-chao,DENG Ka-zhong,YANG Guo-dong,NIU Xue-feng,DONG Si-bei
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  190-0194. 
Abstract ( 1666 )  
Conventional model monitoring methods have many disadvantages such as complication of device or sensor installation, much hard work, limitation in sampling points etc. Here, we propose a method using computer vision and digital close-range photogrammetry technique to monitor model deformation. Image groups of different simulating excavation status are captured by high resolution CCD camera. In order to determine the coordinates of the target’s points, binary image are acquired by single threshold segmentation Targets points are detected and recognized according to the shape parameters of labeling areas. Then, the coordinates of the target’s points are determined by contour tracking and ellipse fitting algorithm. Approximate values of camera’s extrinsic parameters are decomposed using 2D direct linear transformation and co-linearity equations and bundle adjustment is carried out to determine the target space coordinates and the accuracy is better than ±1mm. The test results also indicate that the displacement field by this technique fit well with the phenomenon occurred in the process of test, which can meet requirements of model deformation monitoring for mine stratum and surface movements.
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Modeling of Incremental Information in Topographic Database and Its Description Based on RDF
ZHU Hua-ji
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  195-0199. 
Abstract ( 1215 )  
For keeping reality of user’s database, the incremental information created by updating need to be given to users in time. However, the modeling and its description are realized preconditions. Taking two versions of the topographic database with scale 1∶250 000 in China as an example, the questions were studied on data modeling and its description. The author put forward the modeling method based on hypergraph data model (HDM) and its description on the basis of RDF (resource description framework). It can realize the modeling and description for different incremental information using a uniform style, with feasibility and validity.
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Mathematical Model and Synthetic Analysis of Hydro-Efflux DTH Hammer inside Power Process
SUO Zhong-wei, YIN Kun, XU Ke-li, YU Ping
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  200-0203. 
Abstract ( 1734 )  
The authors establish a mathematical model for the efflux hammer as well as a differential equation for piston movement in strike and backhaul phase. Using Simulink, a tool in Matlab, the authors simulate the element of hammer and hammer’s impacting system. The simulated data are displacement, velocity, front and back pressure, and acceleration.
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Preparation and Properties of Iron Doping Titania/Bentonite Composite Photocatalyst Material
TAN Hui, LI Dian-chao, YANG Dian-fan,WANG Ying-wei
J4. 2007, 37 (1):  204-0208. 
Abstract ( 1204 )  
Iron doping TiO2/bentonite composite photocatalyst were prepared by sol-gel method. XRD and IR analysis were used to detect these samples. The photocatalytic properties of these samples were detected by decoloration rate of methyl orange solution and COD. It indicated that the photocatalytic properties of this kind of photocatalyst were prominent. The decoloration rate of 20 mg/L methyl orange solution at pH=4 under visible light could reach to 95% with COD more than 85%.Moreover,this catalyst could be reused several times after sintering at 200℃ for 2.5 h.
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