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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 March 2015, Volume 45 Issue 2
Tectonic Features and Main Tectonic Events in the Arctic Area
Li Xuejie, Yao Yongjian, Yang Chupeng, Chen Zhenlin, Wang Jun, Zhang Yaling
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  335-348.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502101
Abstract ( 957 )   PDF (2424KB) ( 1354 )  

It is quite big area, with about 21×106km2, in the north of Arctic Circle, and complicated in tectonics. A basal structural map of Arctic area was compiled, based on the published data. It can be suggested that Precambrian base is composed of 3 cratons, such as Laurentia, Siberian and Baltica, and some terrains between them. The main orogenic belts include Baikalides, Caledonides, Hercynides, Verkhoyansk, and New Siberian-Chukotka-Brooks orogenic belts. Based on the tectonic features, the Arctic area should undergo the following main tectonic events in Phanerozoic Eon: 1)Baikalidian movement in Late Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian, which resulted in the collision of Baltica continent with Svalbard-Kara massif and formation of Baikalides; 2)Caledonian movement in Late Silurian-Early Carbonferous, which resulted in the formation of Caledonides around the Laurentia continent; 3)Hercynidian movement in Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic, which led to the collision between Baltica continent and Siberian continent; 4)Microplate of Alaska-Chukotka split from the north margin of Canada;and the Canadian Ocean started opening as the breakup of Pangea in Jurassic; 5)Alaska-Chukotka microplate shifted forward to the Siberia and collided to the northern Siberia in Early Cretaceous, which resulted in the formation of Verkhoyansk and New Siberian-Chukotka-Brooks orogenic system. In consideration with the limited geological and geophysical survey, further research is needed to discover much more tectonic features in Arctic region.

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SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Dating and Mica Laser 40Ar-39Ar Ages of the Granitic Mylonites in Ductile Fracture Belt in the Western Songliao Basin and Its Tectonic Implication
Zheng Changqing, Li Juan, Jin Wei, Zhou Jianbo, Shi Lu, Cui Fanghua, Han Xiaomeng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  349-363.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502102
Abstract ( 571 )   PDF (2386KB) ( 746 )  

The large NNE trending ductile shear zone extends along the western boundary of Songliao basin. Its kinematics and movement age have not been thoroughly studied, which limits the study of the tectonic evolution and the oil and gas exploration of Songliao basin. Tengke, Jinxing, Galashan are typical outcrops of the ductile shear zone and they consist of banded granitic mylonite and augen granitic mylonite. There is one set of mylonitic foliation and lineation in Tengke, Jinxing and Galashan ductile shear zones. The foliation is ca. 110°-135°∠45°-65° with a lineation of ca. 10°-25° to 10°-35°. The motion indicates that the three ductile shear zones are left-lateral strike-ship faults. In this study, the SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating from a granitic mylonite gives an age of 296.9-299.4 Ma, the biotite laser 40Ar-39Ar dating of the same rock samples yields an age of (123.0±0.7) Ma, while the muscovite laser 40Ar-39Ar dating of the same rock samples yields an age of (124.4±0.9) Ma. The ductile fracture belt in the western Songliao basin should belong to the northern Nenjiang fault. The age indicates that the protolith of the granitic mylonite is formed in Late Carboniferous and its deformation from the same sample was in Early Cretaceous. These ages show that Songliao basin experienced transgression evolution, and the western boundary was controlled by the Tengke-Jinxing-Galashan shear zone during Early Cretaceous. In consideration of the regional tectonic setting of the Northeastern China, we believe that the formation of this large-scale ductile shear zone with NNE trending might be related to the subduction of Izanagi plate under Eurasian plate.

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Neo-Archaean Magmatic Event in Erguna Massif of Northeast China: Evidence from the Zircon LA-ICP-MS Dating of the Gneissic Monzogranite from the Drill
Shao Jun, Li Yongfei, Zhou Yongheng, Wang Hongbo, Zhang Jing
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  364-373.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502103
Abstract ( 642 )   PDF (1766KB) ( 685 )  

The nature and age of the basement of Erguna massif had long been a geological controversy. The zircon LA-ICP-MS dating of the Gneissic monozgranite from the drill (No.ZK6301, Depth: 226 m) of the Pb-Zn polymetallic deposit in Biliya, southwestern Derbugan county has been conducted. The results yield 4 different groups of concordant age: 2 549-2 562 Ma(weighted-mean age:(2 555±19) Ma,MSWD=0.17,n=3),2 596-2 624 Ma(weighted-mean age(2 606±17) Ma,MSWD=0.032,n=17),2 688-2 715 Ma(weighted-mean age(2 702±18) Ma, MSWD=0.70,n=3),2 786 Ma(n=1). Their zircon U-Pb dating plots (24 out of 29 plots) show a remarkable consistence. Based on the zircon spot analysis for its Th,U content and Th/U ratios, the 207Pb/206Pb age of 2 549-2 562 Ma implies a late tectono-thermal event; and the weighted-mean age 2 606±17 Ma (MSWD=0.032,n=17) reflects the crystallization age in corresponding to the period of Neo-Archaean.In connection with the previous studies, the old basement of Erguna massif probably widely distributes in the south and north region. This suggests a far south extension of this massif beyond Derbugan fault. This can help to understand the palinspastic reconstruction for the eastern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB).

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Contraction and Extension in Nenjiang-Heihe Tectonic Belt: Evidence from the Late Paleozoic Granitoid Geochemistry
Wang Yan, Fu Junyu, Yang Fan, Na Fuchao, Chen Huijun, Zhang Yu, Yang Xiaoping, Zhang Tiean
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  374-388.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502104
Abstract ( 607 )   PDF (2413KB) ( 730 )  

We present the geochemical characteristics of the Late Paleozoic granitoid in Heilongjiang Nenjiang-Heihe through the study on the different types of granitoid. The isotopic dating results provide three time periods for these granitoids: Early Carboniferous,Late Carboniferous, and Early Permian.The granitoids are rich in silica, potassium, and sodium;and also the rare-earth elements relatively with significant negative Eu anomaly. The trace elements are typically rich in large ion lithophile element (LILE)K, Rb, Th, but poor with high-field-strength element (HFSE) Nb, P, Ti. The existence of granitic mylonite reflects its deformation and metamorphism through tuctile shear. Based on the above, the Carboniferous granitoid experienced a continental margi arc syn-collision; while the Permian granites deformed under a post-orogenesis These two reflects anenvironmental transition from a tectonic collision to an intraplate post-orgenesis, and also the activity history of genesis, convergece, andextension of the Nenjiang-Heihe tectonic belt.

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Chronology,Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of the Volcanic Rocks in Manitu Formation in Chaihe Area, Central Great Xing'an Range
Si Qiuliang, Cui Tianri, Tang Zhen, Li Wei, Wu Xinwei, Jiang Bin, Li Linchuan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  389-403.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502105
Abstract ( 558 )   PDF (1793KB) ( 465 )  

The zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating and geochemistry are reported for the volcanic rocks in Manitu Formation in Chaihe, central Great Xing'an Range in order to discover its formation time, petrogenesis and the regional tectonic setting Petrographically.The volcanic rocks in Manitu Formation are composed of andesite and dacite,but they are trachyte, trachydacite, and dacite based on its chemical composition. Zircon from these volcanic rocks are euhedral-subhedral in shape, with fine-scale oscillatory growing ring. The Th/U ratio of (0.33-2.08) indicates a magmatic origin. The dating results show that the volcanic rocks in Manitu Formation are formed in Late Jurassic from 139 to 148 Ma. The geochemical study shows that the SiO2 of the andesite is between 64.87%-68.65%,Al2O3 is between 15.53%-16.72%,Na2O+K2O is between 6.75%-9.22%,K2O/Na2O is between 0.63-1.57, falling in the series of high-potassium calc-alkaline. All samples have a similar REE pattern with a significant fractionation of LREE from HREE((La/Yb)N =11.50-14.88)and negative Eu anomalies(δEu=0.45-1.17). The total rare earth element is from 124.95×10-6 to 208.57×10-6. The trace element geochemistry is characterized evidently by enrichment of Rb, Ba, K, depletion of Nb, P, Ti. Its original magma is derived from the partial melting of the crust,during an extension after the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean.

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U-Pb Geochronology of Detrital Zircon and the Constraint of Geochemistry from the Gegen'aobao Formation in Middle of Zalantun Area of Da Hinggan Mountains and Its Tectonic Significance
Zhang Yujin, Wu Xinwei, Jiang Bin, Guo Wei, Yang Yajun, Liu Shiwei, Cui Tianri, Li Wei, Li Linchuan, Si Qiuliang, Zhang Chao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  404-416.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502106
Abstract ( 582 )   PDF (1KB) ( 475 )  

The Gegen'aobao Formation is widely exposed in the middle of Da Hinggan area. It is a combination of neutral partial volcanic and clastic rocks with main composition of andesite, andesitic pyroclastic rocks, dacite, fine-siltstone, and thin mudstone. We obtained the age of fine grained clastic rock in Gegen'aobao Formation by means of LA-ICP MS zircon U-Pb dating; and also discussed the paleontology stratigraphy of Gegen'aobao Formation. The results show that the fine clastic rock was formed in Late Carboniferous to Early Permian. Four main ages were observed, 348.9, 385.8, 428.0 and 507.3 Ma. Several fossils like Artisia sp., Eusigillaris sp. were found in siltstone. Fine-grained greywacke and feldspathic greywacke (debris) sandstones are the major clastic rocks in the Gegen'aobao Formation. The average bulk chemical composition of these rocks is SiO2 69.04%, Al2O3 14.76%, MgO 1.05%, CaO 0.66%, Na2O 2.34%, and K2O 2.65% in weight. Mg/Al ratio (M) is 3.05 to 9.98, with an average value of 7.18. The total weight of REE (∑REE) ranges from 124.06×10-6 to 261.96×10-6 with the average value of 184.46×10-6. The value for δEu and δCe are 0.71 and 0.99 respectively. The clastic rocks are characterized by LREE enrichment and HREE depletion. These results indicate that Gegen'aobao Formation was formed between the continental island arc and the active continental margin, under a warm and humid paleoclimate condition.

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Zircon U-Pb Age, Geochemical Characteristics and Geological Significance of the Triassic Granite in Keerqinyouyizhongqi, Inner Mogolia
Zhang Haihua, Zheng Yuejuan, Chen Shuwang, Li Yongfei, Zhang Jian, Bian Xiongfei, Su Fei, Gong Fanhao, Huang Xin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  417-428.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502107
Abstract ( 545 )   PDF (1615KB) ( 433 )  

Based on the Zircon U-Pb dating and geochemical data obtained for the granite in Keerqinyouyizhongqi Inner Mongolia, we discussed the granite types and regional tectonic evolution. The biotite granite and granodiorite are mainly developed in the area. They are enriched in SiO2,Al2O3, and alkali, and belong to high potassium peraluminous calc-alkaline series of S type granite. The rare earth element normalized distribution diagram shows that LREE are highly concentrated, while HREE are relatively depleted with the ratio of LREE/HREE between 3.12 and 16.17, an average of 10.07; the ratio of LaN and YbN is between 2.72 and 28.71, Eu anomaly is moderate negative; enrichment of rock large ion lithophile Rb, K and Pb, depletion of high field strength elements Nb, Ta, Zr, Ce, Ti, the feature of collision type granite. These granitics could be distinguished by their low-Sr and low-Yb based on the geochemical characteristics, which shows that the granitics are likely formed under high pressure. The Zircon U-Pb age (242.6±2.5) Ma, suggests that the paleo Asian Ocean subduction collision occurred in Triassic period, the formation of granite rock mass related to the collision split.

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Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Dating, Geochemistry of the Jibuhulengtu Garnet-Bearing Muscovite Granitic Pluton in Mongolia and Its Geological Significance
Li Fengxian, Bai Xinhui, Wan Le, Guan Qingbin, Li Pengchuan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  429-440.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502108
Abstract ( 565 )   PDF (1779KB) ( 503 )  

There is a set of garnet-bearing muscovite granite in Bainaimiao island arc magmatic active belt that belongs to the northern part of the North China Craton. The Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating yields weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of (500.8±2.4) Ma, indicating that the garnet-bearing muscovite granite was formed during the Late Cambrian. The petrogeochemistry is characterized by rich in Si,Al(w(SiO2)=72.50%-74.11%,w(Al2O3)=14.73%-16.43%)), poor in Fe, Mg and Ca (w(TFeO)=0.67%-1.14%,w(MgO)=0.09%,w(CaO)=0.30%-0.61%). The garnet-bearing muscovite granite is highly differentiated with its DI of 91.99-93.20,the Shand Indexes of the garnet-bearing muscovite granitesare higher than 1.1, typical for high aluminum minerals, like garnet and muscovite. They are not S-type granite, but highly differentiated-Calc alkaline granite. The petrogeochemistry of rare earth element is characterized by low REE with strong depletion of Eu, showing a tetrad REE pattern. Some samples are rich in Nb, Ta, which indicates that the pluton was formed by magma differentiation and magma-fluid interaction. This pluton provided the necessary material foundation for other rare metal mineralization, such as Nb, Ta.

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Mesozoic Volcanic Rocks Geochronology and Geochemical Characteristics in Wulangai Basin of Inner Mongolia and Their Geological Significance
Sun Shouliang, Li Yongfei, Gao Xiaoyong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  441-452.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502109
Abstract ( 529 )   PDF (1718KB) ( 482 )  

The detailed petrology, Laser 40Ar/39Ar dating and the geochemical characteristics of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks from Wulangai basin of the Western Great Xing'an Mountain have been studied on the ground of their genesis and geological implication. We suggest that the Mesozoic volcanic rocks of Wulangai basin are mainly medium (andesite) and acid rocks (rhyolite) in the age of (151.8±1.5)-(120.2±1.8) Ma by the methods of Laser 40Ar/39Ar dating, identical to the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. The volcanic rock types are medium to acid rocks of the Calc-Alkaline to high-K Calc-Alkaline. The geochemical characteristics is the same as crustal rocks'. This indicates that it derived from the partial melting of the crustal material. The volcanics from Wulangai basin should be result from the collision of Mongol-Okhotsk(Paleo-Pacific) orogenic belt and the thickened lower crust in Early Cretaceous around 151.8 Ma. Combined with the background of the magma dynamics and the nature of the magma, the volcanics were from the partial melting of the thickened orogenic belt.

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Zircons LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Ages of the Lower Triassic Lujiatun Group and Its Geological Significance in Jilin Province
Nie Lijun, Yu Hongbin, Zhang Jianze, Wang Cong, Li Dong, Li Yang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  453-470.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502110
Abstract ( 461 )   PDF (1968KB) ( 481 )  

According to the associated lithologic feature, the Lujiatun Formation is divided into Yingbeishan conglomerate section, Loudoushan variegated rock section, and Yangshuhezi black rock section. Based on the fossil assemblages, such as Palaeanodonta-Palaeomutela fauna, Pleuroneia? sp. and the conchostracan, it was formed in Permian. A systematic U-Pb isotopic chronology of the detrital zircon is studied for the Bottom, Middle, and Upper Section of the construction profiles of Lujiatun Formation in Yingbeishan-Shuangdingshan in Jiutai. The results show three minimum zircon age peaks at (283.4±7.9) Ma, (262.4±3.9) Ma, and (255.5±5.8) Ma from the bottom to the top. It can be confirmed that the top section of the formation belonged to the Late Permian. The detrital zircon ages of 1 800 Ma and 2 500 Ma in the Lujiantun Group are typical for the base plate age of North China Plate. In conclusion, the plate closure happened probably during P3-T1 between the northern margin of North China Plate and the group of plates to its north.

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U-Pb Isotopic Age of the Volcanic Rocks of the Yixian Formation in Jianping Machang of Western Liaoning and Its Geological Significance
Chen Jingsheng, Li Weiwei, Liu Miao, Xing Dehe, Yang Jialin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  471-482.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502111
Abstract ( 683 )   PDF (1646KB) ( 573 )  

Yixian Formation volcanic rocks widely exists in Jianping Machang in western Liaoning. Through the study of the measured sections,three volcanic eruption cycles(early,middle and late) have been recognized. A new LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of the volcanic rocks in different cycle presents three ages for the three cycles: (the early age (127.7±1.8)-(124.3±1.8) Ma, the middle age (122.3±1.4)-(121.8±1.3) Ma, and the late age (114.9±1.8) Ma. All three cycles fall into the period of Early Cretaceous. In comparison with the different region in western Liaoning,the volcanic activity of this area occurred in the middle to late cycle according to the chronological characteristics. Yixian Formation in different region of western Liaoning was formed asynchronously, in an extension environment of the related subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate towards the Eurasian continent.

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Metallogenic and Geological Characteristics and Prospecting Potential of Meng'entaolegai Multi Metal Metallogenic Area in Inner Mongolia
Pang Xuejiao, Song Weimin, Fu Junyu, Tao Nan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  483-494.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502112
Abstract ( 613 )   PDF (1539KB) ( 547 )  

The geochemistry and geochronology of the tonalite, granodiorite and adamellite dismantled from the Meng'entaolegai rock are studied. The geochemical analyses show the content of SiO2 is between 67.41% and 76.21%, while the content of K2O is between 3.00% and 5.64%. The tonalite, granodiorite and adamellite all belong to the series of high potassium ca-alkaline. From early to late of their formation,the acidity and alkalinity are enhanced,while the aluminum, magnesium and iron are reduced. The Al2O3/(Na2O+CaO+K2O) values are higher than 1.1, the standard mineral calculation C is higher than 1%, n(87sr)/n(86sr) is generally greater than 0.708. The ratio of n(143Nd)/n(144Nd) falls in the range of 0.512 4 to 0.513 7, the characteristics of the S-type granite, while they belong to the per-aluminous granite based on A/CNK (1.013 to 1.249) and A/NK (1.16 to 1.50). The rockmass is mainly from the melten shell material. They are enriched in LILE elements of Rb, K, U, Th, depleted of Ti. The deficiency of Ba, Sr may reflect that the source is derived from the partial melting of the crust. The LA-ICP-MS dating respectively presents three weighted average ages for the tonalite, granodiorite and adamellite: (260±34) Ma, (234±1) Ma, and (230±1) Ma. It indicates the existence of the magmatic activity during Middle Triassic and Indosinian period. According to the distribution of minerals and ores, as well as the δ34S, Pb, O isotopic data of the deposits, the source of metallogenic materials was mainly related to the magmatic activity in Yanshan period, the corresponding mother rock may exist in deep underground in the western prospecting area. The rock and the stratum are mainly responsible for the favorable wall rock in the ore-forming process; the fault structures played a significant role in ore flowing and storing. Further attention should be paid to the ore prospecting work.

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Relationship Between Lithofacies and Physical Properties of Sandy Conglomerate Reservoirs of Es4s in Yanjia Area,Dongying Depression
Ma Benben, Cao Yingchang, Wang Yanzhong, Liu Huimin, Gao Yongjin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  495-506.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502113
Abstract ( 672 )   PDF (1821KB) ( 550 )  

According to the characteristics of lithology, particle size as well as sedimentary structure, the sandy conglomerate bodies are divided into 10 types of lithofacies as well as 13 types of lithofacies assemblages; each of which is of the same event deposits of Es4s in Yanjia Dongying depression. The types of lithofacies assemblages are further divided into three categories and six subcategories. The scientific issue is that the range of the physical parameters of the sandy conglomerate reservoirs are relatively large at an arbitrary depth. Following the thought of "types of lithofacies assemblages-types of lithofacies-distance from sand-mud boundary", and decomposing the lithofacies step by step, we achieved the charts of longitudinal physical property evolution which are restrained within each group of the lithoface division. Within each group of the lithofacies, the range of physical parameters of the lithoface is relatively small at an arbitrary depth: the range of porosity is ±2%; while the range of permeability is in one order of magnitude. When the lithofacies are far away from the mudstone, their physical property becomes weak with the increase of the burial depth. The physical property of type Ⅱ lithofacies is better than those of type Ⅰ lithofacies at the same depth. Compared to the lithoface types, which are at the bottom of lithoface assemblages far away from mud, the corresponding depth-upper-limit of different grades of porosity and permeability of the lithofacies types of the middle fan is 800-1 200 m deeper than that of the inner fan. Compared to lithofacies types which are at the middle-upper part of lithofacies assemblages far away from mud, the corresponding depth-upper-limit of different grades of porosity and permeability of the lithofacies types of the middle fan is 1 100-1 650 m deeper than that of the inner fan. The sandstones near mudstones in middle fan and thin sandstones in outer fan both have weak physical properties because of their intensive cementation. They are ultra-low porosity and ultra-low permeability reservoirs under the depth of 3 400 m.

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Sandstone Distribution Characteristics and Dispersal Mechanism of the Lower Cretaceous Nantun Formation,Tanan Depression
Yan Lei, Liu Zhaojun, Fang Shi, Zhang Ge, Zhang Junlong, Hu Fei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  507-517.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502114
Abstract ( 650 )   PDF (2057KB) ( 466 )  

The source direction and sand distribution characteristics of Nantun Formation are concluded by heavy mineral analysis, isopach maps of sandstone and seismic reflection in Tanan depression. The study result shows that the fault system played a role in scattering and blocking of the sediments. According to the relationship between the fault assemble and sandstone distribution characteristics, the fault assemble can be divided into three types, "tilting ladder type", "non-tilting ladder type", and "polar type". Based on the source and sand distribution characteristics, the fault assemble can be divided into "horizontal sand type" and "vertical sand type". To integrate the fault assemble control effect on sand distribution, the two models of sand control mechanism can be concluded, "induced model" and "contained model". This study provides a typical example for the research on the structurally controlled deposition and sand disperse machanism in a rift basin.

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Characteristics of the Sequence Stratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy Framework, the Middle to Upper Cambrian in Western Xuefeng Mountains Area
Zhao Can, Li Xubing, Huan Jinlai, Chen Xiaohong, Liu An, Wei Kai, Zhang Hua
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  518-532.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502115
Abstract ( 605 )   PDF (2084KB) ( 603 )  

We present the sequence stratigraphy characteristics of the Middle-Upper Cambrian in the area of western Xuefeng Mountain through comprehensive analyses of sedimentology, rock mineralogy, carbon isotope geochemistry. Based on the results, the Middle-Upper Cambrian can be divided into one second-order sequence, and five third-order sequences. Within the time range of second-order sequence, the shallow waterfacies experienced sedimentary evolution from a confined platform tidal flat, to an open platform, then to aconfined platform tidal flat again; while the slope transition zone experienced sedimentary evolution from a marginal platform, to a frontier slow slope,and then to a marginal platform again. The deep water facies in the south-east of the research area is formed from deep shelf, basin, toshallow shelf. The grain dolomite, stromatolite reefs deposited during the third-order sequence of sea rise transgression and the dissolved porosity and karst breccia dolomite formed during the high sea level bear the significant potential for oil and gas exploration, and are worthy of further study.

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Analysis on Slope Stability Based on Local Factor of Safety
Ma Jianquan, Wang Nianqin, Zhang Xinshe
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  533-540.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502201
Abstract ( 831 )   PDF (1427KB) ( 612 )  

The local factor of safety (LFS) formula was derived based on the Mohr-Coulomb strength theory and the concept of LFS was redefined. The stress distribution of the slope was calculated by using Geostudio software, combined with MATLAB for the calculation of LFS for each point in the slope model to outline the stable and unstable regions for analysis of the slope stability. Comparison of the results by the local factor of safety method(LFSM) and the limit equilibrium method (LEM) shows that for a vertical slope, both LFSM and LEM predict that it is unstable, whereas the LFS delineated a zone of potential failure behind the vertical face and near the toe. For a 60° slope, the LEM predicts that the factor of safety is greater than 1.00, whereas the LFSM delineates a zone of potential failure near the toe. For a 45° slope, both LFSM and LEM predict its stability. Further analysis shows that LFSM can analyze the slope stability without needing to identify or assume any potential failure surfaces, the stress concentration problem can be taken into consideration for slope stability analysis. The LFSM displays the results by unstable regions, while LEM shows the factor of safety. Sensitivity analysis of stress and geotechnical parameters in LFSM and LEM were conducted and the results revealed that in comparison to LEM, LFSM is more sensitive to the variation of geotechnical parameters. There exist boundary points of cohesion and internal friction angle that play important roles in determining the failure shape (partial deformation or damage, whole compression deformation or damage) of slope.

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Research on Construction Spatial Effects in Long Foundation Pit
Yang Lichun, Pang Yubin, Li Shengang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  541-545.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502202
Abstract ( 714 )   PDF (1310KB) ( 576 )  

Using the numerical simulation, we calculated and analyzed the process of excavation by section and block of foundation pit at Panjin underground commercial street. The results show that with the increase of the excavation section length, the maximum lateral displacement of supporting piles shows the tendency of reduction at first and increase afterwards; while the basement uplift shows the tendency of inereasing. With the increase of the excavation block length, the lateral displacement of supporting piles on protected sides shows the same tendency of reducing at first and increasing afterwards. Taking into account the spatial effect in the excavation, the long foundation pits can mitigate the deformation of supporting structure and formation effectively. Considering whether the excavated soil has enough strength to limit the deformation of supporting structure and formation in the process of foundation pit excavation with different section and block could make spatial effect significantly.

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Planning on Region-Division of Tianjin Geothermal Reservoirs and Approval System for Geothermal Well
Li Xueyuan, He Manchao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  546-551.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502203
Abstract ( 601 )   PDF (1492KB) ( 371 )  

In order to resolve the problem with long working period of processing mass data in geothermal and geological domains and the requirements for rapid and scientific management decisions in the geothermal work in Tianjin, and satisfy the needs of scientific planning, a simple and intelligent tool is provided for the sustainable exploitation of geothermal resources. Based on the previous geothermal work in Tianjin, the methodology of "two lines and one surface" 3D dynamic region division is presented. The geothermal reservoir sub-region planning project and the geothermal well search and approval system are developed by using MapGIS SDK and Visual Basic, which provide a rapid, overall and directly perceived sub-region planning with the function of dynamic tracking. In the planning period, a set of annual region division planning map will be produced by the system based on the annual geothermal reservoir dynamic observation data, for the reference of the administrative department commanding planning status and dynamic approval.

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Numerical Simulation of Coupled Thermal-Hydrodynamic-Mechanical (THM) Processes for CO2 Geological Sequestration in Deep Saline Aquifers at Ordos Basin, China
Lei Hongwu, Li Jiaqi, Xu Tianfu, Wang Fugang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  552-563.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502204
Abstract ( 699 )   PDF (1729KB) ( 703 )  

Injecting CO2 into deep saline aquifers, referred to as CO2 geological sequestration (CGS), is considered to be a promising method to reduce the emission of anthropogenic CO2 to atmosphere. CGS involves coupled thermal-hydrodynamic-mechanical (THM) processes, which are important for predicting migration and transformation of injected CO2, evaluating the reservoir performance, and assessing the risk associated. Based on the Terzaghi consolidation theory, a coupled mechanical module is developed that is incorporated into the existing simulator TOUGH2, which is a well-established code for TH processes in subsurface flow systems. Based on the geological and hydrogeological conditions of the Ordos CCS Demonstration Project, the new THM simulator is used to numerically analyze the spatial and temporal distribution of the temperature, pressure, CO2 saturation, vertical displacement, and effective stress. The results show that 105 metric tons of CO2 per year can be finished under the injection condition of wellhead pressure 8 MPa and 35℃. The lateral distance with pressure buildup is more than that of CO2 plume and that of temperature decrease. They are 10 km, 620 m and 100 m, respectively after 20 years' injection. The vertical displacement and change of the effective stress are mainly related to the change of the pressure. The maximum surface uplift is about 0.14 m. The effective stress change is more significant in the horizontal direction than that in the vertical direction near the injection well, while it's in the opposite away from the injection well. Injection induces an obvious decrease in the effective stress but enhances the porosity and permeability, this, in turn increases the CO2 injectivity ultimately.

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Experimental Research and Theoretical Model for CO2 Solubility in Water Under High Temperature and High Pressure
Hou Dali, Luo Pingya, Wang Changquan, Sun Lei, Tang Yong, Pan Yi
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  564-572.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502205
Abstract ( 922 )   PDF (1603KB) ( 1963 )  

By using the independently developed high-temperature/high-pressure reactor,CO2 water solubility has been tested under different temperatures,pressures and salinities. The results show that the water solubility of CO2 increases with pressure under a certain temperature, while it declines with the increase of temperature under a certain pressure. However, when temperature is above 100℃ and pressure is around 22 MPa,the solubility is prone to decrease with increasing temperature under a low pressure (less than 22 MPa) and the solubility is prone to slightly increase with increasing temperature under a high pressure(greater than 22 MPa). Besides, under a certain temperature and pressure,CO2 water solubility decreases with the increase of water salinity. On the basis of measured and existing data, a new model has been built to calculate CO2 water solubility precisely by modifying the parameters of PR-HV EOS. In comparison to other models, its accuracy is higher with an average relative error of 2.69%.

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Change of the Groundwater Microbial Community During Artificial Recharge Process
Su Xiaosi, Meng Xiangfei, Zhang Wenjing, Shi Xufei, He Haiyang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  573-583.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502206
Abstract ( 717 )   PDF (1776KB) ( 580 )  

The injection of the recharge water changes the groundwater environment and the microenvironment of the objective aquifer, and influences the groundwater environment quality and the hydrogeochemical process during the artificial recharging process. We used the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) technology to study the change of the groundwater microbial community based on the analysis of the hydrochemistry characteristic and provideda scientific basis for evaluating the effect of groundwater quality by the artificial recharge. The results show that the artificial recharge makes the Eh and DO value of the objective aquifer groundwater increase from 64.0 mV and 1.12 mg/L to 534.4 mV and 1.44 mg/L, the microbial community similarity between the groundwater of the monitoring well and the original groundwater decreases over time but increases with distance. Seven types of microorganisms are identified in the groundwater samples of the objective aquifer, the denitrification of Rubrivivax gelatinosus and Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatisclade IIA str.and the Fe (III) reduction of Rhodoferax ferrireducens influence the chemical composition of the groundwater.

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Study of Spatio-Temporal Process Visualization for Estuarine and Coastal GIS
Zhang Min, Zhou Yunxuan, Tian Bo, Shen Fang, Ge Jianzhong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  584-591.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502207
Abstract ( 649 )   PDF (1559KB) ( 557 )  

The spatio-temporal modeling and visualization of certainthree-dimensional (3D)dynamic marine phenomena in estuarine and coastal waters, such as whirlpools, frontal, water mass, arevery challenging for the MGIS development. Based on the flow modeling and visualization technology of AVIZO Green, we present a spatio-temporal three-scale dynamic recognition technique for visualizing the 3D marine phenomena. We designed a theme-oriented four dimensional GIS (4DGIS) application framework to describe visually the 3D marine phenomena in continuous marine scenario. Whirlpools, fresh water fronts, plumes and salty pycnoclines in Yangtze Estuary are taken as examples in the visualization that demonstrates the spatio-temporal evolution of object-like and field-like marine phenomena. It provides a new approach for simulation visualization of marine phenomena, as well as expression of more sophisticated, multi-dimensional and dynamic marine phenomena.

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Space-Time Distribution Characteristics of the Focal Mechanism Type in Hetao Seismic Belt
Han Xiaoming, Liu Fang, Hu Bo, Zhang Fan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  592-601.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502301
Abstract ( 840 )   PDF (1820KB) ( 625 )  

Based on the analysis of the geological structure background, and the collected earthquake (ML≥2.8) data in Hetao seismic zone since 2000,the focal mechanism of 256 is calculated by using P wave first motion amplitude ratio method(APAS) and CAP retrieval method. Taken the fault plane slide angle as the indicater, we made the space and time distribution chart of the focal mechanism types in different zones, which depicts the space and time variation of the stress field in Hetao seismic zone. The results show that the fault plane slide angle in Linhe basin appeared dominant in horizontal ±20°, a significant feature of strike slip type. This type of earthquakes are distributed mainly in Langshan Seertengshan fault zone, Linhe fault and Wulashan fault zone. The normal-strike-slip type of earthquakes are distributed mainly between Bayanwulashan fault zone and Benjin fault. Hubao basin faults are mainly strike-slip type, but the slide rangles are dispersed with on clear direction and space correlation West side of Hubao basinand Baotou-Xishanzui rise show a small-scale slip focal stress field characteristics; thrust and normal earthquakes take a great proportion in the inside and east side of Hubao basin resulted from the vertical differential movement,and the focal mechanism is structure-dependent. According to the analysis in the study area and in the period,the gravitational field in the seismic belt varies non-uniformly in space and time. The non-uniformty is mainly result by the limitation of the time span and the magnitude

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Seismic Prediction for Sweet Spot Reservoir of Tight Oil
Zhu Chao, Xia Zhiyuan, Wang Chuanwu, Song Guangyong, Wei Xuebin, Wang Peng, Wang Haifeng, Wang Bo
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  602-610.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502302
Abstract ( 764 )   PDF (1945KB) ( 610 )  

As tight oil reservoir has the characters of poor physical property, strong heterogeneity, smaller difference of wave-impedance between and surrounding rock, the conventional reservoir inversion method is difficult to predict. From the perspective of reservoir genesis, the authors take the Hongliuquan area of Qaidam basin as an example, aims at thin layers of tight marlite reservoir, explores a set of effective technology series to predict sweet spot distribution. Through rock physics analysis, we establish a lithology identification chart, on this basis, combine forward simulation of drilling wells, clear that the sweet spot reservoir has the respose characters of medium amplitude and frequency values in objective intervals, and use frequency division imaging, 90°phase rotation, spectral attribute-optimization technology, predict the sweet spot distribution of tight oil effectively, confirm that the Hong 34 well block is the main of the tight oil producting zone, and the northwest Hong 22, the southern Hong38 well block can be used as the favorable targets for further exploration. The prediction result has a high agreement with the real drillings, confirms the feasibility of this method.

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Seismic Multiple Model Analysis and Processing Skills in the Deepwater Area of Southern South China Sea
Jia Liankai, Wu Shiguo, Dong Dongdong, Luan Yi
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  611-629.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502303
Abstract ( 808 )   PDF (3441KB) ( 551 )  

Due to the complicated structure and rugged seafloor of the continental margin of the southern South China Sea, a plenty of multiples coupled with diffractions are well existed in the multichannel seismic data. To recognize effective signal from the deep and suppress multiples, firstly, we analyzed the multiple propagation law by means of forward modelling; secondly, in particular, we processed the complicated Pluto model and tested several typical multiple elimination techniques. And finally we achieved the effective processing idea: reduce the multiple energy level by Surface Related Multiple Elimination(SRME), suppress the periodic and near offset multiple by deconvolution in τ-p domain; and further suppress the far offset multiples by the Radon transform in the common reflection point(CRP)gather. The results of the theoretical model and Liyue basin seismic data demonstrate that the multiples can be suppressed to a great extent and the effective signal from the deep can be enhanced by this method.

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Quantitative Interpretation of Carbonate Gas Reservoir Based on Rock Physics Template
Zhang Guangzhi, Chen Jiaojiao, Chen Huaizhen, Zhang Jinqiang, Yin Xingyao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  630-638.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502304
Abstract ( 798 )   PDF (1757KB) ( 645 )  

In the process of carbonate reservoir exploration and development, it is difficult for reservoir prediction and fluid identification. Aiming at this problem, we put forward a quantitative prediction method through making carbonate gas reservoir parameters based on the rock physics theories. First of all, considering the geological and well logging information of carbonate rock and according to the rock physics theories, we establish the carbonate rock physics model; and further we optimize the sensitive parameters (λρ and μρ) with the change of porosity, gas saturation, and establish the rock physics template for quantitative interpretation. Finally, the template and extracted parameters from seismic inversion were combined to decide the reservoir distribution and quantitatively interpret the porosity and gas saturation within the range of reservoir. The example analyses show that the porosity and gas saturation getting by our carbonate rock physics template are basically identical with the actual gas production and porosity. The reliability and applicability of carbonate rock physics template are thereby verified.

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Application of Least Squares Support Vector Machine to Lithology Identification: Taking Intermediate/Basaltic Rocks of Liaohe Basin as an Example
Mou Dan, Wang Zhuwen, Huang Yulong, Xu shi, Zhou Dapeng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  639-648.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502305
Abstract ( 638 )   PDF (1618KB) ( 543 )  

Least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) is a pattern recognition method developed from the statistical learning theory. Compared with the traditional statistics, LS-SVM can effectively resolve the problems of the finite of samples,non-linearity and high-dimension, and it can achieve accurate prediction. The essence of lithology identification is for classification. We take the advantage of the classification by LS-SVM: at first, the sample space is established by using the conventional logging curves of GR、CNL、DEN、AC、RLLD; and then, the classifier of LS-SVM is optimized by searching optimal parameters using the simulated annealing algorithm and cross validation method; finally, the model of LS-SVM lithology identification is determined. Through the description of core section and the analysis of core/cuttings, 2 520 samples from the 315 m section of the 40 wells are taken as training samples in Liaohe basin, for establishing the standard of lithology identification. 110 928 logging data from 13 866 m section of the 8 wells are taken as the predicting samples. 8 types of volcanic rocks have been identified such as vesicular basalt,compact basalt,trachyte, et al. In comparison with the 316 samples from 8 wells,the corresponding identification rate is 75.2%. The accuracy and velocity of the LS-SVM lithology identification is improved distinctly compared with other well logging methods.

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Research on Gas Yield and Level Prediction for Post-Frac Tight Sandstone Reservoirs
Pan Baozhi, Shi Yujiang, Jiang Bici, Liu Dan, Zhang Haitao, Guo Yuhang, Yang Xiaoming
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  649-654.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502306
Abstract ( 819 )   PDF (1345KB) ( 542 )  

Tight sandstone reservoirs are always with the characterized by the low porosity, low permeability, and low gas saturation, hardly have any natural capacity,needing fracturing for productivity, fracturing capacity prediction is necessary. We mainly research the method of the gas productivity and level prediction for post-frac tight sandstone reservoirs in the eastern of Sulige region of the Ordos basin. The prediction model is established by neural networks with the logging parameters (RT, GR, AC,CNL,DEN)and fracturing parameters(the amount of sard per meter,the sand ratio,the sand concentration,delivery capacity per meter,total amount of fluid injection the well per meter). The neural networks are Elman neural network, support vector machine (SVR) neural network, and GRNN neural network. We compared the results of three models, and picked up the best model GRNN model to predict the level of the gas productivity.

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Geoid Refinement Based on Land Gravity and GPS/Leveling Data in Xingcheng Geophysical Survey Test Area
Wu Qiong, Li Shuwen, Li Hongqing, Zhen Jianing, Li Lei, Yang Guodong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (2):  655-662.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201502307
Abstract ( 567 )   PDF (1484KB) ( 606 )  

The local geoid fluctuation is the major problem for the application of GPS survey. Algorithm for refining local geoid includes gravity method, GPS leveling method, and hybrid method. Hybrid method is widely applied due to its high precision and resolution, while high precision earth gravity model is the key for the hybrid method. The precision and resolution of EGM2008 earth gravity model is much higher than any gravity model in China. The study on its application for the refinement of local geoid has an important practical significance. We refined the geoid of the Xingcheng geophysical survey test area of Jilin University by means of hybrid method model (HMM), with using land gravity data, EGM2008, and GPS/leveling. The precision between the HMM and the model is refined by geometric method without comparision with the land gravity data(GMM). Both of the applicability of this method and EGM2008 are analyzed. The results indicate that the maximum precision of HMM in the test area is 1.2 cm with a minimum error distribution interval, and both of the precision and reliability of HMM are higher than the GMM in varied topography. High density gravity data in a much plane area may produce a high frequency disturb to EGM2008 because of its high precision, and this disturb may decrease the precision of EGM2008, which means that the spatial distribution of gravity data survey needs to be emphasized. The geoid refinement method reported in this article may be much more suitable for a complex topographic area.

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