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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 January 2015, Volume 45 Issue 1
Petroleum Geological Conditions and Exploration Prospect of the Mesozoic in Southeast China Sea Area
Yang Changqing, Li Gang, Gong Jianming, Yang Chuansheng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  1-12.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501101
Abstract ( 654 )   PDF (2052KB) ( 589 )  

Southeast China Sea area is located in the southeast margin of the Eurasian plate, surrounded by the Pacific plate and Indian plate in the Mesozoic stage. The petroleum explorations in the past are more concentrated on the Tertiary in this area. Based on previous studies, We propose the Mesozoic is a noteworthy exploration through the analysis of petroleum geological conditions in the Southeast China Sea and its periphery. The results of our studies have shown that the Mesozoic strata widely distributes in Southeast China Sea. The distributions of Mesozoic in the southern East China Sea, the Taiwan Island and the southwest Taiwan basin were related to Okinawa suture zone and the Philippines Palawan suture zone, and there were deep sea facies siliceous sedimentation, and the distributions of Mesozoic in the northern South China Sea and the adjacent land areas, especially the marine strata were related to the early Ailao Mountain-Red River Indosinian suture zone, and there were the Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic marine facies and marine-terrigenous facies clastic rocks and Late Jurassic-Cretaceous continental clastic sediments.It can be inferred from the drilling data and land geology that there are two sets of good hydrocarbon source rocks developed and stronger hydrocarbon generating potential in the Southeast China Sea. A series of hydrocarbon source rock is the Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic marine mud shale, with organic carbon contents between 0.28%-14.96%, the main types of kerogen type dominatedⅡ2 and Ⅲ, and another is the Lower Cretaceous marine mud-shale, with organic carbon content between 0.60%-2.00%, kerogen type Ⅲ, partial type Ⅱ2. And there are two sets of source-reservoir-caprock assemblages. One is composed of the Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic Marine mud-shale and Lower Cretaceous marine mud-shale as hydrocarbon source rocks, the Middle-Upper Jurassic sandstone as reservoir, together with the Early Cretaceous mud shale as caprock. Another is composed of the Early Cretaceous mud shale as hydrocarbon source rocks, and the Cretaceous sandstone as reservoir, the Upper Cretaceous or later mud-shale as caprocks. It is worth exploring plays formed by combining with the "lower source-upper reservoir" and "self source-self reservoir".

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Characteristics of Conglomerate Reservoir Architecture of Alluvial Fan and Its Controlling Effects to Reservoir Development:Taking Alluvial Fan Reservoir in Some Area of Northwest Margin of Junggar Basin as an Example
Chen Huanqing, Liang Shuxian, Shu Zhirui, Deng Xiaojuan, Peng Shouchang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  13-24.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501102
Abstract ( 551 )   PDF (2082KB) ( 564 )  

Being one of the important kind of reservoir, conglomerate reservoir always was hotpot area to explorationists and developers of oilfield. Taking Lower Karamay Formation of some area in northwest margin of Junggar basin as an example, it characteristics of sedimentary facies quick changes and heterogeneity intensity. reservoir architecture characteristics were finely analyzed on the base of sedimentary facies studied. The reservoirs were carved into thirteen kind of architecture, such as, channel flow conglomerate, channel beach conglomerate, sandstone of inner belt of sheet flood, fine grained of inner belt of sheet flood, laminar flow conglomerate, sandstone of exterior belt of sheet flood, fine grained of exterior belt of sheet flood, braided channel, braided sandstone-conglomerate dam, sandstone of unconcentrated flow, fine grained of unconcentrated flow, streamflow channel, fine grained between streamflow channels. And channel flow conglomerate and laminar flow conglomerate and braided channel and braided sandstone-conglomerate dam take the leading roles. The results of reservoir architecture analyzed indicated development laws of different kind of architecture. Channel flow conglomerates extend like banding, and had thickness from two meters to eight meters. Laminar flow conglomerates are two meters to seven meters in vertical section. Braided channels are wide about eighty meters to four hundred meters. Braided sandstone-conglomerate dams take thickness about two meters to seven meters. All kinds of architecture are controlled by the sedimentary source of north and north-west directions. Reservoir architecture characteristics could finely reflect the properties of reservoir of heterogeneity and connectivity. And it has an important controlled function to oilfield development.

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Evaluation of Carbonate Reservoir Based on Residual Karst Intensity Characterization and Structural Fracture Prediction:A Case from the Upper Ordovician Lianglitage Formation in the West of Center Tarim Basin
Zhao Yonggang, Chen Jingshan, Li Ling, Gu Yonghong, Zhang Chunyu, Zhang Dongliang, Zhang Wenqiang, Zhou Tong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  25-36.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501103
Abstract ( 479 )   PDF (1946KB) ( 499 )  

At present, because of the wide existence of karst genetic pore, cave and seam and the development of structural fractures, usual standards of reservoir classification and evaluation have been difficulties to meet the actual needs of palaeokarst reservoir evaluation in china. Palaeokarst reservoir of the Upper Ordovician Lianglitage Formation in the west of center Tarim basin is studied. The reservoir characteristics are analysed systematically firstly. Then, by characterizing residual karst and predicting structural fractures, residual karst intensity(R)and rock failure approach index coefficient(η)are chosen as the important quantitative indexes of palaeokarst reservoir evaluation. Combining R and η with the relevant parameters of reservoir geology, a better standard of carbonate reservoir classification and evaluation is established, which is used for evaluation and prediction of superimposed type palaeokarst reservoir of Lianglitage Formation in the west of center Tarim basin. Palaeokarst reservoir of Lianglitage Formation is divided into 4 types:Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ. The palaeokarst reservoir is evaluatedand predicted by applying multi factors synthetical analysis-Laminate maps method.Ⅰ, Ⅱ type of the palaeokarst reservoir mainly distributed in Well S2-Well TZ45-Well TZ12 area and in Well Z11-Well TZ10-Well TZ11 area.

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Overpressure System Classification and Structure Characteristic in Bonan Sag
Luo Shengyuan, He Sheng, Jin Qiuyue, Yang Ruizhi, Zhang Junli
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  37-51.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501104
Abstract ( 521 )   PDF (2328KB) ( 562 )  

Bonan sag is a typical overpressured sag with abundant hydrocarbon resources, and present-day overpressures commonly occur in the Eocene third and fourth members of Shahejie Formation (Es3 and Es4) at depths between 2 300 m and 4 200 m. By assessing present-day pressure distribution and response from drilling stem test (DST), wire logging and geological date, the characteristics of overpressure and geological factors affecting abnormal pressure are discussed in detail. Sonic transit times of mudstones deviate from the normal compaction trend line to the overpressured area revealed by drilling, but density has no obvious response. On the whole, three overpressure systems have been identified, including an upper system distribution in Es1, a middle reservoir overpressure with main part in lower Es3, and a lower reservoir overpressure in the upper part of Es4. The second member in which sand contents are more than 20% generally shows normal pressure. This study indicates that sourced rocks, low permeability sealing rocks, and fault structure are the three major factors controlled the range of overpressure and its structure. Multiphase fluid from mud-rich sources rock composes material basis of an overpressured system. Compacted mudstone within Es1, and cemented sandstone interbeded with mudstone in Es3, as well as mudstone and gypsum beds distribution in the upper part of Es4, formed respectively barrier of each system, can also control the distribution and construction change of overpressures system. Fault structures, which has great influence on formation pressure and distribution of oil, show a complex and duality fault-fluid flow behavior. The optimized and calibrated seismic intervai-velocity data, in conjunction with measured pressure, have been used with considerable success in overall recognition of large-scale overpressured system in Bonan sag.

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Significance of Dissipated Soluble Organic Matter as Gas Source
Xue Haitao, Tian Shansi, Lu Shuangfang, Liu Min, Wang Weiming, Wang Min
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  52-60.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501105
Abstract ( 474 )   PDF (1591KB) ( 428 )  

With the gradual deepening of the natural gas generation and migration mechanism, the dissipated soluble organic matter, which was residual in the source rock and migrated outside the source rocks and didn't form the gathered oil and gas reservoirs in the evolutionary process of kerogen, is gradually getting more attention as a new gas source. The dispersed soluble organic matter into gas is not only related to the consumption of crude oil, but also related to the results of the natural gas resource evaluation, and thus the quantitative evaluation is of great significance to the oil and gas exploration. We summarized and compared the differences between traditional mode of hydrocarbon generation and the dissipated soluble organic matter into gas mode, and established a geological model of the dissipated soluble organic matter into gas, then gave a preliminary calculation of the dissipated soluble organic matter into gas in Tarim basin. And just because of the existence of this gas source, gas generation area is beyond the distribution range of hydrocarbon source rocks. Besides, for this reason, gas generation center migrates to high positions of structures and the period of gas generation is also been put off. By the calculation, the proportion of the dispersed soluble organic matter into gas in the Tarim basin between the source and outside source is 1 to 2.88. The volume of the oil-cracked gas, which is generated on the period between the Late Cretaceous and now days, is 799 hundred billion stere, which is 4.23 times of the traditional oil into gas mode.

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Provenance-Sedimentary System and Tectonic Setting of First Member of Nantun Formation in Wuerxun Depression of Hailar Basin
Zhao Xiaoqing, Cheng Rihui, Yu Zhenfeng, Sun Fengxian, Wang Peng, Gao Huijun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  61-80.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501106
Abstract ( 539 )   PDF (2267KB) ( 472 )  

Fracture and volcanism were intensive in First Member of Nantun Formation of Wunan depression in Hailar basin, due to the diversity of detritus. The composition of clastic were metamorphic clastic, pyroclastic and general erosion detrital. The diversity of detritus makes lithology and division have the distinct characteristics. The study of mineral association, cathode luminescence and heavy mineral assemblage shows that the study area can be divided into four single lithology areas and two mixed areas among them. Four single lithology areas are sedimentary rocks area with metamorphic rocks clastics, pyroclastic sedimentary rocks area, welded pyroclastic rocks area and pyroclastic rocks area. According to the contents and components of clastics in rocks, mixed area can be divided into two mixed areas:the area with normal sedimentary clastic was dominant and the area with pyroclastic was dominant. Each single lithology area corresponds with each tectonic unit. The sedimentary rocks area with metamorphic rocks clastics corresponds to Wuxi fault terrace belt, the pyroclastic rocks area correspond to Bayantala structural belt, and pyroclastic sedimentary rocks area is part of Wudong arc structural belt. Geochemical data reveal that magma of source rocks is granitoid magma of crust source, meanwhile be contaminated by magma of mantle-derived, and heavy rare earth elements are enrichment. In Wuxi fault terrace belt, total content of rare earth elements is high and negative anomaly of Eu is not obvious, so the crust-mantle contamination of source rocks magma is heavy. In Bayantala structural belt, total content of rare earth elements is low and negative anomaly of Eu is obvious, so the crust-mantle contamination of source rocks magma is medium. In Wudong arc structural belt, total content of rare earth elements is high and negative anomaly of Eu is obvious, so the crust-mantle contamination of source rocks magma is low. Dickinson graphics of sandstone composition reveal that source regions of Wudong arc structural belt has not deeply cut, and source region of Bayantala structural belt has deeply cut. Noral-slip of Derbgan fault led tectonic gneiss of Chaigang to be developed and Chaigang to uplift relatively, which become erosion area and provided Wuxi fault terrace belt with metamorphic sediments, shaped the sedimentary system of fan delta with metamorphic clastic, meanwhile the fracture provided a channel for the mantle-derived magma rising. Extension slip of Bayantala fault made the rise of mantle-derived magma and volcanic eruption, developed a set of rocks between fusion sintering pyroclastic rock and pyroclastic sedimentary rock, and shaped the sedimentary system of fan delta with pyroclastic. The crust-mantle contamination degree of Bayanshan uplift was low, but underplateing of mantle-derived magma made strong crystallization differentiation, volcanic activity and surface uplift, developed pyroclastic rocks and shaped sedimentary system of delta in Wudong arc structural belt.

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Provenance Analysis of the Paleogene Strata in Block D and Peripheral in Irrawaddy Basin
Liu Dong, Li Zhongdong, Chen Wei, Zhan Wei, Chen Shanshan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  81-94.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501107
Abstract ( 533 )   PDF (1994KB) ( 560 )  

Myanmar block D located in the midwest of the Irrawaddy basin, adjacent to Letpanto field, has a certain prospect of oil.There are many different views on provenance of sedimentary among previous study results. Our aims are to make clear the direction and type of the Palaeogene provenance of the block D and the Periheral in the Irrawaddy basin, then to guide the research on facies and the oil and gas exploration by the analytical method of identification of gravel composition, statistical analysis of sandstone fragment components and the analysis of sedimentary geochemistry. The analysis results of patrtical granularity of the gravels, obtained by optical microsope, suggest that there could be one provenance which is the east of the Irrawaddy basin. The rock source of the Palaeocene was consisted of intermediate and acidic rock, but the Eocene provenance came from epimetamorphic and intermediate-basic rock. The analysis of sand detrital composition statistics revealed that provenance of Paleogene strata was derived from the mixed source, contained recycled orogen and the transitional, dissected and undissected arc. The major element, rare-earth element (REE), trace element geochemical analyses show that tectonic settings are all belong to the continental arc and active continental margin and provenances have andesite characteristic. Conbined with previous analysis, it is concluded that the Palaeogene provenance has certain inheritance and similarity. Provenances were mainly from the chain-like island arc in the basin and the highlands of the Shan Plateau in the eastern of basin. The hypothesis that sediments were directly derived from the Himalayan orogen through the northern of the Irrawaddy basin has been denied by the analysis results. It could be that sediments were provided through Irrawaddy River from the east of the basin into the sedimentary province.

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Geochemical Characteristics and Significance of Pyroxene from Major Metallogenetic Intrusions in Hongqiling, Jilin Province, China
Hao Libo, Tian Mi, Zhao Yuyan, Lu Jilong, Sun Liji, Zhao Xinyun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  95-105.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501108
Abstract ( 512 )   PDF (1609KB) ( 597 )  

The Hongqiling Cu-Ni sulfide deposit is a magmatic deposit that ranks second in China. In order to investigate the source of magma and temperature & pressure conditions of crystallization, the chemical composition of the pyroxene in metallogenetic intrusions of Hongqiling was studied by rock slice identification and electron probe analysis. The results show that all clinopyroxene minerals are augite, and orthopyroxenes are all bronzite. The chemical compositions of the pyroxene change widely and the pyroxene is charactered by enrichment in Mg and depleting of Fe, with low content of TiO2, Al2O3 and Na2O. The Di-endmember of the clinopyroxene changes widely with the evolution from Mg-enrichment to Ca-enrichment, which shows a different variation tendency with the clinopyroxene from other typical mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the world. The source of magma was mantle-derived basalt magma, with high degree of differentiation. According to pyroxene thermobarometer, the crystallization temperature of the pyroxene in major metallogenetic intrusions of Hongqiling is estimated to 1 100-1 250℃ and the rock-forming depth is around 12.3-20.7 km.

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Discussion on the Ore-Forming Material Sources of Mujicun Copper (Molybdenum) Polymetallic Orefield in Laiyuan County, Hebei Province, China
Chen Chao, Wang Baode, Niu Shuyin, Zhang Fuxiang, Ma Baojun, Zhang Jianzhen, Sun Aiqun, Wang Haitao, Ma Guoxi, Chen Zhikuan, Wang Zili
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  106-118.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501109
Abstract ( 548 )   PDF (1684KB) ( 617 )  

The Mujicun copper (molybdenum) polymetallic orefield in the Taihang Mountains, is located in the secondary faulted basin developed in the upper block of detachment zone on the west side of the neck of the dumbbell shaped Laiyuan igneous complex, the northeastern pitching end of the Fuping mantle branch structure. It is composed of porphyry copper (molybdenum) deposit, skarn iron-copper deposit and hydrothermal vein lead-zinc-silver deposit in periphery, and become the most perspective large-scale copper (molybdenum) polymetallic orefield in Hebei Province at present. Considering the study of ore-forming material sources is crucial for further understanding the metallogenesis of the deposit and the direction of ore-prospecting, authors tested and analyzed sulfur, lead, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, silicon, and rhenium isotopic compositions in such minerals from the ore as chalcopyrite, galena, pyrite, molybdenite, magnetite, quartz and gypsum. The data showed that the major value of δ34S changes from -3.5‰ to 3.2‰, with the average of 0.3‰;206Pb/204Pb from 15.566 0 to 17.072 0, with the average of 16.547 0;207Pb/204Pb from 15.031 0 to 15.523 0, with the average of 15.258 0;208Pb/204Pb from 36.292 0 to 37.375 0, with the average of 36.721 0;δ13C from -2.94‰ to -2.18‰, with the average of -2.62‰;δ30Si from -0.3‰ to 0.2‰, with the average of 0.0‰;w(Re) from 23.65 μg/g to 266.50 μg/g, with the average of 142.33 μg/g;δ18OH2O from -10.64‰ to 7.70‰, with the average of -1.47%, δD from -148.4‰ to -89.0‰, with the average of -113.7‰ which is less than that of the standard magmatic water. These isotopic data mentioned above show that the ore-forming materials were mainly derived from the deep source and the ore-forming solutions are mainly composed of magmatic water and partly of atmospheric water.

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Re-Os Isotopic Dating of Molybdenite and the Yanshanian Mineralization of the Tongkeng Molybdenum Deposit in Liancheng, Fujian Province
Wang Shaohuai, Huang Hongxiang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  119-131.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501110
Abstract ( 598 )   PDF (1777KB) ( 598 )  

Located in the southwestern Fujian Province, the Tongkeng ore deposit in Liancheng is a newly discovered molybdenum deposit. The molybdenum mineralization occurs within the contact zone between the granite porphyry stock formed in the first stage of late Yanshanian magmatic event in Tongkeng area and late Paleozoic metamorphic rocks. Ore bodies are charactered by vein, veinlet and disseminated. Re-Os dating of six molybdenite samples collected from the major ore body shows that the isochron age is (115.7±1.1) Ma and the model ages range from 115.1 Ma to 116.7 Ma, with an average value of (115.8±0.8) Ma. It can be considered that both the granite-porphyry and associated molybdenum mineralization were formed in Early Cretaceous, and that both were derived by the late Yanshanian tectonic-magmatic event in the southwestern Fujian depression. Combined with isotopic age data from other adjacent molybdenum deposits, it can be inferred that the early Yanshanian large-scale molybdenum mineralization in the southwestern Fujian depression formed during the transition stage from the Indosinian sustained platform to active continental margin, and accompanied by compressing and uplifting in early Yanshanian (about 160-145 Ma);the late Yanshanian tectonic conversion from compressing to tension (about 125-105 Ma) resulted in the magmatism which seemed to be the dominant factor for the late Yanshanian molybdenum deposit.

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Re-Os Isotopic Dating of Molybdenite from the Bainaimiao Cu(Mo) Deposit in Inner Mongolia and Its Geological Significance
Feng Xiaoxi, Yao Shuzhen, Duan Ming, Qu Kai, Wang Jiaying, Feng Xubiao, Li Chao, Zhou Limin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  132-141.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501111
Abstract ( 547 )   PDF (1702KB) ( 386 )  

The Bainaimiao Cu(Mo) deposit is the most important ones in the north margin of North China plate. It is composed of south belt and north belt. In south belt, ore bodies are concordant with ore-hosting green schist of the Cambrain Bainaimiao Formation, with near-bedded and lenticular shapes, the major bodies in north belt are located in granodiorite intrusion and partly extending into host rocks. The metallogenic age of this deposit has been disputed for many years. To dtermine the minerlization age, Re-Os isotopic dating of five molybdenite samples, separated from both south and north ore belt, are completed, five molybdenite samples yield isotopic model ages of (435.8±6.0) Ma to (443.0±6.1) Ma, and an isochron age of (440.5±4.4) Ma (2σ, MSWD=1.4). These ages are well concordant with the emplacement age (440.0 Ma) of the granodiorite. Combining with regional geological background and deposit characteristics, authors think synthetically that the deposit formed in Early Silurian and has close relationship with granodioritic (440.0 Ma) magmatic activities in Early Silurian. The mineralization age is also consist with the period (446.0-453.0 Ma) of the intensive southward subduction of the paleo-Asian oceanic plate beneath to the northern margin of the North China plate. By synthetical analysis, authors conclude that the major metallogenetic event were resulted from the evolution of the trech-basin-arc system and continent margin accretion in the North China plate during the Early Paleozoic epoch.

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Evolution of the Ore-Forming Fluid of the Awanda Gold Deposit in Southwestern Tianshan Orogenic Belt, Xinjiang
Ding Qingfeng, Fu Yu, Wu Changzhi, Dong Lianhui, Qu Xun, Cao Changsheng, Xia Mingyi, Sun Hongtao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  142-155.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501112
Abstract ( 805 )   PDF (2074KB) ( 651 )  

The Awanda gold deposit, a recently defined medium-size gold deposit in Baicheng County, Xinjiang, is located in the southwestern Tianshan orogenic belt. The gold mineralization occurs primarily within subsidiary faults in ore-hosting schist rocks. The sulfide mineral assemblage is dominated by arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, loellingite, with minor pyrite and gudmundite;and the sulfide mineral contents in the gold ore are less than 15%. The wall-rock alteration in the deposit includes silicification, sericitization and minor carbonatization. Combining microthermometric analyses of fluid inclusions and the arsenopyrite geothermometer, authors discuss the evolution of the ore-forming fluids of this deposit. It was shown that fluid inclusions in quartz grains from the ore consist of major two-phase aqueous inclusions and minor three-phase CO2-bearing ones. The two-phase aqueous inclusions have a bimodal-distributed homogenization temperatures of 188-380℃ and salinities of 6.9%-20.7%NaCl, while the CO2-bearing inclusions have the homogenization temperatures of 238-347℃ and salinities of 2.8%-7.0%NaCl. The arsenopyrite geothermometer shows that the sulfide assemblage of arsenopyrite+pyrrhotite+loellingite in Awanda gold deposit formed in a high-temperature condition ranging from 345℃ to 420℃, and there are some low-temperature arsenopyrites that can not to be applied by the arsenopyrite geothermometer. It can be synthesized that the ore-forming fluid experienced from the high-temperature epoch to the low-intermediate-temperature one. In the high-temperature epoch, the ore-forming fluid are characterized by the high homogenization temperatures of 270-380℃, the trapping temperatures of 345-420℃ from arsenopyrite geothermometer and the calculated trapping pressures of 74-142 MPa (the metallogenic depths of 2.8-5.4 km evaluated by lithostatic pressure system), and the ore-forming fluid belonged to a low-intermediate-salinity H2O-CO2-NaCl system and depositing high-temperature arsenopyrites and other sulfides. In the low-intermediate-temperature epoch, the ore-forming fluid are characterized by the low-intermediate homogenization temperatures of 188-270℃, the trapping temperatures less than 304℃ but larger than 270℃, and the calculated trapping pressures lower than 104 MPa but higher than 52 MPa, and the ore-forming fluid belonged to a low-intermediate-salinity H2O-NaCl system and forming low-temperature arsenopyrites and other sulfides. According to the geological characteristics and the evolution of the ore-forming fluid of the Awanda gold deposit, it can be conclued that the deposit belongs to the epizonal-mesozonal orogenic gold deposit.

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Research and Implementation of Section Method in Reserve Estimation Based on Surpac
Li Xiaohui, Yuan Feng, Zhang Mingming, Zhang Shuhong, Jia Cai, Zhou Taofa
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  156-165.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501113
Abstract ( 588 )   PDF (1638KB) ( 422 )  

Combining with the characteristics of the traditional section method of reserves estimation, the authors establishe and implement the process and software of the section method based on the Surpac three-dimensional geological software. In order to show the practical application of the process and software, the authors demonstrate every important step and algorithm of the process, and take an iron deposit in Anhui Province as an example. The results shows that the process and software can be efficiently used for the reserves estimation and can take full advantage of high-precision three-dimensional geological environment to improve the accuracy of traditional reserves estimation method. Moreover, the result of section reserves estimation method also can be used for validation and comparison of the results of the three-dimensional statistical reserves estimation method. This method has very significant practical and application prospecting.

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SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb Age and Geochemical Characteristics of the Achieng Qulu Monzogranite in Inner Mongolia
Wang Zhihua, Chang Chunjiao, Cong Runxiang, Wang Liang, Ma Dexi, Wang Xiaojun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  166-187.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501114
Abstract ( 582 )   PDF (2033KB) ( 439 )  

The Achieng Qulu monzogranite complex is located in the middle of Early Paleozoic Chaganaobao-Aoyoute-Chaobuleng tectonic-magmatic belt which belongs to the southeast margin of the Siberian plate. The main rock types of the complex are moderate-and fine-grained monzogranite as well as moderate-and coarse-grained monzogranite. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb isotopic dating result indicates that the emplacement age of Achieng Qulu monzogranite is (296.3±3. 8) Ma, namely Late Hercynian. Rock geochemical analysis shows silicon-rich of the monzogranite, as peraluminous with SiO2 content of 73.48% to 74.22%;with Al2O3 content of 13.63% to 14.01% and A/CNK ratio of 1.04 to 1.10;alkali-rich, (K2O+Na2O) content of 8.08% to 8.54%, with Rittmann index of (σ) 2.13 to 2.46, relatively rich in potassium, K2O/Na2O ratio of 1.31 to 1.54, belonging to high-K calc-alkaline series;enriched in such large ion lithophile elements as Rb, Sr, Ba and light rare earth elements (LREE), relatively depleted in high field strength elements such as Ta, Nb, Ti;total REE to 112.05×10-6-130.16×10-6, moderate negative Eu anomality (δEu=0.52 to 0.65), showing a slightly rightward with steep LREE line and slow HREE line, containing geochemical characteristics of from post-collision high-K granite to A-type granites. Relatively low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.703 849 to 0.704 236) and positive εNd(t) values (4.2 to 4.3), reflect that the material source of the complex may be mainly derived from the new continental crust formed by underplating of mantle-derived magma. Based on the data mentioned above and discrimination on tectonic setting, combined with regional comparison, we conclude that the Achieng Qulu monzogranite belongs to post-collision high-K calc-alkaline granite derived from the partial melting of the upper crust, which is caused by sub-ducted slab break-off, asthenosphere upwelling and partial melting of the lithosphere mantle, meanwhile, part of the mantle-derived magma under-plated to the lower part of the crust or formed mafic intrusions invading crust. These events took place under the dynamics background of lithosphere transforming from compressive thickening to extension system. This recognition provides petrology evidence and age restricting for the Late Paleozoic tectonic magmatic evolution of East Wuzhu Muqinqi and for post-orogenic extensional tectonic mechanism transformation from geochemical combination after the collision against Siberian plate and the North China plate.

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Very Low Grade Metamorphic Temperatures of the Upper Paleozoic Strata in Northern Daxing'anling Area, NE China:Evidence from Raman Spectrum Studies of Carbonaceous Materials
Hu Daqian, Wang Yanquan, Sha Qian, Wang Chunguang, Chen Xu, Ma Rui
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  188-197.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501115
Abstract ( 551 )   PDF (1707KB) ( 497 )  

Using the Renishaw System-1000 laser Raman spectrometer, authors have studied the laser Raman spectrum characteristics of the carbonaceous materials in pelitic rocks outcropped in northern Daxing'anling area and its indication to the metamorphic temperature. The relationship between the various parameters of the Raman spectrum and the vitrinite reflectance (Ro) of the carbonaceous materials is also discussed. The study shows that the carbonaceous material of Upper Paleozoic pelitic rock has not the Raman spectrum absorption peak of graphite, revealing its metamorphic grade below the low-greenschist facies. Using Raman spectroscopy constructed and proposed by Barker et al. (1986) and by Rahl et al.(2005), the metamorphic temperature of Upper Paleozoic pelitic rock in the studied area is estimated at 270℃ to 320℃, indicating the Paleozoic strata of the area have merely undergone very low grade metamorphism and metamorphic grade belongs to anchizone. Based on the relationship between the laser Raman spectrometer of carbonaceous materials and the vitrinite reflectance(Ro) proposed by Wang Y, et al.(2002), the Ro values (maturity of organic materials) of pelitic rocks are estimated to be from 3.03% to 4.23%, consistent with the measured values, showing that the evolution of organic matter of the area is at the over-mature stage, and the pelitic rocks in the area are capable to be generate the hydrocarbon generation and part of the them may have the potential for oil and gas resources.

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Determination of Collapse Pressure for Deviated Wellbore in Transversely Isotropic Water-Sensitive Formation
Lan Kai, Liu Mingguo, Chao Wenxue
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  198-206.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501201
Abstract ( 623 )   PDF (1763KB) ( 546 )  

Borehole stability in shale/mudstone strata is significant during the construction of horizontal well for unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs, which is caused by two mainly reasons, one is the current borehole stability design model using simply isotropic media model and Mohr-Coulomb criterion, and the other is the inappropriate performance of drilling fluid. To solve this problem, a new borehole stability model for water-sensitive formation was established, which adopted transversely isotropic media model, Mogi-Coulomb criterion, and the effect of hydration to rock strength. The influence of deviation angle, azimuth, drilling fluid performance and drilling time on collapse pressure were analyzed. The results showed that transversely isotropic model was more suitable to describe strength anisotropy for laminated shale/mudstone;collapse pressure calculated by Mogi-Coulomb criterion is more consistent with drilling practice than Mohr-Coulomb, in this case, lower drilling fluid density can be used to keep borehole stability and promote rate of penetration;enhance sealing capacity and decline shale hydration diffusion capacity were helpful to extend collapse cycle. Several examples of shale gas horizontal wells drilled in Dongpu, Weiyuan and Jiaoshiba districts confirmed that the recommended method is highly reliable and effective.

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Numerical Solution and Test of Results for a Hydrothermal Coupled Model About Frozen Soil
Li Yang, Wang Qing, Wang Tanhua
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  207-213.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501202
Abstract ( 806 )   PDF (1514KB) ( 685 )  

A hydrothermal coupled model established previously by the author based on the theory of porous media seasonally frozen soil was solved numerically in this article. First, the model equations were corrected, and the method to determine parameters in equations was given. Then Changchun-Songyuan highway soil was chosen as the object for the study, and the case of frozen moisture migration can be predicted in the actual project. Model was solved under the given circumstances the model boundary conditions, and the model solution results were compared with actual field monitoring results. The comparative data of temperature gradient show that the model can predict the final value of the parameter, while the middle of the process error is large, but the same trend. The comparative data of direction and the amount of moisture migration indicates that the model results to be less than the measured results, but overall the same trend. And the same with temperature gradient that the final values agree well with the smallest error, an average of about 2%. The results show that the model can simulate calculated parameters for the final values, but there is an error, and the error is within an acceptable range.

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Study of the Engineering Geological Conditions and Rock Mass Stability of Heidong Large Ancient Underground Caverns
Shang Yanjun, Yang Zhifa, Li Lihui, Li Tianbin, He Wantong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  214-224.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501203
Abstract ( 569 )   PDF (2228KB) ( 502 )  

The favorable engineering geological conditions and the structural integrity of rock mass make the Heidong ancient man-made underground caverns in Tiantai County, Zhejiang Province a large scale subterraneous quarry ever since the Sui Dynasty. Consisting of 21 single caverns, the group caverns situated in Xieshan cover an area of 24 000 m2, and the long axis of the caverns tend towards the same direction of the strike of the major two sets of geological structural planes. The lithology of the overall quarrying area is composed of the Upper Cretaceous Tangshang Formation layer No.6 off-white vitric ignimbrite. The value of the rock mass quality index Q is 53(class I). If the concept of modern underground caverns'architectural design is held, the maximum allowable span for the caverns'secular stability should not be greater than 50 m, and the maximum span of cavern No.5 actually reaches 81 m-promises to be perhaps the greatest span of single cavern. The several geological exploratory holes excavated by the ancients in the foot of Xieshan and the large angle-small section-high bench passing technique adopted in regional fault fracture zone effectively ensure the safety and secular stability of unsupported mining in unfavorable geological bodies. By piling massive quarrying waste in the cavern, the stability of the side walls is enhanced to some extent, and besides, the disposal method is also beneficial to the environment.

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Application of Combining SOM and RBF Neural Network Model for Groundwater Levels Prediction
Liu Bo, Xiao Changlai, Liang Xiujuan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  225-231.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501204
Abstract ( 813 )   PDF (1489KB) ( 503 )  

As the hidden units of radial basis function network (RBF) were optimized by the theory of self-organizing map (SOM), the groundwater levels forecasting error range, due to its structural problems, could be reduced. With the two-dimensional feature map and clustering results of SOM, the number of hidden units, the position and the width of the radial basis centers can be easily determined. The SOM-RBFN model can be established. The accuracy of the model was verified by predicting groundwater level at Erdao Town in Fengman District of Jilin City based on observed groundwater level from 2000 to 2009.In addition, dynamic data of groundwater level for five years (2005-2009), seven years (2003-2009), ten years (2000-2009), are used as study samples and make forecast one by one, which can examine that if the sample size could influence the forecast result. The results prove that SOM-RBFN model can be used in groundwater levels dynamic forecasting, because the averages of RMSE and CE are 0.43 and 0.52, respectively, which are the relatively good outcomes. And, the averages of RMSE and CE of RBF7 are 0.38 and 0.68, whose results are better than RBF5 and RBF10. Therefore, it can be known that the amount of data cannot directly influence the accuracy of results.

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Cause and Change Trend of Water Chemistry of Epikarst System Under the Vegetation Restoration:A Case of Landiantang Epikarst Spring, Nongla, Mashan, Guangxi
Kang Zhiqiang, He Shiyi, Luo Yunyi
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  232-239.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501205
Abstract ( 658 )   PDF (1531KB) ( 337 )  

Limestone and dolomite are common carbonate rocks. Because of their different karstification mechanism, the different landscape would be formed. In Southwest of China, dolomite locates on the different classes of karst basis level of erosion, while the pure limestone locates at upper the mountain. So, the epikarst zone has a duality structure because of the special strata combination. Based on the mornitoring to discharge and hydrochemistry of Landiantang epikarst spring, Nongla, Guangxi, it is found that the hydrochemical type of most water samples is HCO3-Ca·Mg. The variation trend of the Ca2+ and Mg2+ is not very clear in seasonal timescale. But it is more sensitive to short-term precipitation dilution and CO2 effect of forest vegetation."Equivaleng dissolution line"(EDL) is defined by the relationship between concentration of Ca2+ and Mg2+. In this paper, EDL can be used to distinguish the causes of the differences of spring hydrochemistry under different precipitation conditions. In addition, based on the analysis on nearly ten years data of the hydrochemistry and discharge data of Landiantang epikarst spring, it is shown that spring discharge and major ions concentration in karst water are all increased under the situation of vegetation restoration. All of above is further evidence of the vegetation effect in karst process.

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Applicability of Karst Carbon Sinks Calculation Methods in Semi-Arid Climate Environment
Huang Qibo, Qin Xiaoqun, Liu Pengyu, Kang Zhiqiang, Tang Pingping
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  240-246.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501206
Abstract ( 532 )   PDF (1393KB) ( 353 )  

By choosing the appropriate method for accurately calculating the amount of karst carbon sink in arid and semiarid regions in Northern China, the estimation accuracy of China's karst carbon sink and global carbon cycle models can be improved. The results show that karst carbon sink intensity(1.821 t/(km2·a)) with the standard dissolution method is only 1/5 of that of the hydrochemistry-runoff method(9.83 t/(km2·a)) in the Mapao Spring Catchment, Shanxi Province by using the hydrochemical runoff method and standard dissolution method. The negative correlation between tablets dissolution rate and soil inorganic carbon further indicates that the high levels of soil inorganic carbon (2.85-5.06 times of organic carbon content) is the major cause for the smaller results by standard dissolution method. In semi-arid regions, the high inorganic carbon content was easily deposited, resulting in a low dissolution rate for the tablets. The water chemistry and flow is easy to be monitored for a clear boundary condition basin, so the results of karst carbon sink intensity with the hydrochemistry-runoff method is more accurate. Therefore, for calculating karst carbon sink intensity in the semi-arid regions, the hydrochemical-runoff method should be used.

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Influence of Microbial Flocculant Dosing Way on Performance of Aerobic Granules
Song Zhiwei, Wang Qiuxu, Ning Tingting, Ren Nanqi, Li Lixin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  247-254.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501207
Abstract ( 523 )   PDF (1946KB) ( 439 )  

Aerobic granular sludge was cultivated successfully by adding microbial flocculant in the sequencing batch airlift reactors (SBARs). The physical-chemical properties and biodegradation efficiencies of the granules were studied to investigate the influence of microbial flocculant dosing way on the characteristics of aerobic granular sludge. The results showed that dosing way has a significant influence on the granulation of aerobic sludge. Aerobic granules could be formed when a certain amount of flocculant bacterium were adding into SBARs every 2, 3, 5, 7 days, respectively. The optimum dosing way was dosing every 5 day, in which case the grranulation term of aerobic granules was only 42 d, and was faster than that of 60 d in blank experiment. SVI was around 40 mL/g, settling velocity reached 35.06 m/h, the COD, NH4+-N and TP removal rates of mature granular sludge was 96.55%, 93.29% and 87.29%, respectively.

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Spatial Distribution of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Dredger Fill at Tianjin Reclamation Land Area
Zhao Lin, Zheng Yi, Mao Guozhu, Guo Hua
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  255-264.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501208
Abstract ( 552 )   PDF (1960KB) ( 389 )  

Tianjin Lingang Economic Area is located in the coastal region which is formed by land reclamation. The soil is dredger fill formed by silt and sand. The characteristics, spatial distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus in the dredger fill of Tianjin Lingang Area is important information for figuring out the eutrophication of the region. Nitrogen and phosphorus contents were measured using the samples collected from the dredger fill of Lingang. The results indicated that soil nitrogen content in Lingang Economic Area was quite low, which was 161.73-240.09 mg/kg in average. However, the phosphorus content was relatively rich among 355.54 and 443.27 mg/kg. The horizontal variation coefficient of total nitrogen distribution was greater than the total phosphorus. The nitrogen and phosphorus contents of dredger fill in different regions were related to the characteristics itself. Dredger fill in part of the region was resulted by artificial interferences, which caused the increments of nitrogen and phosphorus contents. Predictable, the level of nitrogen and phosphorus contents may bring eutrophication to the coastal environment near Lingang.

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The Change of Landscape Pattern in Jilin City and Its Effects on the Climate During the Past 30 Years
Zhang Li, Zhao Dandan, Liu Jiping, Chen Zhiwen, Liu Jiafu
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  265-272.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501209
Abstract ( 544 )   PDF (1513KB) ( 653 )  

To analyze the landscape pattern of Jilin City in 1980, 1995 and 2010, the number of patches, patch density, the largest patch index, perimeter-area fractal dimension, aggregation index and Shannon diversity index were used by employing ArcGIS, ENVI, Excel and FRAGSTATS platforms. The results showed that the number of patches, patch density, perimeter-area fractal dimension, and Shannon diversity index increased first and then decreased, aggregation index decreased first and then increased, and the largest patch index was increased during the past thirty years in Jilin City. The areas of forest and grassland landscape had been reduced during the whole term, the area of wetland had increased first but reduced afterwards, and the area of dry landscape had expanded. Under the background of climate changing in the Northeast China, the changing of landscape pattern should have a certain effect on the climate of Jilin City. In this area, temperature increased and rainfall decreased. This study provides a scientific basis for the regional landscape ecological evaluation, landscape planning and management. A good relationship was found between the changing of landscape pattern and the spatial distribution patterns of the temperature and rainfall of Jilin City.

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Using Airborne Magnetic Gradiometer Data to Determine Magnetic Rock Mass Boundary
Guo Hua, Jia Weijie, Wang Ping, Xie Rukuan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  273-281.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501301
Abstract ( 567 )   PDF (2082KB) ( 610 )  

Three Axis Airborne Magnetic Gradiometer with self-owned intellectual property rights was developped, and carried out gradient measurements of aeromagnetic survey in given area of North of China, which gain the ideal gradient data. However, how to apply the gradient data for geological interpretation is still in research stage. In this paper, how to use the gradient data in the lithology determining and rock mass boundary delineating are studied based on airborne three axis gradient measurement principle. Aeromagnetic gradient survey is divided into horizontal gradient, vertical gradient, and three axis gradient measurement. Data from hree axis gradient provides more abundant geophysical information in lithologic judgment. It shows that the effect of lithologhy judgment and rock mass boundary is reasonable using the gradient data Compared with the actual geological condition. Because of the characteristic of the gradient data in suppressing background field, not only the approximately buried depth of the rock mass can be estimated, and the boundary position of the rock mass can be accurately determined.

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Methods of Air Wave Approximation and Decomposition for Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic Measurements in Shallower Water Domain
Shen Jinsong, Wang Xuan, Wei Shuaishuai, Li Man
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  282-292.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501302
Abstract ( 480 )   PDF (1749KB) ( 444 )  

In marine controlled-source electromagnetic (MCSEM) exploration, the influence on the EM response of the airwave has been paid great attention by the industry and the air wave is one kind of EM signal from the horizontal electric dipole (HED) source that is reflected from or travels along the air-sea interface and return back to receivers. In shallow water domains, the airwave dominates over the effective signal from seabed sediments, and makes it very difficult to identify the hydrocarbon reservoirs. On the basis of the layer model, we have derived airwave expression of half space resistivity model by using the mode decomposition theory of the EM field and the air wave in the sea water layer is approximately expressed as a series of wave reverberations that travel down and backward between the sea surface and the seabed. According to the propagations of EM field near sources and receivers, we have obtained airwave expression of a finite water layer. In order to compare the effectiveness of the various air wave mitigation methods, we have adopted the decomposition method of EM fields into upgoing and downgoing components, and have acuired larger anomaly of several times than that of the raw EM field above the resistive formation, and indicated the favorable effect of airwave attenuation by using of wave separation. Finally, simulation results of electromagnetic responses from different background and reservoir models have been used to check the effectiveness and adaptability of the two air wave mitigation methods of wave reverberations approximation and wave field decomposition, numerical results show that for model of horizontal layers, the latter is more effective, however, the former is applicable to rugged sea floor formation and the latter only fits for horizontal layers.

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Threshold Denoising Method Based on New Seislet Transform in the Condition of Low SNR
Liu Cai, Cui Fangzi, Liu Yang, Wang Dian, Liu Dianmi, Zhang Peng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  293-301.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501303
Abstract ( 643 )   PDF (1868KB) ( 422 )  

Seislet transform is a wavelet-like transform based on wavelet base that analyzes seismic data along variable local event slopes. The calculation of the local event slopes is the key step of this method.There are many kinds of methods to calculate the local slopes. But in the condition of low SNR, these methods have some limits. We propose a method that is suitable for low SNR based on the definition of the slopes of t-x relationship in CMP traces. Comparing the slopes of t-x relationship in CMP traces with PWD method, we can see that the new method is more accurate in calculating the local slopes. Apply these slopes to Seislet frame to establish a new Seislet transform that characterize low SNR data. In seismic data processing, we introduce one method which works well for acoustic signals. We propose the new threshold method with Seislet transform. It is not only suitable for seismic signals, but also better than the traditional threshold method to improve SNR. The results show that the combination of the new Seislet transform and improved threshold method can extract signal in the condition of low SNR effectively.

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Analysis of the Pulse Noise in Seismic Vibrator Record
Jia Haiqing, Jiang Tao, Xu Xuechun, Ge Lihua, Lin Jun, Yang Zhichao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  302-311.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501304
Abstract ( 640 )   PDF (1840KB) ( 385 )  

Noise analysis is always the important basic method to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of seismic data. Seismic vibrator system emits instantaneous low energy to the underground, so its record is easier to be disturbed by the pulse noise from interior of vibrator system and background. The cross-correlation detection method, which is used to pick signals, can not suppress this kind of noise, and it even widen the noise level seriously. To study pulse noise interference, the authors analyze the impact and characteristics of the record by the single pulse and multi-point pulse noise in theory and simulation. The results showed that the interference is mainly depended on the strength of the impulse noise, the position time and proportion of pulse noise. When 2.5% pulse noise is mixed into vibrator non-correlated data with average intensity is 100, the vibrator signal would be submerged in correlated data.

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Evaluation Method of Saturation in Low Resistivity Reservoir in the Pearl River Estuary Basin
Wu Jian, Hu Xiangyang, Liang Yunan, Tang Di, Zheng Xiangwei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  312-319.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501305
Abstract ( 488 )   PDF (1749KB) ( 479 )  

The low resistivity reservoir in Pearl River Estuary basin has the characteristic of high shale content, low resistivity, as well as low capacity. It is so difficult to calculate the ture saturation of low resistivity reservoir. Firstly, the authors analyze the geologic origin of low resistivity formation, and give the main reason is the developed conductive network to high bound water content. Using several saturation models which is suit for argillaceous sandstone to calculate the saturation, and the sealing core drilling data, we show the methods of Leakage correction, degassing correction, compaction correction, volumetric factor correction at different formation conditions. And then we calibrate the logging interpretation saturation with NMR logging data. The results show that the water saturation of the low resistivity reservoir is above 70% in average, and saturation form Indonesia formula fits well to the core saturation which has been corrected and the NMR bound water saturation, so the Indonesia formula is the best saturation model for the low resistivity reservoir in this region.

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Rock Spectral Measurements and Their Characterization Analysis in Xingcheng Area, Liaoning Province
Chen Shengbo, Zhang Ying, Guo Pengju, Zhao Ying, Xie Minghui
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  320-326.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501306
Abstract ( 566 )   PDF (1675KB) ( 442 )  

Remote sensing images record the rock spectral radiation characteristics and morphological characteristics. In the study, after the spectra of different rocks were measured in Xingcheng area for ASD spectrometer, the spectral characteristics are analyzed to the rocks with fresh and weathering surfaces for different rock types and different geological era. The spectral curves of different sedimentary and magmatic rocks are similar, and their absorbing positions have the same wavelength. But the reflectance of the fresh surface of rocks is higher than the weathering surface. Around 900 nm, the spectral absorption valley may be due to iron ions. In addition to 1 400 nm and 1900 nm of water vapor absorption band, sedimentary and magmatic rocks have a strong absorption valley around 2 200 nm, while limestone has a relatively high peak around 2 300 nm. These are theoretical basis of rock classification in the spectral method. But the spectral features of rocks on different geological era are not obvious. And it is related to the texture and components of rocks. Thus, the rock spectral measurements and spectral characterization analysis can meet the need of lithology recognition, mineralization alteration information extraction for geological investigation and mineral exploration.

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Dynamic Change of Wetland Landscape Pattern in Songhuajiang-Nenjiang River Basin
Wu Huizhi, Jiang Qigang, Li Yuanhua, Cui Jian, Feng Tao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (1):  327-334.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201501307
Abstract ( 623 )   PDF (1555KB) ( 441 )  

The authors study on the wetland's change of SonghuajiangNenjiang River Basin by RS and GIS technology, using the MSS, ETM and CBERS as the data source, and applying the dynamic model, landscape gradient and landscape metrics for dynamic analysis. Results showed that, the wetland area was 25 574.94 km2 in 1975, decreased to 18 152.58 km2 in 2000, and increased to 25 761.01 km2 in 2007. The dynamic degree of wetland increased from -1.21% to 5.99%. The landscape gradient of natural wetland showed trends of contraction. The artificial wetland change is on the contrary. The highest value of artificial wetland increased from 37 to 69, and there are 5 high value landscape gradient zones(50< DI ≤ 70) distributed in the study area in 2007. The patch density of artificial wetland increased significantly, the Area weighted mean patch fractal index slightly larger than natural wetland, it has a high degree of irregularity. The Shannon diversity index of wetland increased 0.210 3, the Shannon evenness index of wetland increased 0.097 2, and the contagion index of wetland decreased 8.005 1, which means the landscape diversity of wetland was gradually increasing, the fragmentation of wetland intensified.

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