吉林大学学报(工学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (7): 2115-2120.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20230402
• 通信与控制工程 • 上一篇
Nan ZHANG1(),Ben-yuan ZHONG2,Ping WANG1
1 | 詹慧菁,黄宇.用于混合运动姿态捕捉的李代数算法优化仿真[J].计算机仿真,2022,39(11):253-257. |
Zhan Hui-jing, Huang Yu.Optimal simulation of Lie algebra algorithm for hybrid motion attitude capture[J].Computer Simulation,2022,39(11):253-257. | |
2 | 尹旷,王红斌,胡帆,等.利用开关卡尔曼滤波器的目标跟踪技术研究[J].机床与液压,2021,49(12):23-28, 40. |
Yin Kuang, Wang Hong-bin, Hu Fan, et al. Research on target tracking technology based on switched Kalman filter[J]. Machine Tool & Hydraulics, 2021,49 (12): 23-28, 40. | |
3 | 张玉涛,张梦凡,史学强,等.基于深度学习的井下运动目标跟踪算法研究[J].煤炭工程,2022,54(10):151-155. |
Zhang Yu-tao, Zhang Meng-fan, Shi Xue-qiang, et al. Object tracking algorithm of moving objects in underground mine based on deep learning[J]. Coal Engineering, 2022, 54(10): 151-155. | |
4 | 逯彦,廖桂生,黄庆享.结合稀疏表示的跨摄像头运动目标跟踪算法[J].西安电子科技大学学报,2021,48(2):197-204. |
Lu Yan, Liao Gui-sheng, Huang Qing-xiang. Cross-camera moving target tracking algorithm based on sparse representation[J]. Journal of Xidian University, 2021,48(2): 197-204. | |
5 | 苏昂,陆伟康,张仕林,等.基于目标运动模型的无人机对地视觉目标跟踪[J].激光与光电子学进展,2022,59(14):243-251. |
Su Ang, Lu Wei-kang, Zhang Shi-lin, et al. Visual ground target tracking of unmanned aerial vehicle based on target motion model[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2022, 59(14): 243-251. | |
6 | 曲志昱,王超然,孙萌.基于改进迭代扩展卡尔曼滤波的3星时频差测向融合动目标跟踪方法[J].电子与信息学报,2021,43(10):2871-2877. |
Qu Zhi-yu, Wang Chao-ran, Sun Meng. Tracking method of moving target for three-satellite TDOA/FDOA/DOA system based on improved IEKF algorithm[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2021,43(10): 2871-2877. | |
7 | 夏爱明,伍雪冬.基于上下文感知和尺度自适应的实时目标跟踪[J].红外技术,2021,43(5):429-436. |
Xia Ai-ming, Wu Xue-dong. Real-time object tracking based on context awareness and scale adaptation[J]. Infrared Technology, 2021,43(5): 429-436. | |
8 | 张昆,王涛,张艳,等.一种基于面阵摆扫式航空影像的特征匹配方法[J].地球信息科学学报,2022,24(3):522-532. |
Zhang Kun, Wang Tao, Zhang Yan, et al. A feature matching method based on area array swing-scan aerial image[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2022, 24(3): 522-532. | |
9 | 申亮,金添,黄晓涛.结合形状信息的SAR图像特征匹配方法[J].信号处理,2023,39(2):252-262. |
Shen Liang, Jin Tian, Huang Xiao-tao. SAR image feature matching method combined with shape information[J]. Journal of Signal Processing, 2023,39(2): 252-262. | |
10 | 于秋野,徐锦程,何睿,等.基于多普勒耦合估计的弹道目标测距方法[J].雷达科学与技术,2022,20(3):305-310. |
Yu Qiu-ye, Xu Jin-cheng, He Rui, et al. Ballistic target ranging method based on Doppler coupling estimation[J]. Radar Science and Technology, 2022, 20(3): 305-310. | |
11 | 牛龙飞.基于LFMCW雷达测距的空中目标轨迹测量方法[J].火力与指挥控制,2022,47(6):171-175. |
Niu Long-fei. Research on aerial target trajectory measurement method based on LFMCW radar ranging[J]. Fire Control & Command Control, 2022,47(6): 171-175. | |
12 | 巫春玲,胡雯博,孟锦豪,等.基于最大相关熵扩展卡尔曼滤波算法的锂离子电池荷电状态估计[J].电工技术学报,2021,36(24):5165-5175. |
Wu Chun-ling, Hu Wen-bo, Meng Jin-hao, et al. State of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries based on maximum correlation-entropy criterion extended Kalman filtering algorithm[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2021,36(24): 5165-5175. | |
13 | 周萌萌,张冰,赵强,等.基于自适应渐消Sage-Husa扩展卡尔曼滤波的协同定位算法[J].中国舰船研究,2022,17(4):92-97. |
Zhou Meng-meng, Zhang Bing, Zhao Qiang, et al. Cooperative localization algorithm based on adaptive fading Sage-Husa extended Kalman filter[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2022,17(4): 92-97. | |
14 | 朱栋,徐晗,周寅,等.基于扩展卡尔曼滤波算法的船载绝对重力测量数据处理[J].物理学报,2022,71(13):159-167. |
Zhu Dong, Xu Han, Zhou Yin, et al. Data processing of shipborne absolute gravity measurement based on extended Kalman filter algorithm[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2022,71(13): 159-167. | |
15 | 周娟,孙啸,刘凯,等.联合扩展卡尔曼滤波的滑模观测器SOC估算算法研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2021,41(2):692-703. |
Zhou Juan, Sun Xiao, Liu Kai, et al. Research on the SOC estimation algorithm of combining sliding mode observer with extended Kalman filter[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2021,41(2): 692-703. |
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