吉林大学学报(工学版) ›› 2004, Vol. ›› Issue (2): 277-281.

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王占山, 张化光   

  1. 东北大学, 信息科学与工程学院, 辽宁, 沈阳, 110004
  • 收稿日期:2003-09-27 出版日期:2004-04-01
  • 通讯作者: 张化光(1959- ),男,教授,博士生导师.E-mail:z_hg@163.net
  • 基金资助:

Design of proportional-integral observer and its application in control law with fault compensation and disturbance rejection

WANG Zhan-shan, ZHANG Hua-guang   

  1. College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China
  • Received:2003-09-27 Online:2004-04-01

摘要: 首先利用线性矩阵不等式设计了比例积分观测器,并在外界干扰是能量有界的情况下,设计了具有干扰抑制的状态观测器,使得干扰对状态估计的影响具有给定的H性能。然后将故障估计结果和干扰抑制作用同时加入到控制律当中,使得所设计的系统在跟踪给定的参考模型的同时,也能得到系统所受的外界故障估计。最后通过仿真实例验证了所设计的观测器和所提出的控制方法的有效性。

关键词: 故障估计, 干扰抑制, 比例积分观测器, 补偿控制, 线性矩阵不等式

Abstract: A full-order proportional-integral observer is designed based on LMI(Linear matrix inequality) and a control law with fault compensation and disturbance rejection is proposed. In an L2-gain sense of the disturbance, an action of disturbance rejection is included in the observer in order to suppress the effect of disturbance on the estimation of state and satisfy the given H performance. Then in the case of existing of both faults and disturbances, a hybrid control law is designed, which consists of actions of both fault estimation and disturbance rejection, to make the system track the given reference model. Thus in the case of fault, the system not only can give fault estimation, but also keep the system perform well and prevent the control performance worsening. At last, an illustrative design example is employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Key words: fault estimation, disturbance rejection, proportional-integral observer, compensation control, LMI


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