吉林大学学报(工学版) ›› 2004, Vol. ›› Issue (1): 46-51.

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徐涛1, 刘畅2, 明星3, 胡朝晖4   

  1. 1. 吉林大学, 机械科学与工程学院, 吉林, 长春, 130025;
    2. 解放军军需大学, 装备部, 吉林, 长春, 130062;
    3. 吉林大学, 计算机科学与技术学院, 吉林, 长春, 130025;
    4. 广西工学院, 信息与计算科学系, 广西, 柳州, 545006
  • 收稿日期:2003-05-11 出版日期:2004-01-01
  • 基金资助:

Using real Gabor transform in iris identification

XU Tao1, LIU Chang2, MING Xing3, HU Zhao-hui4   

  1. 1. College of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China;
    2. Department of Equipment, Quartermaster University of the PLA, Changchun 130062, China;
    3. College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China;
    4. Department of Information and Computing Science, Guangxi University of Technology, Liuzhou 545006, China
  • Received:2003-05-11 Online:2004-01-01

摘要: 提出基于实数形式Gabor变换(RGT)的虹膜识别算法。首先计算 Gaussian 函数的对偶窗函数;然后将对偶窗函数的 RGT 对规范化后的虹膜纹理进行分解,利用得到的实数 Gabor变换系数求取局部均值与方差作为虹膜纹理特征。在算法上实现完全实数运算,大大降低了算法的复杂性。实验结果及数据分析表明了此方法的合理性及有效性。

关键词: 虹膜识别, 实Gabor变换, 对偶窗, 加权欧氏距离

Abstract: An approach of iris identification based on real Gabor transform (RGT) was proposed. The localization property in time-frequency domain of RGT was suitable for extracting features of iris texture. Based on the theory of linear algebra the dual window function of Gaussian function was computed. The RGT of the dual window function is employed to analysis the normalized iris texture. The mean and variance were computed and formed in array to represent the features of iris texture. This algorithm was completed by real computation. A significant computation effort of RGT can be saved. The experiment results and data analysis are given to illnstrate the effectiveness of the prent mothod.

Key words: Iris inentification, real Gabor transform, dual window, weighted Euclidean distance


  • TP391
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