Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (12): 2906-2915.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb20210414

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Real⁃time robust RGB⁃T target tracking based on dual Siamese network

Lei FU1(),Wen-bin GU1(),Yong-bao AI2,Wei LI3,Nan ZHENG1,Liu-yang WANG1   

  1. 1.College of Field Engineering,Army Engineering University of PLA,Nanjing 210007,China
    2.National Academy of Defense Science and Technology Innovation,Academy of Military Sciences,Beijing 100071,China
    3.93182 PLA Troops,Shenyang 110000,China
  • Received:2021-05-10 Online:2022-12-01 Published:2022-12-08
  • Contact: Wen-bin GU;


Aiming at the problem of poor robustness in visible light and thermal infrared image fusion tracking using Siamese network architecture, a real-time RGB-Thermal (RGB-T) infrared target tracking method based on feature fusion of dual Siamese network was proposed. Firstly, dual Siamese network was used to extract the features of template branch and the search branch of the visible light and infrared images, and two different modalities feature layers were obtained. Secondly, the self-attention feature enhancement module (SFEM) was used to enhance the features of the two modalities, and the dual-modal feature fusion (DMFF) module was used to fuse the features of template branch and search branch respectively. Finally, the template branch and search branch were used for cross-correlation operation, and the target position was obtained by classification and regression branches, so as to complete target tracking.

The test results on the grayscale thermal infrared target tracking dataset (GTOT) show that the precision rate (PR) of the proposed method is 91.8%, the success rate (SR) is 78.1%, and the running speed is 60 f/s. It shows that, compared with other RGB-T fusion tracking methods, the proposed method has higher robustness while maintaining real-time processing speed.

Key words: computer application, RGB-Thermal infrared, dual Siamese network, channel attention, spatial attention

CLC Number: 

  • TP391.41


Framework diagram of SEFF network"


Schematic diagram of SFEM"


Schematic diagram of DMFF"


Example of image pairs after registration on UAVRGB-T dataset"


Performance comparison of different algorithms"

Table 1

Attribute-based PR score comparison"


Table 2

Attribute-based SR score comparison"



Ablation experimental results on GTOT dataset"

Table 3

Comparison of the execution speed of different algorithms"



Comparison of the tracking results of five algorithms"

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