Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (12): 2947-2953.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb20210884

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Multi⁃grained social network user portrait construction method based on knowledge graph

Cai-mao LI(),Shao-fan CHEN(),Cheng-rong LIN,Hao LIN,Qiu-hong CHEN   

  1. School of Computer Science and Technology,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,China
  • Received:2021-09-07 Online:2022-12-01 Published:2022-12-08
  • Contact: Shao-fan CHEN;


Aiming at the ambiguity of attribute information partition of social users in network, a multi-granularity social user image construction method based on knowledge graph was proposed. Using knowledge graph to map user information and classify multi-dimensional attributes of mapped data, a set of social users was established. The same weight value of each user's corresponding attribute tag in the set was given, and the weight parameters and the frequency of interest tag were calculated. Then, according to the click-frequency information of users, a sequence of continuous active locations and active ranges of users in a multi-granularity social network was constructed, and the features of each user in the sequence were calculated and divided in a unified manner to complete the establishment of user images. Simulation experiments show that the user profile construction time under the proposed method does not exceed 25 ms, and the maximum number of matching overlaps of corresponding attributes is 705. The matching degree is high, indicating that the constructed user profile information is clearly divided.

Key words: computer application, knowledge graph, social users, efficient mapping, multi-dimensions, weight values

CLC Number: 

  • TP18


Schematic diagram of attribute label division of social network users"


Three level division representation of user social user attributes"

Table 1

Details of social networking users in simulation experiment"



Efficiency of user portrait construction based on causal factor correlation method"


User portrait construction efficiency based on multi view data-driven method"


User portrait construction efficiency based on the proposed method"


Comparison of user attribute overlap matching degree of three methods"

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