Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (5): 1407-1416.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20221367

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An improved anchor-free model based on attention mechanism for ship detection

Yun-long GAO(),Ming REN,Chuan WU,Wen GAO   

  1. Changchun Institute of Optics,Fine Mechanics and Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130033,China
  • Received:2022-10-25 Online:2024-05-01 Published:2024-06-11


In order to improve the detection capability of detectors for multiscale ships in SAR images and ensure the real-time performance of the detection networks, an improved anchor-free model based on attention mechanism for ship detection is proposed. On the basic framework of the off-the-shelf YOLOX, a lightweight dilated convolutional attention module (DCAM) is embedded in front of feature pyramid network (FPN) to adjust the relationship between receptive field and multiscale fusion, and strengthen the representation ability of features. The detection head is redesigned by introducing the center-ness prediction branch, which can weight the classification scores of the anchor points, in the meantime, the loss function of the proposed model is also revised to optimize the final detection performance. Through the comparative experiments on dataset SSDD, the proposed model in this paper is superior to the mainstream deep learning detection models, with an accuracy of 94.73%, and achieves the best trade-off between detection accuracy and detection speed.

Key words: computer vision, ship detection, dilated convolution, attention mechanism, anchor-free

CLC Number: 

  • TP391


Architecture of the proposed detection network"


Architecture of DCAM"


Architecture of sub-networks"


Center-ness prediction"

Table 1

Statistical distribution of ships in SSDD"




小型舰船4×632×3235 69559.96
中型舰船32×3296×9623 66039.74

Table 2

Evaluation metrics"

AP50AP (IoU=0.5)
AP75AP (IoU=0.75)
APSAP (Small Ship)
APMAP (Medium Ship)
APLAP (Large Ship)


Affect using different number of dilated blocks"

Table 3

Impact of DCAM to detection results"



Ccomparison of feature vision"


Effectiveness comparison of DCAM"

Table 4

Impact of FPN to detection results"

DCAM-YOLOX + FPN91.4891.2587.060.8955.3161.4159.370.6068
DCAM-YOLOX + PAN92.6992.0087.960.9056.7062.0261.630.6265
DCAM-YOLOX + 5-level BiFPN94.5793.9190.110.9258.2463.3663.090.6357
DCAM-YOLOX + 3-level BiFPN94.7394.0290.280.9258.8564.0463.460.6460

Table 5

Impact of center-ness to detection results"


Table 6

Detection results of detectors on SSDD"



Comparison results of detectors"

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