Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (8): 2197-2205.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20221387

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Passenger flow prediction at entrance and exit of rail transit stations:a case study of Beijing

Jie MA1,2(),Zhi-li LIU1,Shu-ling WANG2,Hao DONG3   

  1. 1.School of Traffic and Transportation,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China
    2.Beijing Transport Institute,Beijing 100073,China
    3.Beijing Public Transport Tram Corporation,Beijing 100080,China
  • Received:2022-10-31 Online:2024-08-01 Published:2024-08-30


Regarding the accurate prediction of passenger flow at the entrance and exit of rail transit stations, Considering the land use around the station, Rail transit connection conditions, station attributes and attraction, a two-level passenger flow prediction model is constructed in this paper, station attributes and attraction, a two-level passenger flow prediction model is constructed in this paper, including the passenger flow prediction at the traffic district level based on multiple nonlinear regression and the passenger flow prediction at the entrance and exit level based on the CRITIC method. On the basis of the available data, the total passenger flow of all entrances and exits in the traffic district is predicted, and then be allocated to each entrance and exit. Different types of rail transit stations are randomly selected to verify the effectiveness of the model. The results show that the error between the predicted value of the model and the actual value of the daily entry volume is within 30%, and the average error is 20%, which has a high prediction accuracy.

Key words: rail transit, two-level passenger flow prediction model, nonlinear regression, CRITIC method

CLC Number: 

  • U291.69


Schematic diagram of station traffic district division"


Schematic diagram of the merger of station traffic districts"


Distribution curve of walking distance"

Table 1

Indicators of factors affecting passenger flow at the traffic district level"

影响因素指标名称描 述数据来源
交通条件公交线路条数交通小区内所有出入口200 m范围内公交站点的公交线路总条数地图

交通小区内车站出入口数量。同交通小区同线路距离在50 m内的



Table 2

Sample index data of station traffic district"

崇文门东北7 383116 774121
崇文门东南16 409118 288221
崇文门西北13 982118 0481523
崇文门西南43 988113 9871223
东四东北27 493103 563521
东四东南13 543133 8141121
东四西北39 506138 365621
东四西南12 688139 5381122
劲松东北38 65461 3631611
劲松东南46 06963 9171111
劲松西南23 65863 880211
劲松西北14 61762 481611
潘家园59 40662 399611
潘家园46 16255 766612
金台夕照东北77 04974 335711
金台夕照东南33 788113 513911
金台夕照西南66 227113 663111
金台夕照西北67 269113 477911
车道沟西南29 204105 199811
车道沟西北21 291112 646211
车道沟东北29 482106 012211
车道沟东南20 004103 3701211
西二旗57 28882 207421
西二旗81 69376 835221
望京西28 88487 3432023
望京西西2 840156 097121
朝阳门110 15498 420321
朝阳门西北22 752117 238622
朝阳门62 262118 486622

Table 3

Model coefficients and the results of the significance test of the coefficients"

ln出入口数量(ln E0.7850.2190.4313.5880.002
ln人口岗位总量(ln P0.5300.0930.5925.7040.000
ln公交线路条数(ln B-0.1960.091-0.240-2.1500.042
ln是否为换乘站(ln S0.9810.2460.4863.9950.001
ln平均房价(ln H-1.0720.291-0.435-3.6830.001


Comparison between predicted value and actual value of passenger flow at station traffic district level"

Table 4

Influencing factors and indicators of passenger flow at entrance and exit level"




出入口200 m范围内,距离该出入口最近的,与其他交通小区相连的过街设施数量地图
公交站点数量出入口200 m范围内,距离该出入口最近的公交站点数量地图
出入口吸引力楼宇吸引力出入口200 m范围内总建筑面积地图+互联网楼宇数据


Comparison between predicted value and actual value of passenger flow at the entrance and exit level"

Table 5

Model validation results"




白石桥南A4 1323 323-20
B4 3333 187-26
C8 0236 962-13
E4 6905 83424
G7 0567 77510
珠市口A2 8872 475-14
C2 5583 31430
D2 5033 27331
角门东A7 5516 559-13
B5 8945 522-6
C7 3649 21725
D5 6885 069-11
呼家楼B5 0976 02018
C6 5545 582-15
C24 0072 941-27
D5 9116 85216
E5 6226 65618
G3 8464 50217
育新H3 1713 79820
A5 1385 97816
B6 0314 997-17
C4 1205 32629
D7 0486 032-14
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