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Journal of Jilin University Science Edition
ISSN 1671-5489
CN 22-1340/O
主 任:韩啸
编 辑:赵立芹 王健 单凝 李琦
电 话:0431-88499428
地 址:长春市南湖大路5372号

Table of Content
26 July 2007, Volume 45 Issue 04
Consistency for the Kerneltype Density Estimator in the Case of m Dependent Samples
YU Zhuoxi,, DONG Zhishan,, WANG Dehui
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  507-510. 
Abstract ( 1358 )   PDF (203KB) ( 427 )  
Let {Xn,n≥1}be a strict stationary sequence of mdependent random variables with probability density function f(x). Based on mdependent samples, the kernel estimator for f(x)is constructed, and with the application of the property of i.i.d.samples, the consistency in rorder mean, the pointwise strong consistencyand strong uniform consistency are shown under suitable conditions.
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Solvability for Wave Problem with Boundary Perturbations
CHEN Huai jun, MO Jiaqi,,
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  511-514. 
Abstract ( 1341 )   PDF (177KB) ( 381 )  
A wave problem with boundary perturbations is considered. Via discussing the solvability, two eigenfunctionscorresponding two eig envalues for the nmth modality are obtained.
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Several Identities Involving ApostolEuler Numbers of Higher Order, Wrong Permutation Numbers and Stirling Numbers of First Kind
LI Zhirong, LI Yinghui
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  515-518. 
Abstract ( 1037 )   PDF (197KB) ( 330 )  
everal identities involving ApostolEuler numbers of higher order, wrong permutation numbers and Stirling numbers of the first kind are established by means of the method of generating function, and computationalformulas of ApostolEuler numbers of higher order, ApostolEuler numbers, Euler numbers of higher order and Euler numbers are given.
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Numerical Mountain Pass Periodic Solutions of a Duffing Equation
LIU Shuyuan,, LV Xianrui, QI Yi
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  519-523. 
Abstract ( 1307 )   PDF (200KB) ( 416 )  
The existence of periodic solutions and numerical solution method for superlinear Duffing equations were investigated. By means of Mountain Pass lemma, the existence of periodic solutions of superlinear Duffing equations was proved. Furthermore a Mountain Pass algorithm for solutions of the Duffing equations and a concrete example were given.
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A Hilberttype Inequality with Two Pairs of Conjugate Exponents
YANG Bicheng
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  524-528. 
Abstract ( 1179 )   PDF (184KB) ( 365 )  
By introducing two pairs of conjugate exponents (p,q) and(r,s), an extension of the new base Hilberttype inequality with a best constant factor is proved. As application, the corresponding equivalent form is given.
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Exact Solutions for Wicktype Stochastic Generalized KdvMKdv Equation
HUANG Weixiang, SONG Xianfa
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  529-534. 
Abstract ( 1189 )   PDF (280KB) ( 373 )  
By means of Hermite transformation, the Wicktype stochastic generalized KdvMKdv equation was reduced to stochastic coefficient equation, then some stochastic exact solutions were obtainable via the truncation expansion method and Hermite inverse transformation.
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A Combined Homotopy Method under Quasicone Conditionfor Nonconvex Nonlinear Programming with Equality and Inequality Constrains
YANG Yihua, ZHAO Liqin, LV Xianrui, LIU Shuyuan, SONG Zhao
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2007, 45 (04):  535-538. 
Abstract ( 1252 )   PDF (259KB) ( 421 )  
With the homotopy method we solved the nonconvex nonlinear programming with equality and inequality constrains. The feasible area for this kind of programming changes into boundary, and there is no interior point. We defined the new quasicone condition, established the homotopy equation and proved the global convergence of this homotopy method.
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Gracefulness of Unconnected Graphs(P1∨Pn)∪Gr,(P1∨Pn)∪(P3r) and Wn∪St(m)
CAI Hua, WEI Lixia, LV Xianrui
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  539-543. 
Abstract ( 1400 )   PDF (307KB) ( 370 )  
The present paper deals with the gracefulness of three kinds of unconnected graphs ((P1∨Pn)∪Gr,(P1∨Pn)∪(P3r) and Wn∪St(m), and proves the following results: for positive integers n and m, let s=[n/2], r=s-1, Gr be a graceful graph with redges, if n≥4, then the unconnected graphs (P1∨Pn)∪Gr,(P1∨Pn)∪(P3r) are both graceful graphs; if n≥3andm≥s, then the unconnected graph Wn∪St(m) is a graceful graph, where Pn is an nvertex path, Kn is an nvertex complete graph, nis the complement of graph Kn, graph G1∨G2 is the join graph of G1 and G2, Wnis an (n+1)vertex wheel graph and St(m)is an (m+1) vertex star tree.
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Existence of Solution and Optimal Harvesting Control forNonlinear Agedependent Population Diffusion System
GAO Haiyin
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  544-554. 
Abstract ( 1185 )   PDF (429KB) ( 359 )  
The nonlinear agedependent population diffusion system was established. The existence of the generalized solution and that of the optimal control for the system were proved via the theory of partial differential equations combined with the delay method. The necessary conditions for the optimal control was given.
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L(2,1)-Labelings of Graphs with Connectivity k
LV Damei,, LIN Wensong, SONG Zengmin
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  555-561. 
Abstract ( 1052 )   PDF (257KB) ( 336 )  
We firstly gave the relationship between the path covering number of the complement Gcof G and the path covering number of the complement graphs of the connect components of G-S. And we then obtained the relationship between the λnumber of graph Gwith connectivity kand the path covering number of the complement graphs of the connect components of G-S via the relationship between the λnumber of graph Gand the path covering number of its complement Gcwhere Sis a kvertexcut ofG ).
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Blending Algebraic Surfaces Using Quadric Surface
ZHAN Bingjun, BAI Genzhu, LEI Na
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  562-565. 
Abstract ( 1154 )   PDF (211KB) ( 382 )  
The theory and the method of constructive algebraic geometry were used to construct a kind of structure from two spheres and a hyperboloid of one sheet which can be used to blend any two kinds of quadric surfaces smoothly. This method is easy to be realized and the degrees of the blending surfaces are the lowest. Finally we also gave an example to show the effectivity of this structure by blending two cylinders.
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Periodic Boundary Value Problem for a Class of Degenerate Parabolic Equation of Logistic Type
SUN Jiebao, KE Yuanyuan,, LIU Xingdong
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  565-566. 
Abstract ( 1298 )   PDF (177KB) ( 316 )  
Using the Moser iterative technique and the theory of LeraySchauder’s degree, we considered the periodic boundary value problem for a class of degenerate parabolic equation of Logistic type and established the existence of nonnegative nontrivial periodic solutions.
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Reasoning of Topological Relations between Spatial Line and Region
OUYANG Jihong,, MA Baochao,, LIU Dayou,, FU Qian,, LI Ang
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  567-571. 
Abstract ( 1444 )   PDF (314KB) ( 347 )  
Based on Egenhofer’s nineteen relations between line and region, algorithm OR was presented and verified. Via algorithm OR, the topological relation matrix between a composite line and a region can be derived. Five mutually exclusive relations, denoted by SM, were distinguished from the original nineteen relations by means of algorithm OR. It was proved that SM was the minimal set of basic relations to express the nineteen relations. SM is useful for reasoning complex relations between line and region, and makes it more concise to represent the topological relations between line and region. In order to further study the reasoning of the topological relations between line and region, the derivation graph for deriving other relations from SM was given.
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Imprecise Requirement Modeling Based on Fuzzy Object
PAN Hongjun,, SUN Jigui
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  572-576. 
Abstract ( 961 )   PDF (292KB) ( 333 )  
Fuzzy class can be obtained via fuzzy relevance degrees approach. The relationships among the attributes can be described by fuzzy rule s enclosed in the fuzzy class. And the membership functions, which are used to calculate the membership degree of subclass and superclass, and the members hip degree of object and class, are defined according to fuzzy relevance degrees and fuzzy range. Thereby, the problem of imprecise  and uncertain information acquirement can be settled. As a result, this approach can be applied to model ing the imprecise requirement.
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Extraction of Decision Rules Based on Rough Set and Evidence Theory
SUN Yansheng, YUAN Fuyu, YU Zhuoer, WANG Jianyu, LU Nan, ZHOU Chunguang
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  577-581. 
Abstract ( 1282 )   PDF (212KB) ( 313 )  
This paper presents a twophase algorithm for extraction of decision rules based on rough set and evidence theory. In the algorithm the thinking of reducing feature of rough set theory was used to get the important feature sets of each rule. Then on the basis of the thinking of evidence combination of evidence theorythe redundant features of the important feature sets was cut so as to get decision rules. The twophase algorithm presented in this paper simplifies the reducing of feature sets. And it is feasible for high dimensional data. The result of experiment shows that it can get fine decision rules.
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Minimization of a Kind of Nondeterministic Finite Automata
LI Hanfang, XU Daoyun
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  582-588. 
Abstract ( 1162 )   PDF (298KB) ( 355 )  
The automaton state set can be minimized based on the equivalence relation, so that a minimized automaton can be obtained. The link operation is that the execution will shift to the second automaton unconditionally as soon as the first DFA has finished its execution. A nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) can be constructed by linking two deterministic finite automata (DFAs). At the same time, the NFA’s equivalence relation can be constructed based on the two DFAs’ equivalence relation, so that we can minimize this NFA. Moreover, several conclusions have been obtained in this paper. The first one is that the number of states of the minimal automaton of the NFA is not more than the counterpart of the NFA which is constructed by linking the two minimal automata of the two DFAs. The second one is that the language which is identified by automaton is unchangeable in the course of minimizing.
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Consistency Preservation in Behavior and Structure Evolution of Software Architecture
ZHENG Rui, JIN Longfei, LIU Lei
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  589-594. 
Abstract ( 1308 )   PDF (264KB) ( 297 )  
An architecture model is provided in this paper. Consistencies required to be preserved in the architecture evolution are also discussed. A rulebased approach of architecture evolution is introduced. With communicating sequential processes as the formalization approach, condition as preserving consistencies is defined in behavior and structure evolution of architectu re at abstract layer. Formalization restriction of every rule is so defined that the condition of consistencies is still right at the end of evolution.
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Control Flow Analysis of UML2.0 Sequence DiagramBased on Message Semantic
WANG Hongyuan, WANG Lin, ZHANG Jiachen, JIN Chunzhao
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  595-600. 
Abstract ( 1276 )   PDF (246KB) ( 310 )  
An approach was presented to derive the concurrency control flow of UML 2.0 sequence diagram (SD). Based on the message semantic, the relationship between sent and received actions of SD messages was defined. It was mapped into the corresponding messages to get the successive messages sequence relationship. The consistent mapping rules between SD and activity diagram (AD) were presented based on the successive messages sequence relationship. The AD was referred to as Message Semantic Concurrent Control Flow Graph (MSCCFG), from which the control flow information of SD was got.
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Multimodel Adaptive Control Based on Online Learning and Optimizing Dynamic Model Bank
QIAN Chengshan,, WU Qingxian, JIANG Changsheng
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  601-606. 
Abstract ( 1485 )   PDF (294KB) ( 277 )  
A method of optimizing the dynamic model bank that is based on online learning is proposed in this paper. When the number of models rea ches the set limitation, the old model, which has the lowest matching degree according to the matching extent between the plant and the models, is deleted for the maintenance of the size of the dynamic model bank, and then the new model is added to the dynamic model bank. Therefore, the problems that arise when the number of models increases and results in a significant grow in computational complexity as well as a decrease in the performance level are solved. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by the simulation results.
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A New Method Based on the Wavelet Transformation of Image Denoising
SHI Hongbo, MA Siliang, HAN Xiao
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  607-610. 
Abstract ( 1315 )   PDF (317KB) ( 581 )  
we proposed a new method of the combination of wavelet transformation denoising with High Order Statistics (HOS) filtering method to denose images, this method deals with both preserving edge details and smoothing n oise better. Simulation experimental results indicate that the method gives better visual quality and PSNR gains than applied wavelet transformation denoising method or HOS filter only.
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Outlier Testing Methods Based on Weighted Hypergraph
ZHANG Qiang, LI Yongli, DONG Liyan, LI Wei, ZHANG Xiao hui
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  611-616. 
Abstract ( 1541 )   PDF (238KB) ( 312 )  
The paper presents an algorithm called WHOT (Weighted Hypergraphbased Outlier Test), which is based on weighted association rule mining algorithm and hypergraph partitioning algorithm. The association rule mining algorithm was redesigned. Hypergraph was constructed by mining significant association rules in data set. Cluster set was obtained by using the hypergraph partitioning algorithm. After that we defined the measures to judge whether a vertex in hypergraph or a record in dataset is an outlier.
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Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis by Power SpectrumBased on Rough Sets Theory
XU Qi, LIU Defang, LI Yongsheng
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  617-623. 
Abstract ( 1346 )   PDF (477KB) ( 361 )  
Rotating machinery fault diagnosis was studied based on rough sets theory. Decision table of fault diagnosis is built up form the chart and correlative data of rotor fault experiment, the relation between condition attribute and decision attribute is made out. The simple decision table is gotten, and decision rules of rotating machinery fault diagnosis are formed, and reliability of decision rules is studied on rough sets theory. The reduction and core of decision table are put out by discernible matrix and discernible function, and the simplest reduction modality of decision table can be elected by optimization.
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Optimization Analysis of AgGaS2 Optical Parametric Oscillator at 3~5 Microns
SUN Han, WANG Tie jun, ZHANG Hong zhi, KANG Zhi hui, JIANG Yun, GAO Jin yue
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  624-628. 
Abstract ( 1156 )   PDF (327KB) ( 316 )  
An AgGaS2 optical parametric oscillator pumped by Q-switched Nd∶YAG laser operated at 1.064 μmwas investigated theoretically. Based on the principle of interaction of three waves, some dynamic parameters such as the phase-matched angle for type-Ⅰ, the angle tuning curve and the effective nonlinear coefficient, were simulated. Under the small signal approximation, the effects of allowed angle on the output wavelength and crystal length were presented, respectively. Moreover, the effect of phase mismatching coefficient on the allowed angle was also discussed. Under the phase mismatching allowed, the influence of the conversion ratio on the crystal length was demonstrated. The results concluded provide a helpful theoretical reference for optimizing design for mid-infrared tunable optical parametric oscillator.
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Influences of Current Quark Masses on the Properties of Hybrid Stars
BAO Tmurbagan,, YANG Xing qiang
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  629-633. 
Abstract ( 1130 )   PDF (253KB) ( 421 )  
The influences of different current quark masses on the properties of hybrid stars were studied via the relativistic mean field theory and the effective mass bag model. The numerical analysis shows that with the increase of the current quark mass the phase transition density increases, the equation of state for the mixed phase region stiffens, the maximum mass and the corresponding radius increase. The maximum mass of the star increases from 1.4 M⊙ to 1.63M⊙ (M ⊙=1.99×1030 kg is the mass of the sun), and the corresponding radius of the star ranges from 10.24 km to 11.64 km with the increase of the current mass of the strange quark from 90 MeV to 200 MeV.
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Chaotic Synchronization of Erbium-doped Fiber Ring Laser
SHAO Ming,, ZHANG Sheng hai, QIAN Xing zhong, BING Fu he
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  634-637. 
Abstract ( 1554 )   PDF (294KB) ( 343 )  
The chaos and chaotic synchronization of erbium-doped fiber ring laser with loss modulation were investigated. The analysis of the max Lyapunov shows fiber laser can be in chaos with proper parameters. On the other hand, the chaotic synchronization of two lasers is realized by a method of chaotic driving. The relationship between the maximum conditional Lyapunov exponents and the driving stiffness shows the parameter conditions for realizing chaotic synchronization. Also, the influence of parameter mismatches on chaos synchronization was investigated.
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A Virtual Digital Correlator for the Measurement of Dynamic Light Scattering
MENG Qing nan, WANG Xiao chun, ZHANG Hong wu
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  638-641. 
Abstract ( 1139 )   PDF (263KB) ( 383 )  
Based on the principle of digital correlation, a digital correlator used for the measurement of dynamic light scattering was developed via the high-speed data acquisition card and the Laboratory of Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW). The experimental data were processed with this digital correlator and the autocorrelation function curves of light intensity scattered were presented. A better test result is concluded by comparing the recovered particle size and the known size. 
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Development for the High-temperature and High-pressure Brillouin Scattering
LI Fang fei, CUI Qi liang, HE Zhi, CUI Tian, LI Min, JIA Ru, ZHOU Qiang, ZOU Guang tian
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  642-646. 
Abstract ( 1745 )   PDF (292KB) ( 365 )  
We introduced the theory of Brillouin scattering in brief and presented its extensive utilization, described the spectrograph for Brillouin scattering and its development; we narrated the development of Brillouin scattering experimental system, especially that of Brillouin scattering experimental system under the high temperature and high pressure conditions, some important results of other researchers were presented and compared; the establishment of the first national high-temperature and high-pressure Brillouin scattering system was covered, its accuracy and superiority were discussed, and the elastic properties of materials were studied. 
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Selective o-Methylation of Catechol for Guaiacol overAluminosilicate Catalysts
HAO Fengling,, LIU Gang, LI Xuemei, WU Shujie, ZHANG Wenxiang
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  647-651. 
Abstract ( 1606 )   PDF (324KB) ( 308 )  
Mesoporous MCM41 materials with different Si/Al molar ratios are synthesized under hydrothermal condition, and used as catalysts for vaporphase selective o-methylation of catechol with methanol. The performancesof the mesoporous MCM41 materials were also compared with those of various aluminosilicates molecular sieves to investigate the influences of pore size, the amount and strength of acid sites on the catalytic activity. The results show that MCM-41 with Si ∶[KG-*3〗Al=100 exhibits a good catalytic activity and selectivity to guaiacol. This may mainly be attributed to the relative large pore size and the presence of suitable amounts of weak acid on the surface of catalyst.
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Spontaneous Formation of Vesicles from Aqueous Solution of Cationic and Anionic Surfactants
YU Na, REN Dianfu, LIU Chunli, CUI Linlin, LI Yu, HAN Zhaorang
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  652-656. 
Abstract ( 1502 )   PDF (433KB) ( 431 )  
The formation and stability of vesicles from the mixture of cationic cetyltrimethylammoniium bromide (CTAB) and anionic surfactant were investigated. The three different anionic surfactants were sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS), sodium dodecyl sulfonate (SDS) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SLS) respectively. Vesicles all can form in systems cationic and each of three anionic (cationanionic) surfactants. The experimental results show that although three anionic surfactants have similar molecular structure, the mixed ratio of catanionic surfactant with each anionic surfactant was entirely different for the formation of vesicles. The stabilities of vesicles were different either. The present paper discusses the formation of vesicles according to the physical properties of surfactants and investigates the stability of vesicles. The TEM technique was used to observe the shape of vesicles.
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Synthesis of 1Methylhydantoin and Its Crystal Structure
WANG Yongsheng,, YANG Yanan, LI Yawei, LI Guiying
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  657-660. 
Abstract ( 1994 )   PDF (234KB) ( 449 )  
1-Methylhydantoin was synthesized from the reaction of methylamine, sodium monochloroacetate and sodium cyanate by “one pot” method with a total yield of 62.9%. 1Methylhydantoin was characterized by means of single crystal Xray diffraction. It crystallized in the monoclinic space group P21 with crystallgraphic parameters: a=0.558 9(3) nm, b=1.217 6(6) nm, c=0.809 0(4) nm;β=105.330(7)°;V=0.531 0(5) nm3;Z=4, Dc=1.427 mg/m3, μ=0.116 mm-1, F(000)=240.
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Determination of Methylphosphonates and Phosphates in Air Samples Using Solidphase Microextraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography
WANG Yilong,, ZENG Zhaorui, WANG Chaoling
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  661-664. 
Abstract ( 1050 )   PDF (290KB) ( 348 )  
A solgelderived poly(methylphenylvinylsiloxane)(PMPVS)/hydroxy terminated silicone oil (OHTSO) solidphase microextraction fiber coupled with gas chromatography (GC) was developed to determine methylphosphonates and phosphates in air samples. The extraction and desorption parameters influencing on solidphase microextraction (SPME) process were optimized. Compared with three comme rcial SPME stationary phases, this fiber shows the best selectivity and sensitivity towards these compounds. The detection limits of this method varied from 27.2 to 28.3 μg/L, and the relative standard deviations (n=5) for these compounds were found to be from 4.7% to 6.8%. The linearity range was one order of magnitude. For blank air samples, standard additional experiment was used, the recoveries of three compounds, dimethy methyl phosphonate, trimethyl phosphate, tributyl phosphate were 94.7%,89.3% and 93.2%, respectively.
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Synthesis and Growth Mechanism of SWNTswith Er/Ni as Catalyst
DONG Feng xia, ZHOU Xiu qing, YAO Ming guang, LIU Bing bing, ZOU Yong gang, WANG Peng, WANG Lin, YU Shi dan, ZOU Guang tian
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  665-668. 
Abstract ( 1680 )   PDF (296KB) ( 354 )  
Single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were synthesized in high yield by means of DC arc dischargewith Er/Ni as catalyst. The yielded products, including web-like SWNTs samples and cathode deposit, were characterized with SEM, TEM, Raman spectro scopy and X-ray diffraction. The results indicate that the diameter distribution of the synthesized SWNTs with Er/Ni as catalyst is in a range of 1.35 to 1.65 nmand the nanotube with a diameter of 1.5nm is dominant in the samples, which is similar to that of the diameter distribution of SWNTs synthesized with Y/Ni and Ho/Ni as catalysts. The X-ray diffraction analysis of the cathode deposit indicates that the Er-carbide has formed in the cathode deposit and it is a very important factor for the high-yield synthesis of SWNTs.
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Electrical Properties of PVC/CB Conductive Foam
LI Zhuo shi,, ZHANG Guo,, LI Ji xin,, WANG Xin lei,, LIU Xiu qi,
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  669-672. 
Abstract ( 1103 )   PDF (386KB) ( 308 )  
The electrical conductivity of PVC/CB foam made from carbon black, PVC and EPDM was studied. The bubble structure and resistivity-temperature characteristic were observed. Influences of carbon black content, crosslinker, foamer on conductive properties of PVC/CB foaming conductive composites were investigated. The obtained foam has a rather good bubble structure and mainly performs NTC effect during heating process. For the composites with high content of CB, PTC effect after a long time NTC effect was found. The conductive mechanism was explained and the proper filler contents of crosslinker and foamer were confirmed to make the composite have not only good foam performance but also NTC characteristic.
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Determination of Protein in Human Serum Albumin withPoly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) as Probe
GUO Ye, CHEN Yanhua, TIAN Yuan, GAO Dejiang, DENG Xinyu, ZHANG Hanqi, YU Aimin, SHENG Ren
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  673-675. 
Abstract ( 1352 )   PDF (233KB) ( 345 )  
Based on the interaction of total protein with poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA), a new method to determine the total protein in human serum was developed with the resonance light scattering (RLS) technique. Under appropriate conditions, the RLS intensity at the wavelength of 320 nm is directly proportional to the protein concentration in a range of 2.35×1 0-8~1.17×10-6 mol/L. The total protein in human serum was determined with the method mentioned above. The method was also compared with Bradford method and the results obtained were satisfactory.
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Model of Rapid Aging Based on RNAiMediated Gene Silencing of sod3 Expression in Caenorhabditis Elegans
GUAN Shuwen, HUANG Lei, LUO Jing, HAN Qiuju, WANG Liping, LI Wei
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  676-680. 
Abstract ( 1288 )   PDF (348KB) ( 340 )  
According to the oxidative damage theory of aging, free radicals, particularly reactive oxygen species (ROS), are responsible for the senescence and many human diseases. ROS are generated during normal metabolic process in all the oxygenutilizing organisms. They are detoxified by superoxide dismutase. The manganesecontaining superoxide dimutase 3 (SOD3) has been shown to play a role in the aging process in  Caenorhabditis elegans. In this research, we show that sod-3 RNA interference (RNAi) inducesinsenecencein Caenorhabditis elegansas expected. This method can be used to understand the process of aging and the mechanism of antioxidance.
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Preparation of Glycidol by Combination of Enzymatic and Chemical Methods
CHENG Yueming, WANG Lei, YU Dahai, GAO Feifei, CHEN Xiang, ZHANG Shudi, CAO Shugui, WANG Zhi
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  681-685. 
Abstract ( 1939 )   PDF (263KB) ( 350 )  
Carboxylic acid was peroxidized in organic solvents catalyzed by lipase and glycidol was synthesized from allyl alcohol catalyzed by acid peroxide. The optimum conditions (enzyme source, enzyme concentration, acid, acid conce ntration, reaction medium and reaction temperature, et al) were screened out. Under the optimumconditions, a conversion of 67% was achieved.
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AFLP Markers Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Emberiza
JIANG Yunlei, LI Shi, WANG Haitao, GAO Wei
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  686-690. 
Abstract ( 1024 )   PDF (316KB) ( 280 )  
The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was used to assess the genomic DNA polymorphism of four species Emberiza (cioides, leucocephala, tristrami and spodocephala)Eleven pairs out of thirtynine AFLP primer pairs produced reproducible polymorphic DNA amplification patterns.The amplified bands ranged from 27~76 per primer pair. Among the 535 AFLP markers scored, 429 ones werepolymorphic. The proportion of polymorphic loci was 801%. In UPGMA cluster analysis, four buntings were grouped into one branch, in which Emberiza cioidesand Emberiza leucocephala clustered together, and Emberiza tristramis and Emberiza spodocephala were grouped closely The result indicates that it is practical to reveal genetic diversity of Emberiza with AFLP markers.
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Identification and Phylogenetic Analyses of a PCBs Degrading Strain
SUN Libo,, ZHANG Lanying, ZHAO Zhe, REN Hejun, LI Shuang, ZHOU Jiaxin
J4. 2007, 45 (04):  691-695. 
Abstract ( 1259 )   PDF (441KB) ( 364 )  
A strain pdi which can use biphenyl as the sole carbon source was isolated from seabed mud and cultured for 7 dwith 150 mL of fluid medium which contained 7.5 mg/L polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). GCMS measurement showed PCBs degradation efficiency was 95.38%. The genome was amplified with bacterium 16SrDNA primer. The amplified product (about 1 500 bp) was purified and sequenced for phylogenetic analyses with Genbank. The bacterium pdi was identified as Pseudomonsa spTS1138. RAPD analyses of pdi produced stable DNA fingerprint. These studies have provided parameter for the further dynamic resolution of bacterium clusters for the rehabilitation of PCBs contaminated underground water environment with pdi PRB method.
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