吉林大学学报(工学版) ›› 2003, Vol. ›› Issue (2): 25-31.

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程秀生1, 张吉国2, 周刚3, 安迪·布伦4   

  1. 1. 吉林大学, 汽车工程学院, 吉林 长春 130025;
    2. 内蒙古交通职业技术学院, 内蒙古 赤峰 024000;
    3. 英国拉夫堡大学, 菜斯特郡 拉夫堡, LE113TU;
    4. 英国伊里莫工程有限公司, 北安普敦 NN69UB
  • 收稿日期:2002-08-05

Effect of bumper parameters on leg and knee injuries

CHENG Xiu-sheng1, ZHANG Ji-guo2, ZHOU Gang3, ANDY Broun4   

  1. 1. College of Automobile Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China;
    2. Transportation Vocation Technical College of Inner Mongolia, Chifeng 024000, China;
    3. Loughborough University, Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK;
    4. Ilmor Engineering Ltd, Northampton, NN6 9UB, UK
  • Received:2002-08-05

摘要: 根据汽车与行人侧向碰撞时人体腿和膝关节部位的生物力学特性以及计算机模拟碰撞结果,以腿部仿形器为模拟对象,应用有限元法定性、定量地分析了保险杠高度及形状等因素对人体腿及膝关节损伤程度的影响。分析结果表明,对于一定形状的保险杠,当碰撞位置接近膝关节中心时,将会增加膝关节的剪切变形、弯曲变形和损伤程度;当碰撞位置在胫骨质心以下时,将会增加腿及膝关节遭受"二次碰撞"而造成严重损伤的可能性。本文的研究和分析结果对于探讨如何从汽车设计角度最大限度地减轻行人被汽车碰撞造成的损伤程度有一定的参考价值。

关键词: 碰撞, 保险杠, 人体损伤, 生物力学特性, 计算机模拟

Abstract: Based on biomechanical characteristics of human lower leg and knee joint in car pedestrian side impacting accidents,and computer simulation results from leg form impactor impacted with car bumper by finite element method,the paper described the influences of bumper heights and bumper profiles on the leg and knee injuries by qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis.The results showed that knee joint injuries will be increased owing to the shear deformation and bend deformation when the bumper height is close to the knee center for a fixed bumper profile,and the injury possibility of secondary impacting of the leg and knee will be increased when the bumper height is below the tibia center of gravity.The further research will be carried out on avoiding or reducing the possibility of pedestrain injuries in car pedestrian impacting accidents from car design aspects by mentioned approach in this paper.

Key words: impact, bumper, body injuries, biomechanical characteristics, computer simulation


  • U461.91
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