Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2019, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (6): 2058-2068.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb20180653

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Implementation of service dynamic extended network and its node system model

Jun SHEN1,2(),Xiao ZHOU1,3,Zu-qin JI1,2   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Computer Network & Information Integration of Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
    2. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
    3. School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
  • Received:2018-06-21 Online:2019-11-01 Published:2019-11-08


To effectively enhance network service capability, Extensible Network Service Model (ENSM) extends the connotation of network services from bearer network to the entire network, and defines a unified service extension model based on dynamic deployment and combination of protocol meta-functional units, which can effectively improve network services capacity and service expansion capacity. In this paper, a new network called Service Dynamic Extended Network (SDEN) is proposed based on ENSM. Combined with the network architecture idea of SDN and NFV, SDEN node system model is researched and designed. In addition the experiment based on customization and dynamic expansion of routing services is implemented on a simple SDEN node system which turned out that the SDEN node system is feasible and has good support for ENSM services extensibility.

Key words: computer application, next-generation network model, software defined networks, extensible service capability, service dynamic extension

CLC Number: 

  • TP393


Architecture contrast of SDN and SDEN"


SDEN node system model"


Centralized control model of SDEN"


State diagram specification"

Table 1

ASs formed by traditional routing service decomposition"

序号 功能分类 原子服务名 功能简介
1 初始化 RouteMallocService 初始化路由信息
2 RouteRequestService 发送路由请求
3 路由表 BuildTableService 构建路由表
4 RoutDisplayService 显示路由表
5 UpdateTableService 更新路由表
6 路由算法 DistVecService * 距离向量算法(可选)
7 LinkStateService * 链路状态算法(可选)
8 BroadFloodService 广播泛洪
9 KeepNeibService 邻居保活
10 FindNeibService 邻居发现
11 寻址方式 IPv4Service * IPv4寻址(可选)
12 IPv6Service * IPv6寻址(可选)
13 NameService * 名字寻址(可选)
14 其他 TimerService 计时器
15 DataLockService 数据加锁
16 SendDataService 发送数据包
17 ReceiveDataService 接收数据包
18 DataUnlockService 数据解锁


State diagram of routing service"

Table 2

Comparison of performance indexes"




报文封装冗余 UDP及IP层封装 含IP层封装 无冗余封装
故障恢复时间 较快
结点内存占用 链路状态数据 适中

Table 3

Virtual hosts configuration used in experiment"

序号 主机名 IP地址 虚拟网卡接口数
4 Router

1 N1 1
2 N2 1
3 N3 1


Running result of N1,N2,N3 before Router start"


Running result of N1、N2、N3 after Router started in IPBR"


Running result of Router in IPBR"


Running result of N1、N2、N3 after Router started in NBR"


Running result of Router in NBR"

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