Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (10): 2428-2437.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb20210630

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Self-supervised 3D face reconstruction based on multi-scale feature fusion and dual attention mechanism

Da-ke ZHOU(),Chao ZHANG,Xin YANG   

  1. College of Automation Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 211100,China
  • Received:2021-07-06 Online:2022-10-01 Published:2022-11-11


To deal with the problems of insufficient precision of 3D face reconstruction methods and small number of labeled public 3D faces, a self-supervised neural network using multi-scale feature fusion and dual attention mechanism for 3D face reconstruction is presented in this paper. The proposed network, taking a single face image as input, employs encoder-decoder modules to predict the reconstruction components. The proposed multi-scale feature extraction fusion can obtain multi-level face feature information, while dual attention mechanisms are integrated into the encoder-decoders to further improve the feature extraction ability of the network. Moreover, the self-supervised scheme with a single image input bypasses the high requirements for training datasets in traditional methods. We conducted comparative experiments and ablation experiments on the BFM, Photoface and CelebA face datasets. Experimental results show, compared to the well-known 3D face reconstruction methods such as Unsup3D, the proposed method performs 10.3% better on scale-invariant depth error (SIDE), and 12.6% better on mean angle deviation(MAD)respectively. In addition, our method is more robust to partial occlusion or missing of input image.

Key words: pattern recognition and intelligent system, 3D face reconstruction, feature fusion, atrous convolution, attention mechanism, self-supervised learning

CLC Number: 

  • TP391.4


Overall flow chart of proposed algorithm"


Encoding prediction network"


Encoding-decoding prediction network"


Multi-scale feature extraction and fusion module"


Feature extraction unit"


Residual module in feature extraction unit"


Dual attention module"

Table 1

Ablation results of dual attention module"

dalwcSIDE(×10-2)↓MAD( ? )↓

Table 2

Ablation results of multi-scale feature extraction and fusion module"

dalwcSIDE(×10-2)↓MAD( ? )↓

Table 3

Ablation results of two modules"

dalwcSIDE(×10-2)↓MAD( ? )↓

Table 4

Comparative results on BFM dataset"

方 法SIDE(×10-2)↓


( ? )↓

Const. null depth192.72343.34--
Average g.t depth191.99023.26--

Table 5

Comparative results on Photoface dataset"

方 法MAD( ? )↓方 法MAD( ? )↓






Table 6

Comparative results of PSNR and SSIM"

方 法数据集PSNR/dB↑SSIM↑


Comparative reconstruction results of several faces on BFM dataset"

Table 7

Comparative results of random occlusion"

方 法SIDE(×10-2)↓MAD( ° )↓


Reconstruction effects under random occlusion"

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