Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (6): 1638-1649.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20221511

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Analysis of transient wind⁃induced response of long⁃span bridge under nonstationary wind field

Yu FENG1(),Jian-ming HAO1,2(),Feng WANF1,2,Jiu-peng ZHANG1,Xiao-ming HUANG3   

  1. 1.School of Highway,Chang'an University,Xi'an 710064,China
    2.Wind Tunnel Laboratory,Chang'an University,Xi'an 710064,China
    3.School of Transportation,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China
  • Received:2022-11-25 Online:2023-06-01 Published:2023-07-23
  • Contact: Jian-ming HAO;


To study the influence of transient effects of nonstationary wind field on wind-induced bridge response, the nonstationary wind field was simulated based on the Hilbert spectrum, and the wind field spatial correlation was introduced by the Cholesky decomposition. The 2-D indicial response function was applied to the nonstationary wind-induced bridge buffeting response analysis method considering the transient effects. The Hilbert spectrum was obtained from the measured data of downburst and typhoon to reappear the real downburst/typhoon wind field with high accuracy. A long-span suspension bridge was selected to implement the nonstationary buffeting response analysis, the influence of transient effects embedded in nonstationary wind field on the aerodynamics and buffeting response of the bridge was discussed. The results show that the downburst presents significant nonstationarity, and the time-varying mean wind-induced transient effects significantly modify the aerodynamics of the wind-bridge interaction system, which exerts a significant impact on the indicial response function and buffeting response of long-span bridges. However, the time-varying mean wind-induced transient effects are insignificant in typhoon case, and the influence on the aerodynamics and the buffeting response is almost negligible.

Key words: bridge engineering, transient effects, nonstationary wind field, buffeting, long-span bridges

CLC Number: 

  • U442


Schematic diagram of discrete convolution integrals under nonstationary wind speed case"


Wind field simulation based on Hilbert spectrum"


Nonstationary wind speed time history and mean wind"


Simulations of fluctuating wind"


Hilbert spectrum of downburst"


Hilbert spectrum of typhoon"


Schematic diagram of example bridge (Unit: m)"


Finite element model of example bridge"

Table 1

Modal properties of example bridge"

1一阶正对称横弯一阶正对称横弯0.048 9000.049 411.03
2一阶反对称竖弯一阶反对称竖弯0.087 9100.087 950.05
3一阶反对称横弯一阶反对称横弯0.122 3410.121 740.49
4一阶正对称竖弯一阶正对称竖弯0.125 1180.123 761.10
5二阶正对称竖弯二阶正对称竖弯0.1704010.168 551.10
6二阶反对称竖弯二阶反对称竖弯0.187 9920.185 591.29
7主缆振动主缆振动0.212 4800.207 312.49
8主缆振动主缆振动0.212 6100.215 371.28
9扭转扭转0.217 0200.218 920.87
10主缆振动主缆振动0.220 1800.219 960.10

Table 2

Parameters of aeroelastic indicial response function"
















































Self-excitation step response function"


Aerodynamic indicial response function"


Downburst-induced buffeting response at mid-span of the bridge"


Typhoon-induced buffeting response at mid-span of the bridge"


Downburst-induced buffeting response RMS at mid-span of the bridge"


Typhoon-induced buffeting response RMS at mid-span of the bridge"

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