Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (10): 2994-3006.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20211319

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MIMO channel Characteristics analysis of AoA arbitrary distribution based on basic function fitting

Jie ZHOU(),Xue-ying Wang,Qian CHEN,Hong LUO,Lei XU   

  1. School of Electronic and Information,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China
  • Received:2021-12-01 Online:2023-10-01 Published:2023-12-13


In view of the arbitrariness of the arrival signal, adopted the basis function sampling to establish the SFC model of MIMO system. Combined any spectral distribution of the approximate fitting algorithm was proposed, extended the calculation method of small angle spread to equivalently fitting arbitrary distribution. The measured data of urban propagation channel were verified by the piecewise exponential nonlinear fitting analysis. Therefore, the measured channel of MIMO under the approximate fitting solution was carried out, the impact of the sampling number and the weighting coefficient of the basis function on the accuracy was discussed. The research results show that the fitting method has a high degree of fit for the integration of the spectral distribution of the arbitrary arrival signal and the measured channel data. The proposed approximation algorithm can accurately fit the fading-related channel characteristics of the MIMO multi-antenna system, and can greatly reduce the complexity of calculation, improve the computational efficiency and save the simulation time. This method can effectively study the channel characteristics of MIMO systems in special scenarios, and can be extended to the analysis of Massive MIMO in multi-dimensional spatial domains.

Key words: communication technology, microcellular cities, small-angle extension, large-angle extension, spatial fading correlation, exponential nonlinear fitting

CLC Number: 

  • TN92


MIMO ULA linear array structure and scatterers"


Power spectrum basis function (Gaussian)sampling fitting diagram"


Dense urban channel measurement discrete data"


Exponential nonlinear regression fitting ofmeasured data"


Comparison of the theory and basis function sampling approximation algorithm under the area of [0,180]"


Comparison of the theory and basis function sampling approximation algorithm under the area of [185,225]"


Comparison of theory and basis function sampling approximation algorithm under the area of [235,360]"

Table 1

Comparison of calculation efficiency of each model under the region [0,180]"

均匀0.001 2760.000 8650.000 9180.000 899
高斯0.253 3870.107 1190.093 7120.048 062
拉普拉斯0.000 9060.000 6040.000 7170.000 758
数值积分0.108 1160.117 7680.151 6110.104 656

Table 2

Comparison of calculation efficiency of each model under the region [185,225]"

均匀0.001 4120.000 8580.000 3270.000 248
高斯0.247 8550.114 9810.096 950.050 790
拉普拉斯0.000 8880.000 6120.000 2240.000 137
数值积分0.131 1530.122 2740.103 0290.120 447

Table 3

Comparison of calculation efficiency of each model under the region [235,360]"

均匀0.001 2560.000 8920.000 3190.000 170
高斯0.232 8370.104 6280.085 2030.048 521
拉普拉斯0.000 7400.000 7380.000 2060.000 204
数值积分0.449 1520.129 6270.152 4460.113 273


Simplified model error performance comparison under region [0,180]"


Simplified model error performance comparison under region [185,225]"


Simplified model error performance comparison under region [235,360]"

Table 4

Comparison of the mean absolute error of each model under the region [0,180]"

均匀0.064 440.089 810.106 200.108 80
高斯0.007 020.023 530.044 170.064 86
拉普拉斯0.045 840.080 340.108 760.110 71

Table 5

Comparison of the mean absolute error of each model under the region [185,225]"

均匀0.042 870.060 510.070 760.073 52
高斯0.038 520.039 320.039 680.040 06
拉普拉斯0.013 470.043 050.071 830.071 88

Table 6

Comparison of the mean absolute error of each model under the region [235,360]"

均匀0.064 490.089 850.106 250.108 85
高斯0.007 030.023 550.044 210.064 90
拉普拉斯0.045 890.080 390.108 810.110 77
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