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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 May 2017, Volume 47 Issue 3
Metallogenic Conditions and Ore-Prospecting of Shimensi Tungsten Ore Section in the North of Dahutang Area in Jiangxi Province
Xiang Xinkui, Yin Qingqing, Zhan Guonian, Qu Kai, Liu Xing, Tan Rong, Zhong Bo
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  645-658.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703101
Abstract ( 708 )   PDF (1731KB) ( 991 )  
By analyzing previous mineral exploration, geological mapping and old-workings recording of Shimensi ore section in the north of Dahutang area, it has been proven that there occurs the clear intruding boundary and stratiform pegmatite-like crust between the mixed biotite granite and the mixed muscovite granite. According to the spatial relationship between the two intrusions and regional metallogenic regularities, it can be concluded that the Yanshanian porphyritic-like biotite granite which played as the ore-source rock intruded into the Jinningian biotitic granodiorite. Due to the greisenization, the biotite granodiorite, the favorable ore-forming wall rock, released necessary calcium ions for the formation of scheelite. The contact interface between the Yanshanian porphyritic-like biotite granite stock and the Jinningian biotite granodiorite batholith was the major ore-forming structure or metallogenic interface, and controlled the location, shape and occurrence of main ore bodies. The thick scheelite ore body is firstly discovered within the Neoproterozoic granodiorite, which is determined as the hydrothermal cryptoexplosion breccia type, from distinct mixed rocks filled by felsic rock. The new-discovered veinlet-disseminated type scheelite ore resource is calculated, and the WO3 content is up to the industrial grade. New knowledge of the ore-forming condition and geological characteristics of the deposit lead to correcting design of the detailed survey aimed at the large quartz-wolframite vein, and important ore-prospecting breakthroughs of tungsten polymetallic deposit in the northern Jiangxi Province. Thanks to the ore-forming geological condition comparison, it can be deduced that the Miaowei ore section and Taipingdong orefield have the great ore-prospecting potential.
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Shallow-Water Delta Deposits in a Rifting Lacustrine Basin During Early Stage:A Case Study of the First Member of Dainan Formation at Yong'an Area, Gaoyou Sag
Zhu Zhaoqun, Lin Chengyan, Zhang Xianguo, Li Zhipeng, Xie Jingjing, Wei Sudong, Cheng Ping
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  659-673.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703102
Abstract ( 543 )   PDF (2134KB) ( 519 )  
Shallow-water delta, as a focus of sedimentology and hydrocarbon exploration, has gotten more attentions in depression lacustrine basin than in rift lacustrine basin. Based on the systematic study of regional geological background in combination with the analysis of cores, well logging, seismic, and test data, it is inferred that when the first member of Dainan Formation was deposited in early rifting stage, the geological conditions with gentle terrain, wide and shallow water, frequently fluctuant lake level, warm and humid climate, and adequate sediment supply were favorable for the formation of shallow-water delta. The shallow-water delta deposits are near to the sediment source and dominated by traction current. Plenty of sedimentary structures caused by strong hydrodynamics have been commonly found in cores. It developed sedimentary sequences of progradation and aggradation vertically and it is characterized by paralleling, sub-paralleling and imbricated seismic reflections. The shallow-water delta front is composed of the main type of sedimentary subfacies, which is widely distributed and can be divided into inner front and outer front. The major sand bodies come from the subaqueous distributary channels in delta front. Different types of sand bodies and sedimentary styles exist and evolve regularly towards the center of lake, which is deeply affected by the change of the ratio of accommodation to sediment supply (Abbr. A/S). Based on above, the sedimentary model of shallow-water delta in rifting lacustrine basin during the early stage was built up, which could contribute to enriching the understanding of shallow water delta in sedimentary perspective and broadening the hydrocarbon exploration domain to certain extent for the study area and even the whole slope belt of Gaoyou sag.
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Study on Dynamics and Models of Hydrocarbon Accumulations of Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoir: Taking Shan 1 Formation of Block L in Ordos Basin as an Example
Pang Zhenyu, Zhao Xisen, Sun Wei, Dang Hailong, Ren Dazhong, Xie Wei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  674-684.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703103
Abstract ( 593 )   PDF (1560KB) ( 317 )  
Shan 1 Formation in the study area belongs to tight gas reservoir. In order to understand the formation mechanism of effective reservoir, and to find the favorable area for exploration and development, the authors carry out a research on the accumulation dynamics and the accumulation model through application of casting thin sections, scanning electron microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and constant speed mercury injection experiment, etc.. The results show that: The Early Cretaceous is the main period for gas accumulation, the pore-throat radius of water sealed gas molecules is 0.093 μm,the pore-throat radius cutoff of gas filling is 0.25 μm, and the maximum capillary resistance of gas filling is 1.16 MPa; The fluid overpressure in tight sandstone gas reservoir is the main force and resistance of gas migration; Natural gas is mainly gathered in a low overpressune area under high overpressure background; The area whih overpressure less than 6 MPa is advantageous for gas gathering,and the smaller the density and the thickness of isolation layers are, the higher their saturation is; There are four gas filling patterns in the study area. Coal seam with large thickness of continuous development, optimal overall characteristics of reservoir, pressure difference between source bed and reservoir, interlayer and overpressure are beneficial to preserve natural gas, which become "sweet spots" of the development of natural gas.
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A Method Study of Destruction Degree of Faults to Caprock Comprehensive Sealing Gas Ability and Its Application
Wang Wei, Fu Guang, Hu Xinlei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  685-693.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703104
Abstract ( 466 )   PDF (1372KB) ( 403 )  
To study the role of fault in oil-gas accumulation and distribution,based on the study of the caprock comprehensive sealing gas ability and its study method,characterizing caprock comprehensive sealing ability by utilizing pressure gradient of gas under residual pressure dissipating outwards through caprock, by comparing the difference of the caprock comprehensive sealing gas ability before and after caprock destroy and that after caprock destroyed by faults,we set a quantitative study method of destruction degree of faults to caprock comprehensive sealing gas ability,and made an example of Ed2 mudstone caprock in No.5 structure zone from Nanpu sag of Bohai bay basin,finally carried out a quantitative study of destruction degree of NP5-2 Fault to Ed2 mudstone caprock comprehensive sealing gas ability. the result indicated that, the regional destruction degree was preferably high,except for week destruction degree in L6 survey line, and intermediate weak destruction degree in L1, L5, L8 survey lines. The destruction degree was preferably strong in the west than the east,and it coincided well with the distribution of present found gas below Ed2 mudstone caprock gas reservoir in the east part of fault. This method is feasible to quantitatively study the destruction degree of faults to caprock comprehensive sealing gas ability.
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Geochemical Characteristics and Genesis of Band Iron Formation in No.2 Mining Area of Gongchangling Iron Deposit, Liaoning Province
Liu Dawei, Wang Minghan, Liu Suqiao, Hu Ke
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  694-705.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703105
Abstract ( 635 )   PDF (1408KB) ( 581 )  
In this paper, major elements, trace elements and Fe isotope composition of the magnetite quartzite, magnetite-rich ore and altered rock are presented. The average bulk compositions of the magnetite quartzite are characterized by high total Fe2O3 and SiO2, and low contents of Al2O3 and TiO2. The overall contents of trace elements and ΣREE in magnetite quartzite are very low. In the Post Archean Australian shale(PAAS) normalized REE patterns, samples display LREE depletion, distinct positive anomalies of La, Eu, Y, unobvious Ce anomalies, high Y/Ho values and heavy Fe isotope enrichment(relative to IRMM-014), which consists with the Fe isotope of oxidized and precipitated hydrothermal fluid. The geochemical charateristics of magnetite-rich ores are similar with those of the magnetite quartzite. However, ΣREE and Eu contents in the magnetite-rich ore are higher. Compared with magnetite quarterite, the magnetite-rich ore is characterized by the enrichment of light Fe isotope with larger range, which is similar to the altered rock. The magnetite quartzite is paleo-ocean chemical sedimentary rocks with devoid of terrestrial sediments, and experienced the oxidation and precipitation induced by the mixing of the submarine hydrothermal solution and the seawater. It can be deduced that the high grade iron ore was formed by the reworking of the low grade iron ore by the hydrothermal system with light Fe isotope enrichment, which resulted in Fe enrichment and Si depletion.
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Ore-Forming Fluid Characteristics of the Jinman Vein-Type Copper Deposits in the Western Lanping Basin and Its Metallogenic Significance
Zhang Jinrang, Wen Hanjie, Zou Zhichao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  706-718.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703106
Abstract ( 616 )   PDF (2175KB) ( 597 )  
A large number of sediment-hosted vein-type copper deposits controlled by a thrust-nappe system have been discovered in the west part of the Lanping basin, among which, the Jinman deposit is the largest in tonnage scale and with the highest Cu grade. The mineralization process of this deposit can be divided into three stages, including the early stage (pre-ore quartz-ankerite vein stage), the major stage (massive polymetallic sulphide-quartz vein stage), and the late stage (carbonate-quartz stage). The detailed studies of fluid inclusions distinguishes three types of fluid inclusions dominated by aqueous water in both pre-ore and syn-ore quartz from the Jinman deposit, including aqueous water, CO2-bearing, and pure CO2 inclusions. There is no obvoius difference between pre-ore and syn-ore quartz in terms of the type of fluid inclusions and microthermometric parameters of their CO2-bearing inclusions. The homogenization temperatures of CO2-bearing inclusions in both pre-ore and syn-ore quartz vary from 217 to 334 ℃(peak at 240~320 ℃), with corresponding salinities ranging from 1% to 4%. The homogenization temperatures of aqueous inclusions in both pre-ore and syn-ore quartz vary from 143 ℃ to 239 ℃(peak at 160~230 ℃), much lower than those of CO2-bearing inclusions. However, the salinities of aqueous inclusions show significant difference between pre-ore (3.1%~18.0%) and syn-ore quartz (4.1%~22.8%). Quartz-calcite vein in the late mineralizing stage only have aqueous inclusions, with homogenization temperature of 120~185 ℃, and salinities of 1.4%~9.3%. The fluid inclusion characteristics, together with other evidence, indicate that (1) there are two fluid systems responsible for Cu mineralization in the Jinman deposit one is deep crustal fluids, characterized by high CO2 content and relatively low salinities, and the other is basin brine, characterized by relatively high salinities and low temperatures. (2)The fluid mixing, without boiling or phase separation, might be the major precipitation mechanism.
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Fluid Inclusion Features and Physicochemical Conditions of the Kuangshanchang Pb-Zn Deposit, Huize, Yunnan Province
Zhang Yan, Han Runsheng, Wei Pingtang, Qiu Wenlong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  719-733.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703107
Abstract ( 565 )   PDF (1861KB) ( 641 )  
Systematic researches on fluid inclusions in the sphalerite and calculation of the ore-forming physicochemical conditions, combining with previous research results, lead to the conclusions that the homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions in the sphalerite grains from the Kuangshanchang lead-zinc deposit vary from 131 to 280 ℃, with a greater change range, the salinity(w(NaCl)) between 3.2% and 22.7 %. The homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in the dolomite vary from 86 to 163 ℃, the salinity of most fluid inclusions vary from 1.1% to 14.8 %. There are obvious regular characteristics of homogenization temperature and salinity of fluid inclusions in the sphalerite precipitated in three metallogenic stages and the dolomite. Namely, from the hydrothermal mineralization stage I, stage Ⅱ, stage Ⅲ to the altered wall rock, the ore-forming fluid is characterized by high-moderate temperature and high salinity, moderate temperature and high-moderate salinity, moderate-low temperature and high-moderate salinity, as well as moderate-low temperature and low salinity. Moreover, there are two kinds of fluids with different salinity participating in the hydrothermal ore-forming process. The mixing of the fluids is likely to be the major mineralization mechanism. The calculated pH values show that ore-forming fluid is acidic in migration stage, whereas, from metallogenic stage I to IV, the pH value of the fluid increases gradually. In major metallogenic stage, II and III, a large number of sphalerite and galena minerals precipitated under neutral-weak alkaline condition. CO2-3 and HCO-3 buffer pair, which is controlled by the fugacity balance among CO, CO2, O2, adjusts the pH value of the ore-forming fluid. The carbonate plays a vital role in migration and precipitation of metallogenic elements of the lead and zinc.
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Trace and Rare Earth Elements Characteristics of Sphalerite in Dulong Super Large Sn-Zn Polymetallic Ore Deposit, Yunnan Province
Ye Lin, Liu Yuping, Zhang Qian, Bao Tan, He Fang, Wang Xiaojuan, Wang Dapeng, Lan Jiangbo
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  734-750.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703108
Abstract ( 753 )   PDF (2008KB) ( 587 )  
As one of the three largest Sn-Zn polymetallic ore deposits in China, the Dulong ore deposit is located within the southern Laojunshan Sn-Zn-W polymetallic mineralization province in south-eastern Yunnan. There are conflicts on ore genesis of this deposit. Researches on the trace and rare earth elements of sphalerite in the deposit, by ICP-MS, shows that the sphalerite is characterized by enrichment of Fe, Mn, In, Co, Sn and depleted in Cd, Ga, Ge, Ni, which is similar to that of the Bainiuchang Pb-Zn ore deposit (magmatic hydrothermal type deposit related to Late Yanshanian granite), and certainly different from that of the skarn type Pb-Zn deposit of distant origin (e.g. Hetaoping and Luziyuan, Yunnan), and is quite different from that of the massive sulfide Pb-Zn deposit (e.g. Laochang, Yunnan and Dabaoshan, Guangdong). The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the sphalerite belong to the LREE-rich type, which are characterized by the higher LREE/HREE ratio, the obvious negative anomaly of Eu and the unconspicuous anomaly of Ce, corresponding to that of Late Yanshanian concealed granite. Research data in this paper show that, in this deposit, the ore-forming materials mainly came from the granite and the ore-forming temperature belongs to the medium-high temperature. In consideration of the vertical mineralization zoning and skarn alteration zoning, it is suggested that the Dulong Sn-Zn polymetallic ore deposit is a skarn type related to the Late Yanshanian granite, and the zoned mineralization and wall-rock alteration are controlled by the distance between the deposit and the concealed intrusion.
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Discovery of Liquid Cryptoexplosive Breccia and Its Prospecting Significance in Pulang Porphyry Copper Polymetallic Deposit
Shi Hongzhao, Fan Wenyu, Wang Dongbing, Wang Xianfeng, Tan Gengli
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  751-759.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703109
Abstract ( 491 )   PDF (2208KB) ( 507 )  
The Pulang super-large copper-polymetallic deposit is one of typical porphyry deposits within Geza island arc in Yunnan Province. Though previous researchers have carried out lots of studies on this deposit, there is still controversy about superimposed mineralization. By the field investigation, authors of this paper discovered the hydrothermal cryptoexplosive breccia for the first time in the No I prospecting pit in the Pulang deposit. Detailed studies on its petrography and mineragraphy show that, the breccia is ore-bearing quartz monzonite porphyry cemented by fine-grained quartz which containing chalcopyrite. Combining with its location and characteristics, it can be concluded that the hydrothermal explosion was caused by magmatic activity after the quartz monzonite porphyry intruding, and accompanied with mineralization. The copper polymetallic mineralization in the Pulang porphyry deposit experienced Carnian and Norian, and copper mineralization spanned both periods, while molybdenum mineralization began at Norian. Comprehensive analysis leads to the view that there is the huge prospecting potential of porphyry molybdenum (copper) at deep in the Pulang deposit.
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Chronology and Geochemical Characteristics of Monzogranitic Porphyry from Fozichong Ore Field in Guangxi Province and Their Geological Implication
Yang Qijun, Qin Ya, Wang Taishan, Zhang Qingwei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  760-774.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703110
Abstract ( 714 )   PDF (2068KB) ( 421 )  
The Fozichong lead-zinc ore field is located in Cenxi County, Guangxi Province. From south to north, there occur Guyi, Hesan and Longwan ore deposit. Three periods of granitic rock and two periods of volcanic rock develop in the ore field. Among them, the monzogranitic porphyry played very important role in the mineralization, and has been researched in this paper. It crops out as stock and dyke along NNE-extending to SN-extending faults.To determine the petrogenesis of the monzogranitic porphyry, the metallogenic intrusion and structures of the Fozichong ore field, geologic features, petrography and geochemistry of the monzogranitic porphyry have been involved. The LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of monzogranitic porphyry from the three ore deposits reveals that the monzogranitic porphyry in Hesan, Guyi and Longwan simultaneously emplaced at late period of Early Cretaceous, with the duration of (104.2~105.2) Ma. Its geochemical characteristics indicate that the monzogranitic porphyry is high-K, calc-alkaline, metaluminous I-type monzogranitic.The value of εSr(t) varies from 77.98 to 162.66, and that of εNd(t) from -10.4 to -8.3. The depleted mantle model age of monzogranitic porphyry is 1.424~1.672 Ga. The isotope trace suggests that the magma was resulted from the partial melting of Meso-proterozoic meta-igneous rock in middle crust, which implies that the Fozichong ore field has same Precambrian basement as the adjacent Yunkai blok.The Fozichong ore field maybe the part of Yunkai block.The monzogranitic porphyry was induced by the subduction of Pacific Ocean plate to Euro-Asia plate. Besides, Hesan and Longwan ore deposits are skarn-type related to monzogranitic porphyry and carbonate rock. The Guyi deposit belongs to hydrothermal-type related to marble and the‘green rock',a kind of skarn too.The monzogranitic porphyry is not only the ore-forming materials source but also the dynamic source of ore-forming process, composing a typical metallogenic system from skarn-type to hydrothermal-type.
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Characteristics and Formation of the Cambrian Dolomite in Middle-South Sichuan Basin, China
Liu Lihong, Du Xiaodi, Xu Shouli, Wen Huaguo
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  775-784.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703111
Abstract ( 633 )   PDF (1668KB) ( 555 )  
The Cambrian strata in Sichuan basin are thick up to 1 000 m, and composed, from bottom to top, of mud shale, silty mudstone, calcite dolomite and dolomite. The major favorable reservoir is the dolomite in the Middle-Upper Cambrian Xixiangchi Formation. On basis of comparison of the Cambrian dolomite in middle-south Sichuan basin with those in Feixianguan-Changxing Formation in NE Sichuan basin and Ordovician system in Tahe oilfield, the analysis results of trace element, rare earth element and isotope of C, O, Sr have been involved to discuss characteristics and formation mechanism of the Cambrian dolomite in middle-south Sichuan basin. The research shows that the Cambrian dolomite in study area has relative high Fe and Mn content, with average content of 6 502.9×10-6 and 468.3×10-6, respectively. It also has relative low Sr Content, δ13C andδ18O, with average of 74.0×10-6, -2.38‰(VPDB) and -7.74‰(VPDB), respectively. It's concluded that the carbonate in middle-south Sichuan basin experienced the fresh water leaching. The diagenesis can be penecontemporaneous dolomization or mixing water dolomization.
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Paleoelevation Reconstruction of Southwestern Tianshan Using Detrital Low-Temperature Thermochronology
Ding Ruxin, Liang Shiyou, He Jiangqi
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  785-792.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703112
Abstract ( 528 )   PDF (1361KB) ( 421 )  
At present, paleoelevation reconstructiion of the orogenic belt is mainly based on low-temperature thermochronology of samples collected within the orogenic belt. In this paper, a method is proposed to recover the average height change rate of the orogenic belt by using the low-temperature chronology of the detrital grains, which provides a new way for the restoration of orogenic paleo-terrain. It means that the large-scale and regional average exhumation rate can be calculated through the detrital single grain ages located in intramontane basin or piedmont, and then the average ancient height change rate of the erosion area can be calculated by the isostatic correction. In this paper, the calculation results are, by using the published 339 detrital grain ages of fission track, that the exhumation rate of 6-8 Ma (age peak) of southwestern Tianshan was 0.74-0.60 km/Ma, and the average ancient height change rate was 0.15 to 0.23 km/Ma and 0.12 to 0.19 km/Ma (decreasing rate). This conclusion indicates that the southwestern Tianshan has experienced a rapid exhumation since 6-8 Ma ago, in the case of without considering the structural uplift and other factors, and the average paleo-height has decreased rapidly 1 000-1 500 m since 8 Ma ago.
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The Reliability of the Natural Remanet Magnetization Recorded Since the Last Interglacial in Luochuan Loess
Han Peng, Zhai Yunfeng, Li Cange, Zhang Yun, Yang Huihui, Jin Chunsheng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  793-806.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703113
Abstract ( 711 )   PDF (1785KB) ( 327 )  
The study of the paleomagnetic reversal and excursion events is not only one of the important methods to study the geodynamics, but also can ensure the framework of the paleomagnetic timescale more accurate. In this study, high resolution and multi-sets of parallel samples were collected in the Luochuan loess section. By detailed rock magnetism and paleomagnetic analysis, it can be conclude thatthe main magnetic carrier of L1, S1 in the Luochuan loess section is magnetite, and the hematite may also carry stable characteristic remanence in few samples. The Blake excursion event have been identified in the lower part of S1with an age of about (123±2) ka. Six subsets of parallel samples at 1 092~1 240 cm in S1 have also been measured. The paleomagnetic results show that the Luochuan loess might record the Blake excursion event,but the morphology within the polarity excursion is rather questionable. The Mono Lake and Laschamp geomagnetic excursion events have not been identified in L1. There are 3 samples at 175 cm can record an obvious geomagnetic anomaly. It can be considered that the geomagnetic anomaly can be compared with Hilina Pali/Tianchi geomagnetic excursion. In addition, the fact that one polarity event displays different morphology recorded in different regions in Chinese Loess Plateau may be caused by such several factors, as millennial scale depositional break in loess, low loess deposition rate, geographical location of different loess sections. Moreover, the reason why parallel samples from one section display different morphology may be lower relatively ancient magnetic field intensity which could reduce the alignment of magnetic carriers along the ancient geomagnetic field while dust deposition.
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Evolution Law of the Properties of Saline Soil in Western Jilin Province Under Multi Field Effect
Wang Qing, Liu Yufeng, Liu Shouwei, Zhang Xudong, Peng Wei, Li Chaoyue, Xu Xinchuan, Fan Jianhua
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  807-817.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703201
Abstract ( 516 )   PDF (1702KB) ( 710 )  
Under the coupling effect of temperature field, moisture field and artificial canals, the structure of soil can be easily changed by the heat transport and water migration process, which leads to regional ecological imbalance and secondary salinization. Four typical salinized areas including Nong'an, Da'an, Qian'an and Zhenlai were selected as long-term monitoring and evaluation areas. Under the multi-field condition, saline soils with different cover strata were collected and investigated in the field. The engineering geological properties, physico chemical properties and composition of studied soil were tested and monitored. The results showed that the saline soil in western Jilin belonged to carbonate saline soil, and the amount of water migration was about 3.5%-4.6%. Salt content generally decreased with increasing depth, and the distribution of water and salt in the profile obviously was affected by season. The effect of evaporation in dry season and soil freezing caused salt to move up with the water, and a large amount of salt gathered at the soil surface. With the increasing depth, the cation exchange capacity presented the same trend as salt content.
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Settlement Characteristics of Composite Foundation Reinforced by Flexible Piles with Lateral Restraint
Wu Youping, Zhang Keneng, Liu Jie, He Jie
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  818-825.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703202
Abstract ( 506 )   PDF (1501KB) ( 206 )  
Lateral restraint technique can effectively reduce the ground settlement during the treatment practice of soft soil foundation. Based on the characteristics of road engineering and engineering properties of soft soil, the effect of lateral restraint (pile) on the settlement of composite foundation reinforced by flexible pile (rammed soil-cement pile) was studied by means of model experiment and numerical simulation. Furthermore, the changing patterns of pile and soil settlement with the loading level were analyzed, and the influence of soil modulus and pile spacing on foundation settlement was discussed taking the lateral restraint condition into consideration. The results revealed that when lateral restraint piles were applied to the composite foundation reinforced by flexible pile, the pile spacing of 2d (d is pile diameter) and 3d both reduced the pile settlement effectively if soil compression modulus was low; as the soil compression modulus increased, the settlement reducing effects decreased when pile spacing was 3d, and it increased when pile spacing was 2d, while the settlement reducing effects can hardly be observed when pile spacing was 4d. However, as the piles spacing was 2d and 3d, the reducing effect to soil settlement decreased first and then increased; when pile spacing of 4d was applied, the reduced amount of the settlement was around 4%-5%. Therefore, a reasonable setting of lateral restraint pile was required for effectively restricting the lateral extrusion of soft soil, and consequently reducing the settlement of composite foundation.
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Hazard Assessment of Collapse and Landslide Induced by Tianchi Volcano in Changbai Mountain Area Based on Simplified Newmark Displacement Model
Qin Shengwu, Ma Zhongjun, Liu Xu, Li Guangjie, Peng Shuaiying, Chen Junjun, Zhai Jianjian
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  826-838.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703203
Abstract ( 633 )   PDF (1877KB) ( 605 )  
Volcanic eruption would induce a large number of secondary disasters including collapses and landslides which may lead to severe damage to people and property. The loss caused by these secondary disasters is even more than that caused by the volcano activity. Since 2002, the seismic activity of Tianchi volcano in Changbai Mountains has been abnormal, indicating the changing of the magma in the volcanic area and the eruption possibility of Tianchi volcano. Zoning of seismic collapse and landslides hazard is an effective method to reduce the loss of life and property. Volcanic earthquake was considered to be an inducing factor to collapse and landslide disasters. Seismic parameters were determined on the basis of volcanic earthquakes. Taking topographic amplification effect into consideration, simplified Newmark displacement model was used to landslide hazard zonation. The results showed that the seismic parameter did not affect the result of hazard zoning of landslide by setting different earthquake magnitude in Newmark displacement model. Hazard zoning map was divided into five risk levels, such as very high, high, medium, low, and very low. The calculation results indicated that the areas with very high hazard level were mainly distributed in three regions: the region which took Tianchi as the center and the radius is 40 km, the band area including Yanjiang Town, Liangjiang Town and Songjiang Town, and the area along the coast of the Yalu River in Changbai County.
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Experimental Study on Porosity Characteristics of Loess Under Freezing-Thawing Cycle
Zhang Ze, Zhou Hong, Qin Qi, Bing Hui, Wu Junjie, Zhou Panfeng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  839-847.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703204
Abstract ( 540 )   PDF (1485KB) ( 742 )  
Shaanxi Fuping remolded loess was taken as the studied object. Mercury instrusion porosimetry was used to research the porosity characteristics of loess after different freezing-thawing cycles to get the changing rule of the distribution of loess porosity. Test results showed that rearrangement of the soil particles occurred under freezing-thawing cycle, and pore structure changed. At the same time, the number of pores with small size (especially pores of 0.01-0.10 μm) gradually decreased, and the number of pores with large size (especially pores of 5.00-10.00 μm) increased. During the first 10 cycles, the change in pore size distribution was unstable, and with the increase in freezing-thawing cycles, it became clearly. Porosity increased with the increasing freezing-thawing cycles, and reached its peak value after only 8 freezing-thawing cycles, and then it decreased and became stable after 50 cycles. Finally, according to test results and pore fractal dimension, the inhomogeneity and complexity of pore were decreased by the freezing-thawing cycle.
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Inverse Multiphase Flow Simulation Using Ensemble Kalman Filter: Application to a 2D Sandbox Experiment of DNAPL Migration
Kang Xueyuan, Shi Xiaoqing, Shi Liangsheng, Wu Jichun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  848-859.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703205
Abstract ( 542 )   PDF (1513KB) ( 778 )  
The migration behavior and distribution of dense non-aqueous phase liquid(DNAPL)in subsurface are greatly influenced by geological heterogeneity. To fully understand the DNAPL source-zone architecture, parameter estimation is needed to characterize the permeability heterogeneity in multiphase flow simulation. The data assimilation method based on ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is applied to solve this parameter estimation problem. The performances of EnKF are investigated and compared by applying EnKF to a real-world and a synthetic DNAPL infiltration experiment in a two-dimensional laboratory-scale sandbox. The factors to control the performance of data assimilation in multiphase flow are also discussed. The results showed that the EnKF method can effectively estimate multiphase model parameters via DNAPL saturation observations. With the increased sampling density in spatial and time scale, EnKF exhibits a promotion of computational accuracy. Especially, EnKF method can produce satisfactory estimation when increasing the spatial sampling density in the high DNAPL-saturation region.
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Calculation of Precipitation Infiltration Recharge Based on Land-Use Type
Zhang Shiyue, Shu Longcang, Min Xing, Hu Huijie, Zou Zhike
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  860-867.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703206
Abstract ( 841 )   PDF (1366KB) ( 935 )  
Factors that affect the recharge from precipitation infiltration into groundwater are complex, mainly land use types, precipitation, the thickness and lithology of aeration zone and so on. With the development of remote sensing image interpretation technology, people can identify the type of land use more accurately, so as to calculate the precipitation infiltration rate more accurately and know its spatial distribution more precisely. With the consideration of all these influencing factors, this paper presents a precipitation infiltration rate calculation method based on land use type, combining with GIS and VBA. The application of the PIRCL method in Guanghua basin shows that the annual average precipitation infiltration rate of this region is about 143.69 million m3. This result is close to the result calculated by using the water balance method, and the relative error is about 2.4%; Moreover, the calculated spatial distribution of precipitation infiltration rate is basically reasonable. Comparing with the water balance calculation method, the calculation of precipitation infiltration rate by the PIRCL method only needs regional remote sensing data, regional precipitation data, dynamic variation of groundwater level and regional hydrogeological parameters in the calculation time period, and you don't need to calculate the other recharge and discharge items of groundwater. It may save a lot of work and is convenient to be implemented by programming.
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Adsorption Mechanism of Aerobic Granular Sludge to Organic Pollutants
Song Zhiwei, Li Ting, Yi Hongyun, Qiu Jie, Zhang Di, Chen Danfeng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  868-873.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703207
Abstract ( 553 )   PDF (1242KB) ( 477 )  
In order to explore the adsorption mechanisms of aerobic granular sludge to organic pollutants, the initial adsorption of aerobic granular sludge to organic pollutants was studied using the model of dynamic adsorption. The differences of adsorption efficiency between living and non-living aerobic granular sludge were also studied using the model of static adsorption. The adsorption the rmodynamic parameters and the infrared spectrums of the aerobic granular sludge before and after adsorption were analyzed. The results indicate that the removal efficiency during the initial adsorption is obvious, and which can reach 60.19% in 30 minutes adsorbing. The adsorption of aerobic granular sludge to organic pollutants is a process of spontaneous with endothermic and entropy increasing, in which the physical adsorption plays a primary role with a supplement of biological and chemical adsorption.
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De-Noising of Magnetotelluric Signal in the Ore Concentration Area Based on Combination Filter
Cai Jianhua, Xiao Xiao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  874-883.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703301
Abstract ( 448 )   PDF (1747KB) ( 567 )  
Aiming at the problem that the magnetotelluric signal in the ore concentration is affected by the environmental noise and the human noise pollution, a combinatorial method based on the EMD and mathematical morphology filter is described for filtering of MT time-series. The principle and steps of the method are given, and the de-noising effect of this method is evaluated. Comparing with wavelet transform, the simulation test results proved the reliability of this method, and the field measurement data of a certain mine area is processed. The results show that the combined filtering method makes full use of the multi-scale decomposition and reconfigurable characteristic of EMD and the advantages of mathematical morphology filter. While filtering out the noise, the useful information is retained as much as possible for the MT signal. After de-noising, the variance of the response curve is reduced to 1/2, which provides a guarantee for the correct data processing and geological interpretation.
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AVA/AVF Characteristic Analysis of Fluid-Containing Thin-Bed in Time-Lapse Seismic
Yao Zhen'an, Sun Chengyu
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  884-898.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703302
Abstract ( 485 )   PDF (2047KB) ( 645 )  
With the rapid development of seismic exploration, it is more and more important to explore reflection reflected mechanism of thin interbeds. In order to acquire the frequency characteristic of thin bed reflection and realize its changing feature in time lapse seismic, on the one hand, the authors discussed the AVA/AVF characteristic of fluid-containing thin bed based on elastic wave theory, and carried numerical simulation experiment; on the other hand, the authors analyzed time shift characteristics of fluid-containing thin bed based on the equivalent medium theory with the actual logging data. As it is shown that the amplitude responses associated with bed-thinning is equivalent to that associated with an increase in dominant frequency. With the increase of thickness, the reflection of thin bed experiences greater fluctuations. The frequency characteristic of a thin bed extends to higher frequency with increasing of incident angle. In the water flooding extraction process of thin layer reservoir, with increasing of the water saturation, the frequency characteristic of P wave reflection extends to higher frequency, whereas that of P-SV wave reflection remains about the same.
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A New Method for Predicting Permeability Based on Modified Kozeny-Carmen Equation
Zhang Hengrong, He Shenglin, Wu Jinbo, Wu Yixiong, Liang Yunan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  899-906.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703303
Abstract ( 871 )   PDF (1503KB) ( 1109 )  
In the calculation of reservoir permeability of complex pore structure, it is very difficult to accurately evaluate the permeability. To solve this problem, this paper presents a new method to improve the calculation of permeability based on the Kozeny-Carmen equation by introducing the modified tortuosity factor. Firstly, the Kozeny-Carmen equation is modified by adding the tortuosity factor, which can be expressed as a function of porosity and electrical parameters; then the modified Kozeny-Carmen equation is deduced and transformed to get the new flow unit index for better reservoir classification; finally, a model of core premeability and log curve of coring and logging section using adaptive neural fuzzy inference system, and this model is applied to the non-coring section in permeability evaluation. The correctness and effectiveness of the method is verified by comparing the permeability of the core and the predicted permeability, and the accuracy of the permeability calculation is much higher than both that of the conventional porosity exponential method and the flow unit classification method. This method has good effects in the gas reservoir evaluation of Yinggehai basin east in western South China Sea.
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Land Cover Classification Method Based on Multi-Temporal Satellite Images: Taking Western Jilin Region as an Example
Li Xiaodong, Jiang Qigang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  907-915.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703304
Abstract ( 441 )   PDF (1346KB) ( 392 )  
With the rapid development of 3S (remote sensing (RS), geographical information system (GIS), global positioning system (GPS)) technology, the satellite image data used for monitoring the surface vegetation cover is vast. Western Jilin region was selected as the experimental zone. Using various functions, the land cover classification scheme was proposed to quickly and accurately extract the land cover information in the test area based on multi-temporal satellite images, coupled with the main classified variables including the seasonal variation information of vegetation, the water information and the land use information. Furthermore, the extracted data were statistically analyzed to verify the feasibility and rationality of the method. Finally, the results are as follows: 1) The way combined these classification features for extracting land cover type effectively improved the overall classification accuracy. Especially, the introduction of the changed information, including the seasonal variation of vegetation cover and the land-use and land-cover information, could significantly improve the classification accuracy of land cover; 2) The overall classification accuracy of the algorithm was 95.5%, the Kappa coefficient of classification was 95.04%.
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A Spatio-Temporal Process Expression Model for Land Cover Based on Process Object
Li Yinchao, Li Jiansong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  916-924.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703305
Abstract ( 429 )   PDF (1522KB) ( 422 )  
Spatio-temporal (ST) process expression is the basis of ST data analysis, pattern mining and other ST research hotspots. This paper presents a model of ST process expression based on processes objects, and describes methods of detection and management for ST process, in the point of view of land use/cover change (LUCC) ST data analysis and change pattern mining. Land cover patches are taken as ST objects in the model. The self-changes of a single patch and transformations between patches are expressed in the form of the ST process of the ST objects. We can express a wider range of ST changes by grouping ST processes of patches, so that the model can connect the patches changes to landscape pattern changes. This model can be used in areal geographic entity ST evolution simulation and change pattern mining. To verify the validity of the model, land cover data of Heilongjiang Daxing'anling area is used for case study, including ST process object creation, data retrieval and analysis.
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Uncertainty Analysis of Geological Boundaries in 3D Cross-Section Based on Monte Carlo Simulation
Hou Weisheng, Yang Qiaochu, Yang Liang, Cui Chanjie
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  925-932.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703306
Abstract ( 553 )   PDF (1424KB) ( 394 )  
Geological boundaries in 3D cross-sections are important data for constructing 3D geological models, and their uncertainties will affect the geometry and attributes distribution in final models. The approaches based on the assumption of single error distribution for uncertainty analysis cover up other characteristics caused by other different error distributions. To break the single error distribution assumptions, based on the Monte Carlo simulation method, this paper simulated the sampling acquisition with different error probability distributions and spatial uncertainty of geological boundaries in 3D geological cross-section. Based on the coupling relationship between spatial position and geological attributes, a term of "geological attribute probability" was proposed to quantitatively visualize uncertainty of geological boundaries. Combined with concrete geological cross-section, this paper discussed the spatial uncertainty distribution of geological boundaries that followed multiple error probability distribution functions. The concrete example shows that the presented approach can overcome the defects of single error distribution assumption. Combined with the geological attribute probability, the approach can also reveal the coupling relationship between inner uncertainties existed in modeling input data and feature shape of models.
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Regional Metallogenic Geo-Bodies 3D Modeling and Mineral Resource Assessment Based on Geologic Map Cut Cross-Sections: A Case Study of Manganese Deposits in Southwestern Guangxi, China
Zhang Baoyi, Yang Li, Chen Xiaoyang, Deng Hao, Mao Xiancheng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2017, 47 (3):  933-948.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201703307
Abstract ( 513 )   PDF (2481KB) ( 730 )  
The 2D quantitative mineral prediction based on the study of metallogenic laws and the analysis of metallogenic conditions cannot precisely deseribe the 3D spatial distribution of ore bearing strata, and results in the unreliability of prediction. Aiming at the real 3D geosciences analysis needs of the prediction and evaluation of mineral resources, taking planar geological map and geological cross-sections as the data source of 3D geological modeling, a wire frame modeling method is presented to reconstruct 3D surface of geological bodies according to profiles on cross-sections and planar map, and applied to describe the 3D spatial distribution of manganese geological bodies in southwestern Guangxi. Meanwhile, in order to analyze the 3D spatial distribution of manganese ore resources, the 3D geological space of the study area is divided into continuous field by regular voxels, and the 3D spatial distribution of manganese ore resources in the manganese bearing strata from 1 000 meters to the shallow is obtained on the basis of the regional manganese metallogenic 2D quantitative prediction results. The manganese ore resources in the study area are mainly concentrated in Upper Devonian (mainly in the Wuzhishan Group), 50 360 kiloton, and in the Beisi group of Lower Triassic, 34 470 kiloton, while the resource in the Datang Group of Lower Carboniferous is only 5 660 kiloton, which was over-estimated in the 2D prediction. The 3D geological modeling improves the reliability of the quantitative prediction of the manganese ore, and better reflects the controlling effect of the manganese bearing strata on the distribution of manganese ore.
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