Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (8): 1842-1849.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb20210170

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Particle swarm optimization algorithm based on kinship selection

Ren-chu GUAN1(),Bao-run HE1,Yan-chun LIANG1,2,Xiao-hu SHI1()   

  1. 1.College of Computer Science and Technology,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China
    2.Computer Science and Technology Department,Zhuhai College of Jilin University,Zhuhai 519041,China
  • Received:2021-03-05 Online:2022-08-01 Published:2022-08-12
  • Contact: Xiao-hu SHI;


Aiming at the problem that the traditional particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm has premature convergence and unable to find the global optimal solution in solving the optimization problem, a particle swarm optimization algorithm based on kinship selection is proposed, which improves the global search ability of the algorithm. In addition, the communication mechanism of multiple populations and the elimination mechanism between each subpopulation are introduced, which effectively avoids individuals falling into the local optimum in the process of optimization. In the experiment part, the single objective optimization function set is compared with the traditional particle swarm optimization algorithm and the results of some competitive algorithms. obvious advantages; then, the new algorithm is applied to the optimization problem of truss dome, and compared with the traditional particle swarm optimization algorithm, a feasible solution to this practical problem is obtained.

Key words: optimization problem, swarm intelligence, particle swarm optimization, kinship selection, dome optimization

CLC Number: 

  • TP39


Flowchart of Kin-PSO"

Table 1

100-digit challenge test functions"

1切比雪夫多项式拟合问题19[-8192, 8192]
8扩展的 Schaffer's F6 函数110[-100,100]
9Happy Cat 函数110[-100,100]

Table 2

Scores on 100-digit challenge experiment"


Table 3

Detail results of experiment"



Top view of dome under initial condition"


Side view of dome under initial condition"


Convergence curves of four algorithms in engineering experiments"

Table 4

Results of engineering example"


Table 5

Parameter table of engineering example"



Top view of dome under stress"


Side view of dome under stress"

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