Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (1): 226-233.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb20210510

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Visual relationship detection method based on construction scene

Jun-jie WANG(),Yuan-jun NONG,Li-te ZHANG,Pei-chen ZHAI   

  1. School of Engineering,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China
  • Received:2021-06-04 Online:2023-01-01 Published:2023-07-23


The non-compliant interaction between workers, construction machinery and construction appliances in the construction site is an important cause of safety accidents. Therefore, a visual relationship detection method based on construction scene is proposed. Firstly, convolution neural network is used to build entity detection and relationship detection branches to extract entity features and relationship features in construction scene. Secondly, visual module, semantic module and space module are constructed to learn the extracted features, so that the network can fully perceive and understand visual information, semantic information and spatial information. Finally, a graphical contrastive loss function is designed to improve the visual relationship detection performance. The experimental results on the self-made construction relationship detection data set show that the proposed method achieves the R@20, R@50, R@100 recall rate of 75.89%, 77.64% and 78.93%. The proposed method has good visual relationship detection performance, and can accurately detect the objects and their interactions in the construction scene.

Key words: computer application technology, visual relationship detection, construction scene, convolutional neural network, scene graph, image understanding

CLC Number: 

  • TP319.4


Network structure of construction relationship detection model"


Entity feature and relation feature extracted by entity and relation detection branch"

Table 1

Number of images, entity targets and their interaction in different construction scenes"










工人拿钻机150workerholdelectric drill
工人在脚手架上155workerstand onscaffold

Table 2

Visual relationship detection results of different methods"

方 法R@20/%R@50/%R@100/%


Visual relationship detection results of construction scene"

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