Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (10): 2886-2896.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20220124

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Meso-scale numerical simulation of interfacial bond behavior of corroded RC beams based on connector element

Li-zhao DAI(),Liang ZHOU,Xiao-wen YANG,Lei WANG()   

  1. School of Civil Engineering,Changsha University of Science and Technology,Changsha 410114,China
  • Received:2022-01-26 Online:2023-10-01 Published:2023-12-13
  • Contact: Lei WANG;


A three-dimensional meso-scale numerical model of corroded reinforced concrete(RC) beams was established by random aggregate model in the present study, and the connector element was used to capture the changes of interaction at the interface during loading. The rationality of the model was verified by experimental data. The interfacial bond-slip distribution and deformation coordination coefficient of corroded RC beams during the loading process were analyzed, and the effect of bond degradation on bearing capacity was discussed. Results show that the connector element can describe the bond stress and relative slip at the interface during the loading process, which is an effective method for simulating the interface behavior between corroded steel and concrete. The maximum bond stress at the interface decreases with increasing corrosion loss, a 30% of corrosion loss leads to a decrease of 71% in the maximum bond stress at the ultimate load. Corrosion can accelerate the relative slip at the interface of corroded RC beams, and the relative slip at the interface moves from the loading point position to the shear-flexure section. The ultimate deformation coordination coefficient at the interface decreases with the increase of corrosion loss. When the corrosion loss reaches 30%, the ultimate deformation coordination coefficient is 0.479, and the bearing capacity decreases by 55%.

Key words: structural engineering, corroded RC beams, bond-slip, deformation coordination coefficient, meso-scale numerical simulation

CLC Number: 

  • TU375.1


Three-dimensional meso-scale numerical model of RC beams"


Damage-fracture constitutive model of concrete"


Interface bond-slip constitutive model"


Connector element interface constraint behavior"


Damage response of connector element"

Table 1

Microscopic composition of concrete and mechanical parameters of steel materials"

参 数骨 料砂 浆ITZ主 筋箍筋及架立筋


Simulation parameter verification and failure mode comparison"


Comparison of load-displacement curves between simulation and experiment"


Bond stress distribution and crack propagation"


Relative slip at interface between steel and concrete"


Deformation of Connector element and steel stress at interface"


Interfacial deformation coordination coefficientof corroded RC members under loading"


Fitting curve of ultimate deformation coordination coefficient"


Flexural strength of RC beams with differentcorrosion degrees"

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