吉林大学学报(工学版) ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (9): 2732-2740.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20211187

• 农业工程·仿生工程 • 上一篇    



  1. 1.电子科技大学 机械与电气工程学院,成都 611731
    2.电子科技大学 长三角研究院(湖州),浙江 湖州 313099
  • 收稿日期:2021-11-14 出版日期:2023-09-01 发布日期:2023-10-09
  • 通讯作者: 汪忠来 E-mail:201821040136@std.uestc.edu.cn;wzhonglai@uestc.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:郑皓(1996-),男,博士研究生.研究方向:仿生扑翼微型飞行器轨迹规划、结构设计.E-mail:201821040136@std.uestc.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Dynamic obstacle avoidance strategy for flapping⁃wing micro air vehicles

Hao ZHENG1(),Li-jun YU1,Peng-peng ZHI1,2,Zhong-lai WANG1,2()   

  1. 1.School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 611731,China
    2.Yangtze Delta Region Institute (Huzhou),University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Huzhou 313099,China
  • Received:2021-11-14 Online:2023-09-01 Published:2023-10-09
  • Contact: Zhong-lai WANG E-mail:201821040136@std.uestc.edu.cn;wzhonglai@uestc.edu.cn



关键词: 扑翼微型飞行器, 代价模型, 避障策略, 动态规划


Aiming at the dynamic obstacle avoidance problem during the flying process of the Flapping-wing Micro Air Vehicle (FWMAV), a novel obstacle avoidance scheduling strategy integrating the global path planning and the locally dynamic path planning is proposed in this paper. The static comprehensive cost model is first built by considering both the performance constraints of the FWMAV and its threat constraints during the flight environment. Based on the static cost model, a time-varying collision constraint between the FWMAV and dynamic obstacles is defined and then the dynamic comprehensive cost model for the local obstacle avoidance is established. The improved ant colony algorithm is proposed for the obstacle avoidance scheduling strategy optimization. The results show that the proposed method can effectively handle the dynamic obstacle avoidance scheduling problem of the FWMAV under the known map and improve the dynamic obstacle avoidance scheduling strategy under the dynamic obstacles; meanwhile the improved ant colony algorithm can promote the efficiency of the dynamic path optimization to ensure the real-time requirement of the obstacle avoidance control of the FWMAV.

Key words: flapping-wing micro air vehicle, cost model, obstacle avoidance strategy, dynamic path planning


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