吉林大学学报(工学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (4): 1058-1064.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20221356
• 交通运输工程·土木工程 • 上一篇
1 | Huang H, Li M, Zhang W, et al. Seismic behavior of a friction-type artificial plastic hinge for the precast beam–column connection[J]. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 22(4): 1-20. |
2 | 罗烈,陈庆烈,宋晓滨. 层板胶合木梁柱钢填板-螺栓连接节点横纹受力性能试验研究[J]. 建筑结构学报,2019,40(9):28-36. |
Luo Lie, Chen Qing-lie, Song Xiao-bin. Experimental study on mechanical behavior of bolted glulam beam-to-column connections with slotted-in steel plates loaded perpendicular to grain[J]. Journal of Building Structures,2019, 40(9): 28-36. | |
3 | 李慎,姚丹,郭宏超,等.带顶底L型件的装配式梁柱节点试验研究[J].地震工程与工程振动,2020,40(5):148-158. |
Li Shen, Yao Dan, Guo Hong-chao,et al.Experimental study on assembled joint with top and seat L-shaped parts connections[J]. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,2020, 40(5): 148-158. | |
4 | Hoult R. A computationally-effective method for rapidly determining the seismic structural response of high-rise buildings with a limited number of sensors [J]. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2021, 20(9): 4395-4417. |
5 | Li Z, Cui Y, Song K, et al. The shearing performance of a beam-column joint in a reinforced concrete frame subjected to bidirectional loading[J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2019,22(15): 3176-3189. |
6 | Zhao H, Tao M X, Ding R. Experimental study on seismic behaviour of composite frames with wide floor slabs considering the effect of floor loads[J]. Engineering Structures, 2020, 220(8): No.111024. |
7 | 王元清,乔学良,贾连光,等.单调加载下不锈钢结构梁柱栓焊混用节点承载性能分析[J].工程力学,2019,36():59-65. |
Wang Yuan-qing, Qiao Xue-liang, Jia Lian-guang,et al. Experimental research and fem anlysis on behavior of beam-column connections made of stainless-steel [J]. Engineering Mechanics,2019, 36(Sup.1): 59-65. | |
8 | 谭杰,舒兴平,张再华.新型榫卯钢结构梁柱边节点承载力试验及有限元分析[J].建筑结构,2021,51(2):50-56. |
Tan Jie, Shu Xing-ping, Zhang Zai-hua.Bearing capacity test and finite element analysis of beam-column edge joints of new tenon-mortise steel structure[J]. Building Structure, 2021, 51(2): 50-56. | |
9 | Pan J, Wang Z, Wang P. Experimental and numerical research on the multi-stage seismic failure modes of steel frame with end-plate connection[J]. Structures, 2021, 33(10): 3495-3514. |
10 | Yang H, Tang L, Chen Y, et al. Experimental study and theoretical analysis on mechanical behavior of timber-concrete composite beam-to-column joints[J]. Journal of Building Structures, 2020, 42(1):113-124. |
11 | Jiang Z Q, Yang X F, Dou C,et al. Seismic performance of prefabricated corrugated web beam-column joint with replaceable cover plates[J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2019, 22(5): 1161-1174. |
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13 | Zhang Y, Jia H, Li Y, et al. Experiments on cyclic performance of external diaphragm joints between cfdst columns and steel beams[J]. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2020, 18(8): 3843-3861. |
14 | Zhang Xi-zhi, Hao Jia-shu, Duan Dong-chao, et al. Experimental study on bolted and anchored beam-to-column joints of prefabricated concrete frames[J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2019, 23(2): 374-387. |
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