Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (11): 2582-2591.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb20210390

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Construction and robustness analysis of urban weighted subway⁃bus composite network

Heng-yan PAN1(),Wen-hui ZHANG2,Bao-yu HU2,Zun-yan LIU2,Yong-gang WANG1(),Xiao ZHANG3   

  1. 1.College of Transportation Engineering,Chang'an University,Xi'an 710064,China
    2.School of Traffic and Transportation,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,China
    3.Shanghai Urban Construction Design & Research Institute(Group) Co. ,Ltd. ,Shanghai 200125,China
  • Received:2021-04-30 Online:2022-11-01 Published:2022-11-16
  • Contact: Yong-gang WANG;


Based on the complex network theory, considering the actual operation characteristics of subway and public transportation, a weighted composite network is constructed, and two new robustness evaluation indexes, "travel success rate" and " detour coefficient", are proposed, as well as two new attack methods, "A" and "B", which were more closer to the reality. Through simulation experiments, the changes in the evaluation indexes (network efficiency, maximum connectivity subgraph rate, detour coefficient, and travel success rate) of the composite weighted network under three attack models with two types of attack strategies, namely, deliberate attack and random attack, were analyzed, and the robustness characteristics of the composite weighted network against the above three attack models were also analyzed under deliberate attack and random attack, respectively. The results showed that under deliberate attacks, the robustness of the composite network against the new attack modes A and B were higher than that of the traditional attack mode in terms of detour accessibility, and the robustness of the composite network against the new attack mode A was higher than that against the traditional attack mode and the new mode B with respect to the travel success rate. The robustness of the composite network to the three attack modes under random attacks, in terms of bypassing coefficient, showed alternating robustness. And the robustness to the three was: new attack mode A>new attack mode B>traditional attack mode when it came to the travel success rate.

Key words: engineering of communications and transportation system, complex network theory, Weighted composite network, deliberate attack, random attack, robustness

CLC Number: 

  • U491


Construction of bus-subway no weighted compound topology network"


Weighted composite network topology"


Distributions of node degree and node weighted compound degree"


Characteristics statistics of node degree"


Characteristics statistics of node clustering coefficients"


Original network and post-attack network"


Attack mode"


Simulation test process of robustness"


Variation of robustness metrics under traditional attack mode"


Variation of robustness metrics under new attack mode A"


Variation of robustness metrics under new attack mode B"


Variation of robustness metrics under deliberate attack condition"


Variation of robustness metrics under random attack condition"

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