Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (9): 2542-2553.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20211260

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Stress⁃strain characteristics of geogrid reinforced rubber sand mixtures

Fang-cheng LIU1(),Jiang WANG1,Meng-tao WU2,Guo-bin BU1(),Jie HE1   

  1. 1.College of Civil Engineering,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou 412007,China
    2.School of Civil Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China
  • Received:2021-08-20 Online:2023-09-01 Published:2023-10-09
  • Contact: Guo-bin BU;


Based on the static triaxial shear test, the stress-strain characteristics, the modulus attenuation properties, and the normalized stress-strain behavior of reinforcing rubber sand mixtures were analyzed. Five kinds of rubber content (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%), four kinds of geogrid reinforcing patterns (lateral arrangement with no layer/one layer/two layers/three layers), and three kinds of confining pressure(50 kPa、100 kPa、200 kPa) were taken into account in tests. Results indicate that ①The geogrid reinforcement makes stress-strain curves of rubber sand mixture raised obviously, and the hardening characteristics of the reinforced specimens are enhanced. ②The stress-strain behavior of the rubber sand mixture could be simulated well by the extended Duncan-chang hyperbola model, and the model parameters are evaluated with rubber content in the rubber sand mixture. With the increase of rubber content, the initial modulus of the rubber sand mixture decreases, and the attenuation parameters can quantitatively reflect the degree of modulus attenuation. The attenuation degree of rubber sand mixture increases for geogrid reinforcing cases lateral arrangement with three layers/no layer/two layers/one layer, but the overall difference is insignificant. ③With the use of geogrid reinforced, the reference strain of the rubber sand is increased while the index of the stress-strain model is decreased. To illustrate, the degree of nonlinearity of the normalized stress-strain curve of the modulus is weakened. With the increase of the geogrid-reinforced density and rubber content, the reinforcement effect of geogrid on the stress-strain characteristics of rubber sand is more significant.

Key words: geotechnical engineering, rubber sand mixture, geogrid reinforcement, triaxial shear tests, stress-strain relationship, geo-reinforcement effects

CLC Number: 

  • TU411.3

Table 1

Physical properties of tested materials"


Table 2

Technical parameters of glass fiber geogrid"



Grading curves of rubber and sand particles"


Arrangement of geogrids in RSM samples"

Table 3

Mass densities of RSM with different rubber contents"











Test materials"


Tested and fitted curves of the deviatoric stress-axial strain relations of RSM with RC=0% (Pure Sand)"


Tested and fitted curves of the deviatoric stress-axial strain relations of RSM with RC=10%"


Tested and fitted curves of the deviatoric stress-axial strain relations of RSM with RC=20%"


Tested and fitted curves of the deviatoric stress-axial strain relations of RSM with RC=30%"


Tested and fitted curves of the deviatoric stress-axial strain relations of RSM with RC=40%"

Table 4

Values of failure stress and fitted parameters of stress-strain relationship of geogrid reinforced RSM"



Comparing the stress-strain parameters of RSM tested in this paper to those in published papers"


Variation of the initial elastic modulus of RSM with rubber mass content"


Variation of the initial elastic modulus of RSM with rubber mass content"

Table 5

Fitting values of attenuation parameterof initial modulus of RSM"



Variation of reference strain and with rubber mass content"


Variation of α with rubber mass content"


Geogrid reinforcing effects on the initial elastic modulus of RSM"


Geogrid reinforcing effects on the reference strain of RSM"


Geogrid reinforcing effects on the stress-strain parameter α of RSM"

Table 6

Fitted values of slope coefficient between reinforcement effects coefficient andreinforcement density"



Variation of Geogrid reinforcing effects on reference"


Illustration of variation of stress-strain relationships with reference strain εr andparameter α respectively"

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