Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (9): 2423-2431.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20221424

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Working performance of vertical screw stirring mill based on discrete element method

Peng-shu XIE(),Da CUI(),Guo-qiang WANG,Kai LI   

  1. School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,Jilin University,Changchun 130022,China
  • Received:2022-11-10 Online:2024-09-01 Published:2024-10-28
  • Contact: Da CUI;


The main structure and characteristic parameters affecting the working performance of vertical screw stirring mill were analyzed and studied, and the selection method of key working parameters was proposed. Based on the discrete element method, the simulation model of vertical screw stirring mill was established, and the effects of spindle speed, agitator lead and grinding medium size distribution on grinding performance were analyzed. The comprehensive grinding performance index was put forward, orthogonal tests were carried out for each parameter, and the quantitative value of grinding effect was obtained, and then the optimal working parameter combination under specific weight coefficient was obtained, which provided a reference method for the optimal design of the mill.

Key words: vertical screw stirring mill, grinding performance, discrete element, operating parameters, orthogonal test

CLC Number: 

  • TD453

Table 1

Model size"

筒体内径/mm3 288螺旋个数/mm2
搅拌器直径/mm2 500导程/mm2 000
叶片厚度/mm100搅拌叶片高度/mm4 000

Table 2

Material properties"



Schematic diagram of velocity distribution of grinding media"


Pressure distribution diagram"


Distribution of agitator wear"


Change of power and torque with speed"


Change of vertical force and wear of agitator with rotating speed"


Variation of total kinetic energy and average vertical velocity of grinding medium with rotating speed"


Variation of average normal and tangential impact forces of grinding media with rotating speed"


Torque and power change with grinding medium size"


Change of force and wear of agitator with size of grinding medium"


Variation of total kinetic energy of grinding media and average rising speed of central zone with size of grinding media"


Average normal and tangential impact forces of grinding media changing with the size of grinding media"


Power and torque variation with lead"


Change of vertical force and wear of agitator with lead"


Variation of total kinetic energy of grinding media and average vertical velocity in the central zone with lead"


Variation of average normal and tangential impact forces of grinding media with lead"

Table 3

Test factors and levels"

水平因 素
1181 50080
2242 00090
3302 500100
4363 00080~100(均匀分布)

Table 4

Test project"

1181 50080~100(均匀分布)
2182 000100
3182 50080
4183 00090
5241 500100
6242 00080~100(均匀分布)
7242 50090
8243 00080
9301 50080
10302 00090
11302 50080~100(均匀分布)
12303 000100
13361 50090
14362 00080
15362 500100
16363 00080~100(均匀分布)

Table 5

Test results"

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