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Journal of Jilin University Science Edition
ISSN 1671-5489
CN 22-1340/O
主 任:韩啸
编 辑:赵立芹 王健 单凝 李琦
电 话:0431-88499428
地 址:长春市南湖大路5372号

Table of Content
26 July 2010, Volume 07 Issue 4
Fifth-Order Finite Volume Element Methods forTwo-Point Boundary Value Problems
WANG Shuai, ZUO Beng, LI Yong-Hai
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  521-528. 
Abstract ( 1354 )   PDF (436KB) ( 350 )  

A fifth-order finite volume element scheme was constructed for twopoint boundary value problems, in which trial and test spaces were chosen as the fifth-order finite element space and the piecewise quadratic function space respectively. The optimal convergence rates in H1 and L2 norm were proved, and the superconvergence of the scheme was obtained. The numerical examples confirm the theoretical results.

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Implicit Fitting of Scattered Data UsingRadial Hermite Basis Functions
DU Xin-Wei, YANG Xiao-Yang, LIANG Yang
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  529-532. 
Abstract ( 1012 )   PDF (378KB) ( 409 )  

The present paper presents a new method for fitting given scattered data set. The new method does require neither the solution of linear sys
tems of equations nor additional interior and exterior points, only requires normal vectors. Given 3D scattered data and associated normal vectors, the new method produces an implicit volume model whose zero level isosurface interpolates the given points and associated normal vectors.

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Existence of Positive Solutions for Integral Boundary Value Problems of Second Order Differential Equations
XIAO Hu, LIU Ti-Beng, CHEN Jian-Ming
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  533-538. 
Abstract ( 1331 )   PDF (318KB) ( 328 )  

We studied the existence of multiple positive solutions for the nonlocal boundary value problems of a type of nonlinear second order differential equations with integral boundary conditions. By means of fixedpoint theorem in double cones, the existence of, at least, two positive solutions to the boundary value problem is obtained under the condition of nonlinear term to be allowed to change sign.

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Existence of Positive Solutions of Periodic Boundary Value Problemsfor Second Order IntegroDifferential Equations
ZHOU Yuan-Yuan, LIU Wen-Bin
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  539-544. 
Abstract ( 1583 )   PDF (317KB) ( 382 )  

The authors studied the existence of single and multipe positive solutions to the periodic boundary value problems (PBVP) of a class of second order integrodifferential equations:u″(t)+a2u(t)=f(t,u,(Su)(t)),t∈[0,2π],u(0)=u(2π),u′(0)=u′(2π)where S is a Fredholm integral operator. By constructing Green’s function and using fixed point theorem on cone, we proved a group of conditions to gaurantee the existence and multiplicity of positive periodic solutions.

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Optimal Control for Age-Dependent PredatorPrey-Population Dynamics with Diffusion
TUN Xiu-Lan, FU Jun
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  545-550. 
Abstract ( 1795 )   PDF (350KB) ( 303 )  

The authors discussed the optimal control for age-dependent predatorprey-population dynamics with diffusion, proved the existence of the optimal control by Mazur’s theorem and gave the optimal condition.

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Application of Schauder’s Fixed Point Theorem to (k,n-k)Conjugate Boundary Value Problem
WANG Li-Ying, HU Xiao-Jie
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  551-556. 
Abstract ( 1182 )   PDF (330KB) ( 303 )  

New results on the existence of positive solutions for singular higher differential equations with (k,n-k) conjugate boundary value problem。

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Existence of BV Solutions for a Quasilinear Hyperbolic Equation with Presure Terms
BAO Jin-Feng, YUAN Hong-Jun
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  557-561. 
Abstract ( 1694 )   PDF (386KB) ( 372 )  

The existence of BV  solutions was discussed for a quasilinear hyperbolic equation with presure terms. We firstly considered its regularized problem. With the aid of a series of critical analysis and by a limit process, we obtained the existence and the uniform BV estimates of solutions for the regularized problem.  The existence of BV solutions for the original problem was also obtained.

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Existence of Global Solutions for a Class of Biological Population Competition System
KE Yuan-Yuan, LIU Shi-Qiu, LI Ying-Hua
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  562-566. 
Abstract ( 1166 )   PDF (339KB) ( 432 )  

The energy estimation method was used to investigate the existence of the global solutions for a class of competition system (strongly coupled preypredator model) in high dimension space. This class of competition system involves (self) diffusion and crossdiffusion, and the crossdiffusion is of the form v/(1+ul).

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Existence and Regularity of Nonnegative Solution of SingularQuasilinear Anisotropic Elliptic Boundary Value Problem
XU Zhong-Hai, ZHENG Jia-Shan, FENG Zhen-Guo
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  567-573. 
Abstract ( 875 )   PDF (395KB) ( 364 )  

The authors  considered the singular quasilinear anisotropic elliptic boundary value problem。

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(α,β)-Biderivations on Nest Algebras
TU Wei-Yan, ZHANG Jian-Hua
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  574-578. 
Abstract ( 1215 )   PDF (273KB) ( 460 )  

Let N be a nest of a complex separable Hilbert space H and τ(N) be a nest algebra associated with N. Using the theory of functional identity, the authors have prove
d that every (α,β)biderivation on τ(N) is of the formΔ(U,V)=A[U,V]T-1 for all U,V∈τ(N) if dim 0+≠1 or dim H-≠1.

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Classification of Linear Jacobi Structures on
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  579-582. 
Abstract ( 1009 )   PDF (365KB) ( 340 )  

Using the method in Poisson geometry, the author proved that a linear Jacobi structure corresponds to a linear Poisson structure and a 1-cocycle. Thus, by the classification of linear Poisson structures on R3,  the classification of linear Jacobi structures on R3 is obtained after computing the first cohomology.

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Characterizations and Properties of Semaphore Codes
HU Hua-Bi, DIAO Beng, HU Sai-Gui, YANG Mei
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  583-587. 
Abstract ( 1109 )   PDF (303KB) ( 321 )  

Let X* be the free monoid on the alphabet set X, and the concept of a transversal of the language diagram Γ(X*) is introduced. On the basis of  the relation between the transversal of language diagram Γ(X*) and maximal prefix code, i.e., a prefix code A is maximal if and only if A be a transversal of language diagram Γ(X*), some characterizations and properties of semaphore codes are given.

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Involutions with Fixed Point Set P(2m,2m)∪P(2m,2m+1)
DING Yan-Hong, DIAO Pan, LI Ri-Cheng
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  588-594. 
Abstract ( 1302 )   PDF (371KB) ( 277 )  

Let (M,T) be a smooth closed manifold with a smooth involution T whose fixed point set is F={x(|T(x)=x,) x∈M}, then Fis the disjoint union of smooth closed submanifold of M. It has been proved that whenF=P(2m,2m)∪P(2m,2m+1)(m≥3), (M,T) doesn’t exist except in the following two cases:  (1) w(λ1)=(1+a+b)2m+2, w(λ2)=(1+c+d)2m+1; (2) w(λ1)=(1+a)(1+a+b), w(λ2)=1+c+d, 其中: λ→F=λ1→P(2m,2m)∪λ2→P(2m,2m+1) is the normal bundle to F  in M, and λ→F is not bordant to λa∈H1(P(2m,2m);Z2), b∈H2(P(2m,2m);Z2), c∈H1(P(2m,2m+1);Z2), d∈H2(P(2m,2m+1);Z2) are the generators.

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HilbertType Integral Inequality with Two Parameters
FU Xiang-Gong, HE Bing
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  595-599. 
Abstract ( 1238 )   PDF (261KB) ( 390 )  

By means of introducing two independent parameters and a pair of conjugate exponens and estimating the weight functions, we established a Hilberttype integral inequality and the equivalent form with the best constant factor.

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Consistency of Quasimaximum Likelihood Estimatorsin INGARCH Model
BO Bao-Guo, LIN Yi-Qi
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  600-604. 
Abstract ( 1251 )   PDF (322KB) ( 576 )  

The problems of parameter estimation in the INGARCH model were studied by making use of a method of quasimaximum likelihood. Strong consistency of the estimators was proved. When the number of the sample is comparatively large, the simulation study shows that the quasimaximum likelihood estimators perform more better than the maximum likelihood estimators.

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Solution of Completely Singular IntegralDifferential Equationwith Convolution Nucleus
SUN Feng-Qi
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  605-608. 
Abstract ( 1379 )   PDF (264KB) ( 369 )  

The present paper deals with a class of completely singular integraldifferential equations with convolution nucleus. The original equation will be converted into a singular integral equation  and further into a Riemann boundary value problem on an infinite straight line,  and then the solution conditions and the explicit of general solution
are obtained in {0}.

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Bivariate Lagrange Interpolation of Minimal Degree
WANG Xiao-Ying, ZHANG Shu-Gong, DONG Tian, LI Dong-Mei
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  609-611. 
Abstract ( 834 )   PDF (293KB) ( 397 )  

With constructive algebraic geometric tools, the authors have verified that a Lower set S associated with a Cartesian subset of an arbitrary 2-dimensional node set P must be contained in two special Lower sets Sx(P) and Sy(P), and proposed a criterion for judging whether the polynomial space determined by Sx(P) or Sy(P) is an interpolation space of minimal degree for the Lagrange interpolation on P.

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Oscillation of SecondOrder Neutral Delay Differential Equationswith Distributed Deviating Argument
LI Feng-Song, ZHANG Xue-Yan
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  612-616. 
Abstract ( 978 )   PDF (315KB) ( 425 )  

The oscillation of second\|order neutral delay differential equations with distributed deviating argument, a class of new functions Φ(t,s,l) and the function cl
ass F, we relaxed the restriction on function f, namely, when f does not satisfy the following conditions: there exists M>0, such that (f(±uv))≥Mf(u)f(v), uv>0, and hence established some new oscillation criteria for secondorder neutral equations with distributed deviating argument. An example was given to illustrate the results.

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Background Modeling and Visual Tracking ApproachBased on Object Locating
ZHANG Bo, SHEN Xuan-Jing
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  617-623. 
Abstract ( 1017 )   PDF (1194KB) ( 321 )  

A new background modeling approach based on object locating is presented in this paper. The method separates the foreground pixels and background pixels preliminary via predicting the location of moving object in video sequences, and then constructs the background model. It effectively overcomes the mixing of background pixels and foreground object in timeaveraging method. Experimental results show that the proposed approach could detect and track the moving object without storing the background model in advance. It makes up for the deficiencies in background subtraction method which needs background model before hand and is lack of adaptation to background changes.

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Using Line Sorting Bayesian Structure Learning Algorithmto Get Gene Regulatory Network
LIU Yu-Hao, LIU Gui-Xia, SU Lan-Ying, ZHENG Shan-Gong, WANG Han, ZHOU Chun-Guang-
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  624-630. 
Abstract ( 1216 )   PDF (637KB) ( 310 )  

This paper presents a new Bayesian network structure learning algorithm based on the idea of a fusion of multiple datasets. This algorithm can reconstruct the network with the help of existing Bayesian network structure learning algorithm, which can deal with the problem effectively that different datasets can’t be merged simply. With the microarray datasets of the Cerevisiae yeast cycle under different conditions, the algorithm can increase the correct rate by about 12%. Experimental results show that this algorithm canimprove the accuracy effectively even if there is few microarray data but too many genes.

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An Automatic Parallelization Method for Tight Nested LoopsBased on Computation Decomposition by Workload
YAN Zhao, LIU Lei
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  631-635. 
Abstract ( 824 )   PDF (461KB) ( 308 )  

The authors proposed an automatic parallelization method on tight nested loops  that is running on multicore system. The method can be used to solve two problems according to the physical characteristics of multicore processors,  one is  data locality existing in data decomposition and the other is computation decomposition based on workload, and brought forward how to compute the workload of loop iteration that can be run in parallel. According to the size of  workload, we can determine the granularity of parallel loops so as  to reduce the parallel overhead brought by the parallel iteration of small workload. An automaticparallelization model based on workload can be constructed based on this method.

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IAA for Constraint Model Multisolution Problem
YUAN Hua, LI Wen-Hui, CHANG Xin
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  636-640. 
Abstract ( 977 )   PDF (446KB) ( 364 )  

Immune Ant Algorithm(IAA) is proposed for preventing ACO from premature convergence and improving the precision of local optimization algorithm to develop ant operators with immunity based on the basic principles of artificial immune systems. The immune ant operators will create better balance between exploration and exploitation by keeping the diversity of ant colony, maintaining the intensification in the later iteration phase, and improving the precision of local optimization algorithm. The algorithm has both good optimization capability and time capability.

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Human Skeleton Modeling Based on Chain Codes
GU Cheng-Cheng, HU Xiang-Chi, ZHOU Chun-Guang, SUN Cai-Tang, ZHANG Li-Biao
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  641-645. 
Abstract ( 1037 )   PDF (606KB) ( 357 )  

Human skeleton model based on chain codes and curvature is proposed. First morphology is used to extract human skeleton, which is simplified and whose endpoints are obtained via the neighbor points. The biforked points are gotten by tracking the skeleton which is demonstrated by chain codes. The corner point is obtained via the curvature from the chain codes of the upper limb. The human skeleton model is build up by connecting the relevant points in order to convey the effective information of the moving upper limb. Experiments show that the proposed method gains a high accuracy of searching corner points, and has a good modeling effect.

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An Ontology Evolution Approach Based onEvolution Cost Constrain
ZHOU Xu, LUO Jing-Wen, ZHOU Dong, LIU Lei
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  646-653. 
Abstract ( 1017 )   PDF (616KB) ( 251 )  

The authors presented two concepts  additional atomychange and the cost of ontology evolution, classified the ontology entities based on their influence on different functions and services, and derived the formula for calculating the cost of evolution via quantitative analysis on the influence. In order to reduce the cost of ontology evolution and to adapt the complicate environment for ontology evolution, a group of evolution operation strategies were given. Finally the COST algorithm was put forward to decrease the cost and to limit the search space so as to accelerate evolution process.

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Article Exchange Model and Its Algorithm
XU Lian-Jiang, TUN Chun-Guo, GUO Li-Jiang, LIANG Yan-Chun, YANG Xin-Shuo
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  653-657. 
Abstract ( 1107 )   PDF (461KB) ( 267 )  

A new combinatorial optimization model, named  article exchange model (AEM), is proposed that is extracted from the daily article exchange actions among multiparticipators, and the corresponding algorithm to solve AEM is presented successively. The proposed combinatorial model can be used to deal with a kind of shortest tour problems in noncomplete graph. The effectiveness and efficiency were verified by the numerical experiments with dimensions up to millions.

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Hybird Method Based on RBFNN and PSO for Solving LinearVolterra Integral Equations of the Second Kind
GUO Xin-Chen, Tun-Xi, CHEN Shu-Kun, TUN Chun-Guo
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  658-661. 
Abstract ( 1256 )   PDF (302KB) ( 393 )  

This paper presents a hybrid method based on radial basis function neural networks (RBFNN) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algori
thm for solving the linear integral equations of the second kind of Volterra. Firstly, the integral interval is discretized into a point set. And the discretized points in the set are substituted into the equation to obtain equations. RBFNN is applied to approximating the unknown function of equations, and the solved problem can be turned into optimum problem which is solved by PSO algorithm for the advantage of PSO. Therefore, the parameters of neural networks, namely, the approximate solution, are found. Finally, numerical experiments are performed and the results show that our method is feasible.

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Fermi Resonance and Solvent Effects
JIANG Xiu-Lan, Yang-Guang, SUN Cheng-Lin, LI Tie-Long, LI Dong-Fei, LI Zuo-Wei
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  662-665. 
Abstract ( 1294 )   PDF (481KB) ( 397 )  

The authors investigated  the variation law of Fermi resonance  in both pure liquid and  solution at different pressures, analyzed and discussed the essence of solvent effects. Fermi resonance rule according to solvent effects was studied by means of the method of solvent variation and the method of concentration variation.

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p-Type Li-N Dual Doped ZnO Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering
LIU Li, GUO Xiu-Zhi, DIAO Ting-Ting-
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  667-671. 
Abstract ( 1068 )   PDF (464KB) ( 326 )  

The Li\|N dual doped ZnO (ZnO∶(Li,N)) thin films prepared on quartz substrates by means of RF magnetron sputtering with Li3N as dopant source and Ar/O2 with diffetent molar ratio  as sputtering gas. The as\|grown films were annealed in vacuum for 30 min at 600 ℃. The results show when n(Ar)∶n(O2)=60, the stable p\|type ZnO∶(Li,N) thin film was obtained. XRD result shows that the film exhibits high preferential orientation in c\|axis direction. The p\|type conductivity results from the defect of substitutional Zn at O site (LiZn) via the analysis of temperature\|dependent PL,  and the optical acceptor level of the  LiZn  was calculated to be 131.6 meV  above the valence band maximum. The effects of the growth ambience on conductivity type, crystal structure and low temperature PL were studied.

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Mesoscopic Representation on |Patterns of Ca2+ Signals in Single Heart Cell Based on |Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscope
BAI Yong-Jiang, SHU Xing
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  672-675. 
Abstract ( 870 )   PDF (729KB) ( 359 )  

The signals of calcium ions in single rat heart cell were studied by means of  a total internal reflection fluorescence microscope  made by the theory of near-field optics. The results show  that Ca2+ signals can be detected clearly under the illumination of evanescence which only penetrated cell about 100 nm.  Ca2+ signals in single  heart cell show Ca2+ sparks, Ca2+ target waves, Ca2+ plane waves and Ca2+ spiral waves, and these forms interact to  each other. Further more,   single heart cells show strong excitability under calcium\|induced calcium release mechanism.

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Mossbauer Spectroscopy of 10Ni and 18Ni Maraging Steels on the Stages of Ageing
WANG Ling, YU Bo, HUANG Yang-??20Liu-Mi-Lan, Yin-Zhong-Da, HU Xin
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  676-679. 
Abstract ( 1057 )   PDF (366KB) ( 321 )  

 Stages of ageing mechanism of 10Ni and 18Ni maraging steels were studied by means of Mssbauer spectroscopy of 10Ni and 18Ni maraging steels. The results show that  Fe\|Co\|rich and Fe-Ni-Mo-rich regions existed in the steels. Mo atom migrated rapidly at the initial stages of ageing. The paramagnetic intermetallic compounds were observed in the 10Ni maraging steel after ageing  for 30 min,  and  in the 18Ni maraging steel after ageing for  15 min. From the change in hyperfine field, the bond probability of Fe atom with the nearest Co atom increases with increasing the ageing time.

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Dynamical Behavior and |Numerical Simulation of Three Model Lorenz System
HONG Jing-Xian, WANG He-Yuan
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  680-682. 
Abstract ( 940 )   PDF (285KB) ( 343 )  

The authors studied the dynamical behavior and the numerical simulation of three\|model Lorenz system, and proved  the existence of attractor, and discussed the global stability of the system. The dynamical behavior was simulated numerically  with the changing of parameter.

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Fingerprints with Hierarchical Cluster Analysis forEase Pill by Gas Chromatography
LIANG Yue, WEI Shi-Gang, RU Xin, XU Ai-Min, SHI Yu-Hua
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  683-688. 
Abstract ( 1493 )   PDF (572KB) ( 341 )  

The volatile components in Ease Pill from 10 manufacturers were extracted by hydrodistillation and detected by gas chromatography (GC).GC fingerprints were established and analyzed by the method of hierarchical cluster analysis, by which the discrimination of the samples from different manufacturers was achieved. The optimized extraction parameters were distilling 11 h, a ratio of drug to water of 1 ∶〖KG-*3〗15, soaking 10 h  and n octadecane was chosen as the internal standard substance. The results of hierarchical cluster analysis show that there are discriminations among gas chromatography common peaks areas of Ease Pill from different manufacturers, which indicates the standard in medicine production should be improved.

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A Simple and Efficient Method for DNA Extraction fromAncient Animal Dried Skin
CA Da-Wei, XU Hui-Xin, DIAO Xin, HAN Lu, ZHOU Hui
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  689-693. 
Abstract ( 951 )   PDF (646KB) ( 391 )  

DNA was successfully extracted from dried cattle skin which was recovered from Xiaohe cemetery, Xinjiang and dated back to 4 000 years ago via QIAamp-DNA Mini Kit. PCR amplification and sequence of mitochondrial D-loop fragment were carried out to evaluate the effect of this method. The results show that the extracted DNA was authentic and reliable.Therefore, this method is simple and efficient to use and is suitable for DNA extraction from ancient dried animal skin.

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Construction of cDNA Library from Apothecium of Sclerotiniasclerotiorum Identification of SsMADS Gene by EST Sequencing
LIU Jin-Liang, GUO Yan-Mei, ZHENG Meng, ZHANG Shi-Hong, BO Hong-Yu
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  694-698. 
Abstract ( 816 )   PDF (675KB) ( 316 )  

Using total RNA from the apothecium of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a fulllength cDNA library was constructed by SMART(Switch Mechan
ism at 5′end of RNA Transcript) technology. According to the evaluation, the constructed library had a high titer of 4.11×105 and 97.3% recombinant percentage. 1 800 ESTs from the library were sequenced and compared with the sequences in the GenBank database. By the homologous analysis of 844 unigenes, 602 clones appeared to be completely unknown and were likely to represent newly described ge
nes, whereas 242 clones were identified based on matches to sequences in the database. These identified clones were categorized into three categories: 78 in biological process, 97 in molecular function, 67 in cellular component. In  97 molecular functional clones, a SsMADS gene was obtained which shared high identities with MADSbox and related to sexual reproduction of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.

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Metabolic Flux Analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae underSalt Stress Conditions
LI Meng-Da, CHEN Xia, HAN Dan, MO Xin-Ying, DIAO Chang-Xin
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  699-703. 
Abstract ( 797 )   PDF (533KB) ( 427 )  

A method to calculate the metabolic flux of Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolism was studied under salt stress conditions. The result shows that under salt stress, the contents of trehalose, glycerol, ethanol and lactate were increased by 24.44%, 60.89%, 23.32% and 26.76%, respectively, the contents of citrate, succinate and fumarate were decreased by 82.11%, 50.37% and 53.33%, respectively. The metabolic flux analysis indicates that the metabolic product flux of each branch channel in EMP was raised at the culture condition of the salt stress, in contrast, each metabolic flux of TCA cycle was reduced.

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Determination of Elements in HanJin Dynasty inXinjiang Area Human Hair by ICP-AES
ZHANG Quan-Chao, WANG Wei, SHU Hong, JIN Hai-Yan
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  704-706. 
Abstract ( 866 )   PDF (343KB) ( 381 )  

The trace elements in HanJin Dynasty human hair from Xinjiang area were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spec
troscopy(ICP-AES). The effects of various concentrations of acid solution on analysis results, the interaction of coexisted elements, standard addition recovery, and precision of the method were investigated. Zn,Ca,Cu,Mg,Fe and Mn could be determined simultaneously under the optimum conditions. The recoveries of the elements by the method were in a range of 87.0%~1064%, while RSD were in a range of 0.5%~3.3%. The method is simple, rapid, precise and convenient to operate. The results would be helpful for the researches in archaeology.

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Comparative Studies on Effects of Different Dosages of Hydroxyapatite on Species Transformation Characreristics ofHeavy Metals in the Sediments
WANG Xiao-Li, DU Xian-Yuan, WANG Ting, LIU Jian-Lin, LI Yu
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  707-712. 
Abstract ( 920 )   PDF (430KB) ( 275 )  

Effects of different dosages of hydroxyapatite on the immobilization of heavy metals were studied via investigating the species distribution of heavy metals in the metalspiked sediments. The results indicate that the percentage of the heavy metals existed as residues was almost invariable, but the mass percentages of Pb,Cd and Zn tending to transform from exchangeable phase to other phases, as well as the mass percentage of Cu tending to transform from carbonate phase to other phases increased along with the increasing of applied hydroxyapatite. The percentage of Pb existed as exchangeable and carbonated phases obviously decreased with less effects on the percentages of Cd,Cu and Zn as the results of hydroxyapatite doped. 25.5%~36.1% of Pb existed as exchangeable and carbonated phases could transform to other relatively stable phases when
the ratio of P ∶M was 6.

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Adsorption of Organic Dyes onto LowGrade Diatomite
HUANG Hun, XUE Hong-Hai, ZHANG Ge-Shan, KAI Jian-Rong, ZHANG Zhen-Zhen, LV Jia-Jia, KANG Chun-Chi
J4. 2010, 07 (4):  713-717. 
Abstract ( 1245 )   PDF (503KB) ( 288 )  

The authors researched the performance of the lowgrade diatomite adsorbing two organic dyes(Basic Pink and Direct Green B) and the effects of adsorbing time, adsorbent concentration, temperature and pH on the adsorption of the two organic dyes onto the diatomite. Moreover, the adsorption isotherms of the dyes on the diatomite were investigated. The results show that the adsorption of Basic Pink and Direct Green B onto the diatomite is a quick process, and the pseudosecondorder model provides a very good fitting for it. The temperature has little effect on the adsorption, but the acidic situation favors the process. Both Freundlich and Langmuir model can describe the adsorption well. The maximum adsorption capacity of Basic Pink onto diatomite, calculated by Langmuir model, is 104.1 mg/g, and that of the Direct Green B’s is 14.98 mg/g.

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