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  1. 吉林大学 通信工程学院,长春 130022
  • 收稿日期:2006-02-14 修回日期:2006-09-07 出版日期:2007-01-01 发布日期:2007-01-01
  • 通讯作者: 李元春

Neurofuzzy compensation control for reconfigurable manipulator

Li Ying,Zhu Ming-chao,Li Yuan-chun   

  1. College of Communication Engineering,Jilin University,Changchun 130022,China
  • Received:2006-02-14 Revised:2006-09-07 Online:2007-01-01 Published:2007-01-01
  • Contact: Li Yuan-chun

摘要: 由于可重构机械臂的动力学系统中存在大量的不确定性,导致PID等传统的控制器无法实现
最后以RRP (Revolute-Revolute-Prismatic) 三连杆机械臂为例研究设计了可重构机械臂

关键词: 自动控制技术, 模糊神经补偿器, 牛顿欧拉算法, 几何形式, 可重构机械臂

Abstract: There are many uncertainties in real dynamic system of reconfigurable manipulator that make PID type or traditional control methods unable to realize accurate position control.Thus a neurofuzzy control scheme based on PD control of accurate model was developed to identify and compensate structured and unstructured uncertainties for reconfigurable manipulator.This neurofuzzy compensator infusing fuzzy and neural networks proved to be an effective compensation control strategy for the manipulator trajectory tracking.The dynamics was derived through geometric form NewtonEuler algorithm,and it is characterized by less computation complexity and universal on nlink dynamics equations than other modeling methods for reconfigurable manipulator system. A controller for a Revolute-Revolute-Prismatic(RRP) reconfigurable manipulator was designed and its effectiveness on tracking performance is validated by simulations.

Key words: automatic control technology, neurofuzzy compensator, NewtonEuler algorithm, geometric form, reconfigurable manipulator


  • TP273
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