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  1. 1.中国空间技术研究院513所,山东 烟台 264000;2.中国空间技术研
    究院,北京 100086;3.吉林大学 交通学院,长春 130022
  • 收稿日期:2006-01-05 修回日期:2006-09-02 出版日期:2007-01-01 发布日期:2007-01-01
  • 通讯作者: 王荣本

Image segmentation and recognition of lunar rover

Shi De-le1,Ye Pei-jian2,Jia Yang2,Wang Rong-ben3,Guo Lie3   

  1. 1.No.513 Institute of Chinese Space Technology Academy,Yantai
    264000,China;2.Chinese Space Technology Academy,Beijing 100086,China; 3.College of Transportation,Jilin University,Changchun 130022,China
  • Received:2006-01-05 Revised:2006-09-02 Online:2007-01-01 Published:2007-01-01
  • Contact: Wang Rong-ben

摘要: 针对月面巡视探测器的识别技术,通过彩色图像识别的办法解决了在月面环境存在较强阴影区域对月面巡视探测器识别带来的影响,进行了多种彩色图像分割方法的比较,提出了多通道彩色分量融合的图像分割方法,并用线性分类器的模式识别理论对其原理进行了分析,用形态学滤波方法对分

关键词: 航天器结构与设计, 月面巡视探测器, 定位, 识别, 图像分割, 多通道彩色分量融合

Abstract: In lunar exploration, the lunar rover should be recognized by the lunar lander, and the technique of lunar rover recognition from the lunar lander was studied. In order to eliminate the effect of the strong shadow in the lunar illumination condition on the rover recognition, the color segmentation method was used to perform the grey image processing. Based on the comparison of several color image segmentation algorithms, a technique of multichannel color threshold fusion was proposed, and its principle was analyzed by the mode recognition theory of linear classifier. The segmented image was filtered by the morphologic operator and the recognized region was labelled by the label algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed technique is robust and compatible with the varied illumination, can restrain the background noises, may be used in future lunar exploration. It makes the color segmentation simple and reliable and can also be generalized to common color segmentation application.

Key words: spacecraft structure and design, lunar rover, location, recognition, image segmentation, multichannel color threshold fusion


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