Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (11): 2718-2727.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb20210412

Previous Articles    

A driving decision⁃making approach based on multi⁃sensing and multi⁃constraints reward function

Zhong-li WANG(),Hao WANG,Yan SHEN,Bai-gen CAI   

  1. School of Electronic of Information Engineering,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China
  • Received:2021-05-10 Online:2022-11-01 Published:2022-11-16


Due to the complicated and volatile traffic scenes, deep learning-based approaches and most of the deep reinforcement learning approaches cannot satisfy the requirements of real applications. To address these issues, a reinforcement learning-based approach based on multi-sensing and multi-constraint reward function under SAC framework(MSMC-SAC) is proposed. The inputs of the method include front images and LiDAR data, as well as the bird's-eye view information generated from the perception results. The multiple information input is coded by an encoding network to obtain the representation in latent space, and the reconstructed information is used as the input for reinforcement learning module, and a reward function considering various constraints such as transverse-longitudinal error, heading, smoothness, and driving speed is designed. The performance of the proposed method in some typical traffic scenarios is simulated and verified with CARLA. The multi-constraint reward mechanism is analyzed. The simulation results show that the presented approach can generate the driving policies in many traffic scenarios, and the performance is outperformed against the existing SOTA methods.

Key words: vehicle engineering, deep reinforcement learning, driving policy, multi-reward function

CLC Number: 

  • U469.79


Bird's view representation"


Diagram of system structure"


Definition of vehicle attitude error based on VFG"


Plot of negative exponential error function"


Traffic map for training"


Raw input data under different traffic scenarios"


Results after reconstruction corresponding to input data in Fig.6"


Individual algorithm rewards using only raw sensor data"

Table 1

Algorithm mean variance using raw data"



Algorithm payoff curve under raw data and bird's eye view input"

Table 2

Raw data and algorithm return data under bird's eye view input"



Simulation results of DQN during curves"


Simulation results of DDPG"


Simulation results of TD3"


Simulation results of method in this paper in different scenarios"


Analysis of impact of constraint terms reyand rh"

Table 3

Algorithm return data under missing some rewards"

No_rey MSMC-SAC288.1113.1
No_rh MSMC-SAC103.8100.3
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