Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (5): 1482-1492.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20230666

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Design and experiment of biomimetic sliding plate for rice direct seeding machine based on loach body surface

Guo-zhong ZHANG1,2(),Kai-quan DING1,2,Zheng-bo LI1,2,Long CHEN1,2,Nan-rui TANG1,2,Wan-ru LIU1,2,Hai-dong HUANG1,2,Yong ZHOU1,2,Hong-chang WANG1,2()   

  1. 1.College of Engneering,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China
    2.Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment in Mid-lower Yangtze River,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Wuhan 430070,China
  • Received:2023-10-12 Online:2024-05-01 Published:2024-06-11
  • Contact: Hong-chang WANG;


In response to the problem of heavy adhesion and high resistance of the rice direct seeder skateboard in the disturbed and saturated paddy field, the non-smooth surface of the loach body was observed microscopically; Using Fluent software for simulation and analysis, the principle of reducing viscosity and resistance on the non-smooth surface has been revealed; The Box Behnken response surface method was used to design the experiment and obtain the regression equations of the total resistance FB of the non-smooth surface of the groove with the groove width w, groove depth h, and inflow velocity v. The optimization analysis results showed that the maximum drag reduction rate reached 10.052% when w was 4.5 mm, h was 4 mm, and v was 1.25 m/s; Based on the optimal parameters, a biomimetic sliding plate for rice direct seeding machine was designed, and indoor paddy soil tank experiments were conducted, with a drag reduction rate of 10.23% ultimately. This study can provide new ideas for the development of viscosity reduction and resistance reduction technology for paddy field soil contacting components.

Key words: agricultural mechanization engineering, loach biomimetic, non-smooth surface, paddy soil, reduce adhesion and resistance

CLC Number: 

  • S233.71


Rheometer test"


Computational domain model for biomimetic non-smooth surfaces"

Table 1

Single factor experimental arrangement"


Table 2

Test factor level coding"


Table 3

BBD test plan and results"










光滑表面 总阻力/N





Structural parameters of bionic non-smooth sliding plate model"


Bionic non-smooth sliding plate model test in paddy soil tank"


Surface characteristics of loach scales"


Microstructural characteristics of scales"


Rheological curves of paddy soil with 5 different moisture contents"

Table 4

Fitting results of BC segment H-B model for 5 soil samples with different moisture contents"






Velocity nephogram and streamline diagram"


Data analysis results"


Single factor test results"

Table 5

Regression model variance analysis"

模型31 016.1193 446.2311 694.84<0.000 1
w46.96146.96159.37<0.000 1
h26.09126.0988.540.000 2
v30 876.25130 876.251.05E+05<0.000 1
wh1.0911.093.70.112 2
wv1.7411.745.920.059 2
hv0.97810.9783.320.128 1
w230.46130.46103.360.000 2
h236.62136.62124.250.000 1
v20100.000 10.993 6
残差1.4750.294 7
失拟项1.4730.491 1
总计31 017.5814


Effect of interaction among factors on the total resistance of bionic non-smooth surfaces"

Table 6

Soil tank test results"

序号仿生非光滑滑板模型的运动阻力FB /N光滑滑板模型的运动阻力FS /N减阻率Dec/%
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