吉林大学学报(工学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (6): 1807-1820.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20220860

• 农业工程·仿生工程 • 上一篇    



  1. 1.华中农业大学 工学院,武汉 430070
    2.农业农村部 长江中下游农业装备重点实验室,武汉 430070
  • 收稿日期:2022-07-06 出版日期:2024-06-01 发布日期:2024-07-23
  • 作者简介:舒彩霞(1969-),女,副教授,硕士.研究方向:油菜机械化生产技术与装备.E-mail:shucaixia@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Design and experiment of diversion type double-cylinder cyclone separation system for rapeseed combine harvester

Cai-xia SHU1,2(),Jia YANG1,Qing-xi LIAO1,2,Xing-yu WAN1,Jia-cheng YUAN1   

  1. 1.College of Engineering,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China
    2.Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment in Mid-lower Yangtze River,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Wuhan 430070,China
  • Received:2022-07-06 Online:2024-06-01 Published:2024-07-23


针对油菜联合收获旋风分离清选装置损失率较高、清洁率有待提升的问题,研制了具有导流、二次沉降作用的导流式双筒旋风分离清选装置。通过分析计算确定了旋风分离筒结构参数,基于静力学和运动学分析了油菜籽粒在导流式旋风分离筒内部气流场中的迁移过程,建立了清选筒内油菜籽粒运动微分方程组,确定了外张型无轴螺旋叶片和二次沉降筒的结构参数范围,明确了影响旋风分离清选装置清选性能的主要因素,计算流体力学(CFD)和离散元法(DEM)耦合模型验证了所设计结构的合理性,并对导流式双筒旋风分离清选装置内部气流速度进行了验证。采用单因素试验与二次旋转正交组合试验研究了清选装置喂入量、抛扬机转速、吸杂风机转速对旋风分离清选装置清选性能的影响,并构建了油菜籽粒清洁率、损失率与清选装置喂入量、抛扬机转速、吸杂风机转速的回归方程,通过优化得出了最佳参数组合。试验结果表明:喂入量为0.6~1.0 kg/s,抛扬机转速为550~750 r/min,吸杂风机转速为1 400~1 800 r/min时,清选性能较好。最佳参数组合如下喂入量为0.71 kg/s、抛扬机转速为616 r/min、吸杂风机转速为1 667 r/min;田间试验表明:旋风分离清选装置清洁率为92.39%,损失率为4.80%。

关键词: 农业机械化工程, 油菜, 联合收获, 旋风分离, 螺旋导流, 二次沉降


To solve the problems of high loss rate and cleaning rate of cyclone separation cleaning device for rapeseed combine harvester. A double-cylinder type of cyclone separation cleaning device with functions of diversion and secondary settlement was developed. The structural parameters of the cyclone separator were analyzed and calculated. Based on statics and kinematics, the migration of rapeseed in the airflow field of the cyclone separator was analyzed, and the differential motion equations of rapeseed were established. The range of structural parameters of the flaring shaftless spiral blade and the secondary settling cylinder were determined. The main factors that affected the cleaning performance of the cyclone separator were clarified, and the structural rationality and the performance of the cyclone separator was verified based on a coupled model of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and discrete element method (DEM), and the internal airflow velocity of the guided twin tube cyclone separation and cleaning device was verified. The single factor experiment and quadratic rotation orthogonal combination experiment were conducted to study the effects of the feeding rate, the speed of the blower and the speed of the fan on the cleaning performance of the cyclone separation cleaning device. The regression equations between the cleaning rate, loss ratio and those factors was built. The results of the single factor experiments indicated that the performance of the cleaning device was better when the feeding rate was 0.6~1.0 kg/s, the speed of the blower was 550~750 r/min, and the speed of the fan was 1 400~1 800 r/min. The optimization results showed that the optimal parameters combination was the feeding rate 0.71 kg/s, the speed of the blower 616 r/min, and the speed of the fan 1 667 r/min. The results of the field experiment under the optimal parameters combination showed that the cleaning rate and loss ratio was 92.39% and 4.80%, respectively.

Key words: agricultural mechanical engineering, rape, combined harvest, cyclone separation, helical diversion, secondary settlement


  • S225.99





长×宽×高/(mm×mm×mm)5 000×2 300×2 800
割幅/mm2 000


























1.6821.007501 800
10.927091 712
00.806501 600
-10.685901 481
-1.6820.605501 400






模型204.77923.04<0.000 1**23.15910.310.000 6**
X158.91159.66<0.000 1**4.98119.960.001 2**
X20.6710.680.429 71.9917.98<0.018 0*
X377.01177.99<0.000 1**15.19160.91<0.000 1**
X1X21.9011.930.195 40.7012.820.124 3
X1X30.3410.350.567 90.08210.330.579 0
X2X32.7812.820.124 00.1410.570.466 2
X1257.01157.74<0.000 1**0.04610.190.676 0
X223.7713.810.079 40.000 7510.002 80.958 6
X329.0519.160.012 8*0.02210.0880.773 2
失拟8.0854.490.062 41.4451.370.370 3



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